Leftover roast beef with gravy to go over rice for lunch.
Good Morning All on this beautiful North Florida day with its Harvest Moon.
I hope that your day goes well and that your family and friends are doing well.
I am just popping in with a small meal deal that grows into two meals from one-pint jar of roast beef that I canned in 2020.
If you want the recipe for pressure canning roast beef, then look in my archives for May 1st, 2020. It’s in there. But be warned if you are squeamish that the photo is of raw meat in canning jars that are ready to go in the canner. One of the easiest things that I have ever canned.
My two recipes that I made from one jar, which was a wide-mouth jar that holds a little more than the regular jar, in my opinion. Were roast beef 1/4 sub with the contents of the jar heated up with some seasonings. You should know me by now, Accent and Greek seasonings along with onion powder and salt with pepper.
I did not get the Cabot very sharp cheddar cheese thawed out in time so I had to use a slice of Velveeta (cheap brand) from Save A Lot. But it was well worth it! I had a loaf of French bread that I had cut into fourth’s in the freezer so I used a fourth size chunk of the bread that I did have thawed out, along with Gulden’s Spicy Brown mustard and mayo.
Throw in a Walmart brand of can coke and you have yourself a fine meal or you could feed two people on this one jar meal in a few minutes of your time.
But as there is only I, the leftovers will be tomorrow’s meal. So I took the meat out of the pot and made gravy by adding in some seasonings as when I can meat I just can it plain and season when I open the jar to use it. I just used 3/4th cup of cold water and stirred in 2 1/2 TBSP of flour (or you could use cornstarch). Whisk together well before adding to the warmed-up broth in the pot, from the pint jar. Add in the flour and stir while you cook it a couple of minutes. If too thick then add a little water sparingly. Add the meat back into the pot with the gravy and it is ready to eat now.
I will prepare a cup of parboiled rice with 2 cups of water, that is brought to a good boil and then lower the temp to 3 1/2 and cook with the lid on the pot for 25 minutes. If the water is gone then it is ready to eat.
So my lunch today will be a nice one, with a veggie
I do hope that you will get into canning, little by little as it is costly to start out so that you can enjoy some fine and fast prepared meals.
Good morning, to everyone on this gently raining, North Florida day. It will be a nice day for the farmers and crops so That makes a good day for me as well. I hope that your’s is nice also.
Please forgive my grainy photo as somehow my phone camera is going out on me. I will have to try to get a new one. This picture does not do the squash the beautiful yellow color that it really is.
Onward to the recipe of how to can squash as a lady requested from me yesterday. I told her that I would post it today. So here we go!
It is really important to wash and scrub the squash with a vegetable brush so that you get all of the tiny bits of sand off of the squash! Nothing like a bite of sand grit between your teeth! So do this well.
Have your pressure canner pot on a very low setting as you are prepping the squash. You just want the water warm! Fill about 2 or 3 inches for depth. Your lowest marking inside the pot is the sweet spot for canning
Have all of your jars and lids washed and clean with hot soapy water before you even begin any part of this pressure canning adventure! Also, have napkins and a tiny dish of vinegar ready for cleaning the jar rims after you have filled the jars with squash and very hot water. A chopstick to de-bubble each filled jar before cleaning the rim and putting on the seal and then the ban. A large mouth funnel is needed, also.
Also, have a large pot of water and have it ready with boiling water so that you can slice up the squash into (THICK CHUNKS) and drop the squash into the water for about 2 minutes. Use a big slotted spoon to remove the squash to a big bowl. Have a large soup ladle, handy for you will need it!
So now that everything is ready to start, put a folded kitchen towel near the stove and on the counter. Have your jar lifter tool beside it, with a heavy-duty pot holder (just in case) you might need it to help you in removing the extremely hot jars from the canner.
Most of the work involved in canning is to get everything that you will need set up and ready to go.
