Good day to everyone and I hope that your household is doing well. I am always praying for you all, each and every one.
I am not a Doctor of any kind. I just know what works for me and this syrup recipe works for me. If you go into the Drug Stores and find Sambuco, then you will be looking at this on the shelf for quite a hefty little price. So I make my own and have for quite a while now. And I will share my syrup recipe with you.
I find it is good for viral and bacterial infections along with sinus infections, but mainly for an immune booster, it is my go-to but know that I am not in the medical field in any kind of way, so make up your own mind and study on this if you wish to.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
On Etsy or Amazon is where I found my dried elderberries. You will need 1 cup of them.
Ginger Root in the grocery store. Buy a small piece like as big as your thumb as you only need a TBSP that is peeled and minced or finely chopped.
4 whole clove sticks and 1 tsp. of cinnamon or 1 stick.
3 cups of water and 1 cup of honey.
Put everything in a medium pot except for the honey.
Bring tp a boil and turn down to simmer for 45 minutes until the liquid is reduced by half.
Let cool down and strain the liquid through a strainer to remove clove sticks. Now add in the cup of honey and stir it up.
You are done now. This will keep in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 2 months. But I saved mine from last year by freezing it in ice cube trays and popping out and putting it in a freezer bag and freezing. Or almost freezing as the cloves keep it in a slushy form. I take out a small amount and keep it in my refrigerator.
The old recipe that I found last year said 1 TBSP for adults. But I take 2 TBSP. when I feel the least bit off. Just once and then I seem to feel better.
Thank you for visiting me and I hope you take a look at my recipe monthly archives while you are here, if you wish to. Please do come back as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturday. You are welcome to share with your friends and family and I hope that you will give them a link back to me. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com is my link.

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