
Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

This is the finished results from October 8th, 2020. It will be in the monthly archives. It tastes really good, compared to store-bought!
Here go I again, as I want to fill up a gallon jug with apple cider vinegar. I think it will take about 3 times of doing this and this is the second time.
As I start patiently waiting for a month to go by. My apple cider vinegar sits under its homemade covering, waiting to be stirred patiently, every other day, So it stays within my site so it is not forgotten.

Oh, by the way, those lemons are waiting to become lemon drop jelly on this beautiful and cloudy North Florida day! I will post that one of these days. So please check out my monthly, October archives at the very bottom of my page for the apple cider vinegar recipe, if you are interested.

Thank you for visiting me for a while today and do, please share this blog and come back again as I post on all Sat-Tue and Thursdays. If you have the time, while you are already here, stay a while and read some more. Again thanks for stopping by.

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