To begin, I use quart jars and use the soup ladle to half-fill 2 of the jars with some of the boiling water. As I am ready to fill each jar with the two-minute blanched hot squash, I empty a hot water jar into an empty one. This keeps everything at a hot temperature!
So after using the funnel to fill the squash into the jars, use some of the blanching liquid from the boiled squash to finish filling up your jars. Leave a 1-inch head-space in the jar. Next, use the chopstick to de-bubble a jar and then use a vinegar napkin to wipe the rim of the jar and put the seal on now and next comes the band that is finger-tight so air can escape while in the canning process! Do not crank down extremely tight!
By now you have finished filling your jars and the pressure canner water is hot, so you can add the filled jars to your pressure canner. Usually, 6 quarts to a 23 quart-sized canner. Or (8-pints).
Put the lid on the pressure cooker and (leave the jiggle-thingie) the weight, OFF. Have the stover burner temp on number 7 (med-high) and wait until you have seen the steam coming out of the pressure gauge pipe hole for 5 to 10 minutes and then put the weight on the pot lid.
Let the pressure build up to 10 lbs of pressure ( for my area) check your area for canning altitude. When 10 lbs are reached, then you start the timer for 40 minutes for either quart or also pint jars. Also, turn the dial down to #4 to try to hold at the 10 lb setting. Now you just have to keep watch about every 15 minutes to see that the gauge stays at 10 or 11 but never lower than 10 lbs. I rotate between 3 and 4 with my stove dial setting to keep it near the 10 or 11 lbs of pressure.
This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP in pressure canning! After the timer goes off. Turn off the stove and walk away, until the pressure gauge reads ZERO pressure. ONLY then can you open the pot!
There is still hot steam inside the pot so open the lid facing away from you, slowly and with potholders Use your jar lifter and a thick potholder to remove the hot jars to the towel on the counter. Go and sit down now and listen to the ping of the jars as each seal.
The next morning just take off the bands on the jars and use soapy water to gently clean up the canned jars and rinse. Dry and label with the name and date. These will keep for 5 years but they don’t last that long with me. I aim for 3 years for the date to be outdated on the canned foods that I prepare.
I am SORRY that this is so long of a post! But as I can not see you in person to help you learn all about how to safely enjoy learning to pressure can so that you will not have to be afraid of it. Then I like to tell you the why and when and how of this type of canning. It is supreme and lets you store food for a very long time as long as you follow the cleanliness and safety steps for you canning adventures of a life-time.
I do want to say that I am sorry for the well-known canners, for this long post. Happy canning for our newbies!!!
Thank you so very much for stopping by today. I post on Tue and Sat. But this was a special request today! Connie B.
I hope that your day is as glorious as the red in these jars of cherries. They have been put up with, the unlimited choice of many recipes.
I have been, patiently waiting for cherries to come in season and then patiently waiting for the price to come down to an affordable price. So, when that day came, I bought five bags of beautiful cherries for around five-and-change for each bag. So for around twenty seven dollars for 20 cups of cherries is a great deal to me.
I will not lie to you! It was a whole lot of work and extremely messy, while making sure to not get any of the juice on my carpet.
I used my little cherry-wood table and lined it with rolled up dish towels. I did not have a pitter so I was the pitter with a small little knife.
I watched a movie at a time as I pitted cherries for 2 days. Call up your friends for a cherry pitting, time.
I also went through the cherries, double checking for the few pits that I had missed. By a small handful at a time. The cherries were kept in the refrigerator, over-night so I took them out early the next morning to warm up to room temperature.
But, I finally made it through and then things started to go pretty fast, in the water-bath canning process.
I made up a side pot of 8 cups water with 1 1/2 c of sugar and got this medium warm. Then I used a spoon to funnel the cherries into 8 pint jars. It took 2 cups of cherries for each jar which was perfect for later recipes.
I put a cup of cherries into each of 3 freezer baggies. And along the way, I had all the cherries, you can eat for 2 days. So, 20 cups is about right and there was not any waste as these cherries were prime.
