If you want to save yourself some money, you could research this laser pen on Google to learn about it. And then you can purchase form Ebay or Amazon.
I am not feeling up to par so today will be short.
I use this to burn off skin tags and to use on warts also. You do need to hit the direct spot to burn and not the surrounding skin. Please do not use it near your eyes! I use this on a few at a time as the healing back up is extremely itchy and it makes me want to drag my fingernails across and scratch like crazy. So do not do but a few spots at a time.
Then I wait three days and do it again if needed. I am not a Dr. but I could
not afford to give my bank card over to the Dr,s office so that they could collect from me if Medicare did not pay them fast enough so I learned to do my own.
I am skin tag free because of this little tool! If you get one and have questions about how to assemble it, you can email me at connieb@wisdomforpennies.com
Hus and love from me to you!https://www.wisdomforpennies.com