
Beanie Weenies

This beanie weenie recipe is for the kids. Need I, mention that I am still one of them!

Good morning Everybody, on this sunny North Florida day.

I hope that your day is fantastic! I know that mine will be!

This photo is a beautiful one that I have permission to use, as it almost goes along with my short little recipe for today. I love the photo, it fits my mind.

Ok, I said that this is for kiddies so leave off the pepper and throw in the chopped hotdogs for this recipe.

You will need 2 cans of pork-n-beans

1 pack of hotdogs

1/2 c of brown sugar

1/4 c ketchup

3 TBSP barbecue sauce

I like to fry the hotdogs in 2 TBSP of butter and then slice them up.

Add all the rest of the ingredients to a medium pot and then add in the hotdogs. Cook on high until it begins to simmer and turn down low and simmer for 15 minutes.

If you need a larger amount of beanie weenies then just add another pack of cooked hotdogs and another can of pork-n-beans into this recipe as you are cooking it.

I am 62 but I still get a craving for this recipe at times!

Thank you for your time today. I will post again on Tuesday and Saturday. Come back to visit me again, if you wish, and feel free to share all of my recipes with your good friends and families, if you want to.


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