I had went to #save-a-lot to buy these cherries on sale.
Back to the canning, when my jars were filled with the cherries and very light, sugar-water. I, cleaned the jar rims and finger tightened the bands onto each jar. (If you are new to canning) take a look at one of my canning catagories for step by step) instructions for water-bath canning for these cherries. Or lots of canning.
Put the jars in the water-bath canner (that you have had heating up on medium for the last 30 minutes). Make sure the jars are covered by water by 2 inches over the top of the jars. Put the lid on the pot. Turn on the stove burner on high and once it is a rolling boil then set the timer for 25 minutes.
The reason that I used very little sugar for the syrup is that you can always add more sugar later and also use corn-starch in cold water to add to the boiling syrup and cherries to make your own canned cherry pie filling or you could just have the cherries as the fruit for ice-cream or cherry-fudge. There are end-less possibilities!
Thank you for stopping by today! Always feel Welcome to stop in for a while, as you are always Welcome. Thank You. ConnieB
This is canned butter that has been opened off the canning shelf and then refrigerated after it was opened. This was used on that grilled cheese.
This was the butter freshly canned.
Hello to all, on this beautiful and blue sky, North Florida day. It is also quite windy, which is very nice. I hope that your day goes well!
This canning butter is just the way that I do it for my own use! You do not have to believe me or follow my directions on this canning post.
But, as for me, I am loving it! I did follow the Blue Book canning rules for 30 years so I know the rules. But alas, I just had to learn more and will keep ongoing learnings for my future. As I said, you do not have to follow my journeys.
Ok, I used pint jars and if I had more jelly jars then I would have used those instead for a better size jar. I also used salted butter, which I would not choose for my next batch, if I ever run out out of butter, so I can! I would choose unsalted as the butter flavor and taste intensifies in the jar.
I put my pressure canner on the burner with hot water in it, up to the bottom line on the pot. 2 inches or 3. As the melted butter will be hot, I have the burner on low. # 3 setting.
Okay, I used a tall pot and gently melted all my butter. I did 7 lbs of butter! I just stirred it well and ladled it into my clean and hot jars and cleaned up the rims of the jar, and then put the lid on finger-tight as the air has to escape from the jar.
I added all my jars to the pressure canner and turned up the heat to #6 and put the lid on the pot. ( I did not put the pressure valve weight on the lid). Once the steam starts shooting out for 10 minutes, they say. I do mine for 2. Then put the weighted valve on the pressure pot lid and begin watching the number dial as it is going up to 11 lbs of pressure (For Fl.) Altitude. Google this for your area.
At the 11 lbs of pressure, I set the stove timer for 75 minutes for pints and, then I turned the stove dial down to #3 and waited to see if it held at the 11 lb pressure reading. I checked every ten minutes on the poundage of the pressure and adjusted it by going to #4 if under 11 lbs and #3 if over 11 lbs. Keeping it at 11 lbs of pressure is the safe cooking level.
When the timer goes off, turn off the stove and walk away! Only come back, later when the pressure has dropped to ZERO. (This is the safe pressure canning rule). Take the lid off carefully and facing away from you as the steam is very hot! Put the lid at the sink.
Have a folded dishtowel very near the stove and canner. Use tongs and a thick potholder to remove the jars and put on the towel. I use 2 thick pot-holders as I seem to drop the jars with my jar-lifter.
Now, listen to the pinging jar sounds as each jar seals and leave sitting on the towel until the next day. Then wash up each jar gently with soapy water and remove the bands from the jars. This will be a 5-year storage of butter for me. Once a jar is opened then it has to be refrigerated!
I just thought that I would share some of my crazy learnings with you for today,s post. Thank You for visiting and do come back for more. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Peaches for many recipes.More sweet peaches along with 7-lbs of ground chuck hamburger meat.
Oops, I missed Tuesday’s post! No, I didn’t, as I was thinking about it all the day long.
