I picked up two $1 bags of red potatoes na decided to deydrate them for dry storage as I an running out of room for my freezer storage and now my canning jar storage room. I am addicted to storing food in so many different ways like our Ancestors used to do! This just draws me closer to the old ways of preparing and storing the garden harvest as our past generations used to for survival. If you can understand that’it is just a bond that pulls me to the past ways of our families.
First you wash the red potatoes from all dirt. You may need a scrub brush if fresh from the garden.Mine were from a produce store so it was not too hard to get them cleaned up. Next you use the grater on the slicer side as you want circle cut potatoes. Slice 8 medium sized red potatoes and put ito a bowl of water that covers them.
Have a big pot of boiling water ready so that after you drain water off of potatoes’ you can drop into boiling water for 5 minutes only’ then pour into a strainer to drain and cool a little while. Now arrange as single file as you can on your dehydrator trays’ some overlapping is ok. Plugin and dry for 3 hours while rotating trays around one time. These have to be completely dry with no dampness anywhere.

Now store these in a gallon freezer baggie. I did two times of dehydrating for 16 potatoes total to fill this bag up. When I order myself some oxygen absorbers I will put a few in each gallon baggie and then store baggie in a tote so no critters can get in to them and these will last 30 years.
http://www.wisdomforpennies.com #Potatoes #Dehydrate #years
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