Dessert Fruit

My Homemade Pineapple Sorbet

#pineapple #nectar #homemade

Good morning everyone, coming from this North Florida, beautiful, blue sky day! I hope that you find beauty in this day too.

I just got back inside from my little, apartment garden, which has 8, very nice Rutger Tomato plants and 3 Crook Neck yellow squash seedlings that have just spread their pretty little leaves from under the ground to peek up towards the sun.

I had to put up a trellis that has 104 pieces for the squash to grow on, so they wouldn’t grow running down the street. I do miss the country life so much that I just have to bring some of it to the city!

I just miss having my 3 huge gardens of vegetables along with my old Mulberry tree-Fig Tree-Wild Blackberries. And most of all, my heavenly blue Morning Glories growing along a long hitching post.

And last but not least, my Honeysuckle Bush Vine that I had gotten a starting from the Suwannee River ditch in White Springs Florida. There were many baby mocking bird nests in that Honeysuckle trellis.

But, I am a City dweller now, so I must think of ways to bring the country to the city, as I am only allowed 5 plant pots for the front and 5 for the back of my apartment and three of those are fancy roses that I would just about die, without having those.

I am sorry to be taking you back into my previous years! But those were the days!

Recipe time, now, you ask? Yes it is time!

2 fresh whole pineapples that are ripe. When you can just easily pull out a leaf, then it is ripe.

1 c sugar and 1 c water

A pineapple corer is amazing and with it, you will never ever buy pineapple in the can again! They are sharp, so be careful!

Cut off top of pineapple about two inches down from the top. So the corer will fit nicely and you will be able to turn the handle twister and navigate the pineapple as you are trying to twist down in the very middle of the pineapple. Then just pull out the core.

Do, both pineapples and put into a large food processor, along with the sugar and water and blend up. Small processor, just do this in small amounts. Put this lovely smelling pineapple sorbet into a covered container, into the freezer.

Take out 15 minutes before serving. Once you get the aroma and taste of a fresh pineapple that is wafting through your house, you will be spoiled for life.

I do hope that you will try this and enjoy with friends and family! Connie B.


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