I did a little grocery shopping, early in the day. I spent $50 for 41 meals for me (for the meats). I picked up ground round, chicken thighs, rack of ribs, hotdogs, and 4 lbs of Nettles link sausage.
Next on my list for the day was to cook up that 7-lbs of ground chuck and then can it in pints for 75 minutes in the pressure cooker. Afterwards I canned up the peaches in a water bath canner. I just drained the peach juice and heated it up for a couple of minutes (about 4) as I did not want to do the hot jar hot water canning method as I cheated and used my pressure canner water that was boiling hot and I added cold water to be able to cover the jars of peaches with as there was hardly any siphoning from the meat jars. That means clean water.
By the way, I used the barely warm peach juice to fill up the jars that I ladled the peaches into (1-inch headspace) always. Put those jars into the water and waited for the rolling boil so I could set the timer.
So I needed to do warm water and warm jars on this water bath canning of the pint peaches from the #10 can. I was using my pressure canner as a water bath canner (NO LID). Once the water started boiling, I set the timer for 15 minutes. As this was water bath canning for the peaches, I just lifted out the jars with tongs and set them on a towel on the counter beside the stove. And listened for the sweet pinging sounds, which started happening after 5 minutes of time, rolled by.
Please no canning haters or by the ball canning book only! I started out around 40 years ago by the ball book but now since I have been canning for so many years and no one has died or gotten sick in all this time. I know what is safe for me, even if it is 3 years in the jar or even longer.
Next, it was time to do my hair, which took about 2 hours of my time.
So. I was thinking of the Blog, but for once I had an extremely busy day which was a very nice day! So, please forgive me for being a day late! Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
It’s boiled peanut time, as they are coming fresh from the fields now or canned up in a #10 can from the grocery store.
Good Evening friends! I hope that you are well and looking for something good everyday.
I have been on a canning site for most of this day, while helping people with canning ways. It is the Rebel Canning Site on Facebook. They and I are canning rebels because many of us have canned for too many years to count. Like 40 years for yours truly!
So we have our own ways of safely canning just about any and everything. I was helping out some of our newbies. I only text on that site because they do not want you to share your link and that is what I am all about. Sharing my little food blog with my link back to it so you can re-visit and share my recipes as much as you like.
So, I been talking about the #10 Restarant sized can of peanuts and how to downsize it into quart jars. Cajun or Regular boiled peanuts are both good peanuts and way cheaper to do yourselves than to have to go out and buy them.
You will need quart jars proccessed for 90 minutes OR pint jars processed for 75 minutes in a pressure canner.
Start your PC up and start getting the water med-warm.
Open the #10 can of peanuts and heat juice and all in a seperate pot to get med-hot. There is a low water line near the bottom of the PC (about 2 inches deep (fill water only to that line).
Use a wide funnel and a soup ladle to ladle all the peanuts and juices into the jars. De-bubble and wipe jar rim with vinegar napkin. Leave 1-inch headspace in each jar. Put lids and bands on a finger tight. Put in the PC.
Put the lid on the PV and leave off the jiggy. Use a medium stove dial number like #7 and wait until you have seen the steam shooting out of the spout for 5 minutes. Put the jiggy on and let pressure rise to altitude (Florida is 11 lbs pressure). Set timer for 90 minutes (Quarts) OR (75 minutes) pints.
Now turn stove dial down to #4 and watch every ten minutes to see the pressure. If too high, then turn it down to #3. You are regulating the PC pressure to see that it stays the same. Every ten minutes look at it!
When the timer goes off–THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP OF ALL! Turn off the stove and walk away. Come back when the number gauge is at ZERO. Only then can you open the PC SAFELY! Open it with the lid facing away from you as lots of steam will come out.
Use jar lifter and a thick pot holder to get each jar out and set on a folded towel, very near the stove. (I am dropping my jars lately as they are heavy for me). So be close to the stove.
