I do stand up for the brake bleeder as a terrific jar sealer for dried goods. But I have tried these eggs and they are rubbery tasting. The yolks just do not reconstitute back to a creamy texture. I do not even think it will work in baked goods.

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and sassy. Today has been an under the weather day for me so I am posting tonight instead of in the morning.
My second photo is of the quart jar with the canning lid sealer removed from it after using the brake bleeder to take all the air out of the jar. Yes, there is a bubble on top of the lid, but when I pushed it down with my thumb, it stayed down.
I paid about $25 for the brake bleeder online through Amazon and $13 for the regular cap to seal regular mouth jars. Later I will order the wide mouth cap sealer on back order as I did this one for both products.
I do have a moisture remover packet in the top of the jar and the brake bleeder removed all the oxygen from the jar so this should last for years to come as long as I re-seal the jar after opening it.
The brake bleeder comes in a kit with all different hoses and attachments, but all you need is what you see here in the photo. And there is no need to order an extra hose with the cap sealer as the brake bleeder comes with two. All the assembly it took me, was to really use a lot of force to put the hose on the bleeder gold nozzle and force the rubber nozzle into the other end of the hose. I did not need any other parts.
To use this cap sealer and brake bleeder, all you do is put you dehydrated very well and totally dry food in the jar. Wipe the jar rim well. Put the cap over the regular mouth canning seal and push down gently. You do have to hold the hose with the nozzle end firmly and vertical into the hole on the top of the white cap sealer and hand pump the brake until it stops moving. My gauge number was 14 to 20 for my numbers on all the jars I sealed with it.
Once up to the stopping point, there is a tiny little pin lever under the tip of the handle of the brake bleeder that you push. And then you remove it and white cap gently. Now test the seal by picking up the jar by the seal on the jar. If it holds you have done well. If not, do it again!
Please check out my archives for more info. on dehydrating the eggs and many more things if you wish to know.Thanks for stopping by and please share this blog for me so it will grow all over this world. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays so do please visit me again! Thanks from Connie B.
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