I ran out of my laundry soap that I make up from Borax and Arm and Hammer and a bar of Zote soap. So today I had to make up some more of this sweet smelling stuff. It made a large coffee mate container size that was filled up and this was the over-flow so I thought that I would share this with you.
I only use two Tablespoons of this and a quarter cap full of a clothing scent as I have allergies so badly. But these I can tolerate well and I love the fresh smell of my laundry when it is fininhed. I use these small amounts in a huge front end loader washing machine that is packed full of clothes.
You can find the instructions to make this if you go back in my posts to the laundry post. I hope you will try this and share this post with all your friends. Hugs and love from me to you.
https://www.wisdomforpennies.com #Laundry