Listen for the pinging pops sounds as each jar seals, you will hear the ping. Music to my ears. The next morning, you can take off the band part of the rings and use a wet and soapy rag to clean up the jars and rinse each jar.
Label the jar with the name and date. It is good to make paper labels for your jars and tape them on. These will last for many years if you don’t eat them. Thanks for stopping by today. Please share my recipes. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Hello Everyone! Here in North Florida, it’s a cold and blustery day. Stay warm wherever you are! And I hope all your wishes come true.
I just finished cooking up two pots of chicken pilaf for three of my friends and also for myself, to go with this cold and blustery day And with leftovers for another day, so that they don’t have to cook. As everyone knows that food feeds the soul and brings about love and happiness, which is what I wish for all of you.
These are two separate recipes that are made from 2 different, pint jars of chicken that I had canned up. Chicken is UGLY in the canning jars but, oh the fast meals, do they create! One jar was breast meat (raw packed). And the other jar was thighs on the bone (raw packed). They both made their own boullion juices which were rich and flavorful.
On to the recipe, now.
2 big pots with lids 3 cups of parboiled rice ( the hard rice) in each pot.
1 pint of canned chicken or 2 breast cooked for white meat or 5 thighs cooked for dark meat.
6 cups of water in each pot.
Put water rice and chicken in each pot. Cook on high until it is rolling boiling. Stir and turn the stove down to #4 on the little stove eye and #3 on the large stove eye. Crush up 3 bullion cubes for each pot and add 1 TBSP of salt to each pot.
On one pot, I added a TBSP of rosemary and also of basil. On the other. pot, I added just the basil. They both could have used some pepper but with friends, I left that out.
Put the lids on and leave it alone. In 20 minutes, take a look and if looking almost dry, then turn down one # lower on the stove eye and set the timer for 15 minutes. This will give you the fluffy-looking rice and not be the soggy rice that I detest.
I hope that you will try this recipe! You do not have to cook two large pots of chicken pilaf as I did! But, I wanted to share some joy with my friends on this nippy and blustery, windy day. As it is almost lunch-time now and I have done my deliveries, I think that I will enjoy some lunch, just as soon as I finish this post.
A hearty roast beef stew with carrots and potatoes galore.
Hello to everyone from this grey sky and rainy looking day in North Florida. I hope you’re cooking something good today!
Here is my recipe for a roast beef stew that I cooked up, last week.
I had canned roast beef in my pressure canner in pint jars that roughly hold a pound of meat in each jar. So I used two jars. And going through the canning process, they tenderized so much that you hardly have to chew it and your meat and broth is already prepared for you. Roast is so easy to can if you ever wish to try. Just look under canning in my categories and you will see the step by step by step of how to do it.
Ok, so you start with two pounds of meat already cooked up with the broth from cooking.
Use a large pot and boil all ingredients except for the meat for 20 minutes to cook the potatoes and carrots in your meat broth or a half of the pan filled with water.
Chop up 1 large onion Chop up 6 carrots
Wash-peel and chop 4 large potatoes.
Use 2 pints of canned tomatoes or store canned tomatoes, juice, and all..
I really enjoy this recipe and I hope that you will, also. Thanks for dropping by and come again if you wish to. As always, share with your friends and family. I will post again on Tue-Thur-and Saturday
I, re-canned this #10 sized can of hominy into quite a few pint jars so that It would be an item in my canning food pantry for the whole year. This will make many soups through out the year for about $5 of cost. #Hominy #canningThese pint jars are from the 110 oz huge sized can of hominy. These are really good in soups.
I want to say, Merry Christmas Eve to all, and I hope that you are feeling loved, even if you are by your self. Show yourself some love during these tough times.
If all we have is our own little self, then we need love too.
If all we have is our own little family in the house, then love will just have to be enough to carry us through these days ahead. I am praying for all of you, constantly and I send you hugs and love.
