Today I would like to give you a gift in the form of a tip for a very nice spiral and double brown sugar glazed fully cooked ham. It is an awesome ham. I have a recipe that used this very ham with pineapples and cherries covering it in my monthly recipe archives.
I am going to make this quick so that you can get to Walmart fast for this deal. Turkey is going at 48 cents a lb at this time also if you are not a ham fan. Spiral ham and all other hams also are $1 a lb. But this spiral ham is the bomb! I paid $9.34 for mine when at the regular price it would have been a $30 ham. So this is my gift to you. (A tip) for your family and you to enjoy!
Thanks for visiting and do come back soon as I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays. Connie B. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com
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