Hello, everyone on this North Florida’s, second rainy day. But, I love the rainy day! That was in a song from back yonder, somewhere.
I hope that your day is good, as I always try to make every day good. Because you never know when it, may be your last. So I don’t waste it.
Today is just a short post to show you what the air-fryer can do. And best of all, you set it and walk away while it cooks itself. You do come back at half-time to flip it over.
If you follow my blog, then you have seen my air-fryer, many times. As it is a camera loving selfie. It lives between the coffee pot and the food processor, along with the coffee bean grinder. All items that I simply could not live without them in my kitchen. You can see that I am a kitchen appliance type of girl.
So, you know that I love spending time in the kitchen!
I have found out that it is best to cover the bottom of the air-fryer basket with foil as it makes it a breeze to toss the foil and wash the basket in the dish-water.
I also found a tin type, hair-spray bottle at the Dollar Tree store to keep olive oil in to spray foods that require a spray. Price check these oil spraying bottles and you will see that I got mine for a bargain. I did not use the spray on the hash-browns as they already have enough oil in them.
I only plug the air-fryer into the wall socket, when I am using it, Just as a safety habit like my coffeepot also.
When I plug it in, it comes on and I push the start button it shows you the minute button so I set it to 14 minutes. It also shows 370 degrees, which I usually leave alone, as it does a wonderful job.
Now you just walk away for 7 minutes and come back and flip the hash-brows over. I use two spoons to flip each one over so they don’t break-up. And when the buzzer dings, they are ready for some salt and eggs, etc. etc.
I love my air-fryer and it saves me a lot of time from standing at the stove or even, turning on the oven for hot summer days, which will come soon enough.
Thank you for your visit and feel free to look through my recipes. Keep them if you wish and always share them with your friends. if you want! I will post again on Tue-Thur and Saturday if you want to visit again.
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