I am a canner from way back there, I used to grow all my gardens of vegetables and fruit trees and pick wild blackberries like crazy. I even re-started many many mulberry trees from a tree that used to be in Watermelon Park that is near Lake City Florida.
This tree had a History, you see. All the farmers back in the day, before my time, would meet up under this giant mulberry tree and sell their wares. It was at an S&S Store at that spot, where I happened to work at.
They were tearing the tree down to pave the store lot as it was a dirt lot. I happened to be riding by, that day and when I saw that beautiful tree tore down, it ripped at my heart. So I got out of the car and collected many many little stick branches and took them home and stuck then in dirt pots and they grew and grew.
I had a giant tree myself from one of those sticks. And I gave out many many trees to a lot of people. So that special tree lives on.
On to the recipe now, sorry folks about reminiscing. But I blog because, of the old days, to try to teach the many that want to know. As I feel it is my purpose in this life, to try and take care of all of you, by sharing wisdom from the ways of our ancestors before us. This is how I learned a lot myself, from listening to their life stories.
There I go again. Sorry.
You will need a 110 oz can of hominy and about 6 or 7 pint jars with lids and rings.
Pressure Canner – a chopstick to de-bubble- tiny bowl of vinegar and napkins
A wide mouth funnel Jar lifting tongs (strong). Kitchen towel folded in half on counter near the stove to put boiling jars onto.
Ready now, here we go. As the hominy is already cooked, we just warm it and the juices in a pot to boiling. While this is starting out. Have 2 inches of water in your pressure canner also coming to a boil. Have a third big pot of water boiling to fill your jars with.
Next I take a soup ladle and ladel out some boiling water into 2 of the jars. As you fill each jar with hominy, then pour the water off into one of the cold jars that are without water. Keeps each upcoming jar hot until it gets filled.
As you fill a jar, add 1/8 tsp. of salt to it. Use the pan of boiling water to fill the jar up to within 1 inch head-space from the top ring on the jar. De-bubble with the chopstick. Wipe the top of the jar with a napkin dipped into vinegar. Put on the seal (this does not have to be hot). As it will get there in the canner. Put the ring on the jar , just finger tight! Put the jar into the canner. Repeat for each jar. ( I do have the canner metal ring in the bottom of the pot, before adding the jars.
If you do not have enough jars of food to fill up the canner, just put hot water into extra jars and set them around in the canner as place holders. I do not cap mine.
Time now to take the jiggle weight off the canner top and set it aside. Put the canner top on. Have the water already boiling hot in there! Have the dial on number 6. You do not want to bring this up too fast or you will lose liquid from your jars! When you see steam coming out of the jiggly vent then you put the jiggle weight on.
There are a lot of steps to canning, but I promise you that it will be worth learning to do it safely. Next you turn up the stove to #7 and wait for the number dial on the pot to get to #11 (Florida altitude). Google if you live higher up.
When it gets to #11, then you turn the temp down to #3 or #4 so that the dial will level out to around the #11 lbs of pressure for the whole processing time. Start timer now for 60 minutes! Most times for pint jars are for 75 minutes or 90 minutes for quarts. (But hominy is 60 minutes).
When timer goes off, just turn off the stove and WALK AWAY until all the pressure is released on its own and the dial is at ZERO. Only then can you open the pot. This is the top safety part of canning, if you open it under pressure it will explode!
When you open the lid there will be steam coming out so tilt the lid away from you. Use tong lifter in one hand and a pot holder in other hand for bottom of jar. Set the jar on th folded towel near the stove and walk away again. After about 4 hors I take the rings off the jars and if cooled down enough I wash each jar with warm soapy water and dry.
Use a marker and label food name and date on each jar seal and store away from sunlight. These will keep at least 3 years as long as you were clean and did all these steps during your food processing time. I hope that you will enjoy learning this and that it will provide for you family with lots of money savings on food.
If you have the time, stay a while and check out some recipes. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays, so do come back if you wist to and share with friends. Thank you for your visit. Connie B. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com
Hello everyone on this cloudy and rainy looking, North Florida day. I do love the rain and the coolness in the air is not bad, not bad at all, after this hot summer that we are finally coming out of, I hope.
I hope and pray that you and your family are doing well this day and I hope that you look for happiness today! Well onward to this recipe that I and my 15 year old Son, put together a few days ago. Everyone that has tried the sample jay, loves it as so do I.
3 big lemons
4 c. sugar
3 TBSP Clear Jel Cook Type I have changed from the pectin to this. I order this from my favorite spice Company www.myspice.com I get all my spices from them.
The first and second time that I made my lemon-drop jelly, I used this and it came out fine. The third time I used pectin and now have to re-do those two pint jars with a little clear jell added.
Lemon Drop jelly does not stay in my house very long, as I and all my friends love it.
1 1/2 c. water and 1/2c lemon juice.
Wash the lemons well in the sink. Then you peel off the outer yellow peel , trying to not get the white pith, as much as you can. It is bitter! You need 1 cup of lemon peels for this recipe.
Now you cut off the pith and discard it. Cut the lemons into slices and remove the white sections and discard, along with the seeds also. So now you have the pure lemon fruit and the lemon peels!
Put a tall pot on the stove, as this jelly sputters and pops as it is boiling. Use a long wooden spoon also, so you won’t get popped.
Put the lemon peels and water and into the pot. Let this boil and then simmer for 15 minutes. Take off the heat.
I do not have a jelly bag so I made my own by getting a medium strainer and putting a wet and thin cotton cloth across it. Then I sat this on top of a tall bowl and poured the cooked lemon ingredients into the strainer. With the wet cloth the juice drains better. Let this sit for 3 hours while draining and then use a large spoon to mash down from the top so that you get a little more juice. If you do not quite have 2 cups of juice, then add enough lemon juice to make it up to 2 cups.
Throw away the peels mixture now. Go back to your tall cooking pot and put in the juice liquid, mixture and bring it to a boil. Add in pectin while stirring very well with your wooden spoon. You have to stay with this and keep stirring the whole time or it burns easily.
Now is a good time to start a water-bath canning pot or a large pot with enough water added so that it will cover the jars by 2 inches. Also have your jars in there with a little water in them so that they are sterilized and hot and ready for the jelly. This recipe should make 2 pints or 4 half-pint jelly jars worth of jelly.
After adding in the pectin, bring back up to a boil that you can not stir down. Watch for the popping at this point! Add in the sugar while stirring very well Bring back up to a boil and boil 1 minute longer, while stirring.
Now you put the hot jelly pot into the sink and the jars and funnel,rings,seals,de-bubbler,tiny dish of vinegar and paper napkins right near the pot and on the counter so everything is near at hand. Yes this jelly is a lot of work but it is a supreme surprise for your taste buds.
Have a hot and empty jar ready to go. Use a soup lale to ladle into the jar. Use a de-bubbler, I use a chop-stick and de-bubble the jar. Dip the edge of a napkin into the vinegar and wipr the top rim of the jar inside and outside. Now put the seal on the jar and then the ring on the jar, but only finger tight as the jelly has to breathe while processing.
Finish your jar filling and sealing and put into water-bath and after it is a rolling boil. Then set timer for 10 minutes and just prop a lid on top of pot. When time is up. Have a kitchen towel folded and next to the pot on the counter. Use a jar lifter to remove jelly jars from the pot and sit on the towel. You will start to hear the ping sound as each jar seals. You have done a great job!
This is a short recipe with a long process but it is awesome. I do give the credit to Suttons Daze on YouTube for this is her recipe. Thank you for visiting me, stay a while and look around please, and do come back often, if you will, and share this blog for me please. Thanks. I post on Tue-Thur and Saturdays. Connie B. Just go to youtube and type in Sutton Daze + Lemon Drop Jelly and you will see this awesome lady.