You never know who a stranger might be.
This is a story of long ago. It is a little embarrassing for me to tell. But it is true.
Back in the 90’s we had a construction job that we were doing in Montgomery Alabama. It was all doors and crown molding for each of many apartments.
My Mother-in-law missed us so badly, and we missed her too. So she wanted us to come to Florida to get her and move her up to Alabama with us. We loved her dearly and so off we went to get her and her stuff.
We made a fast turn around trip and headed back to Alabama. Once we hit town, she wanted to go to the grocery store to get items for a really good supper. The store was on the Causeway right across from where we lived.
Her and I got out to run into the store, but as we were getting out of the truck to go in, I spotted a homeless person looking at us. So I told her that let’s go this way to avoid him. Because we were almost broke and did not have money to give him.
So we avoided him and walked another way to the store. Well we finished getting our groceries and came back to the truck. But the truck would not start for anything. My husband kept trying and raising the hood, as he had been a pretty good mechanic his entire life. But not this time,no way no how.
We sat there wondering how we were going to get home with everyone and the groceries and all my Mother-in-law’s stuff. It was just right across a huge Causeway and down the street a little bit to get there.
Well, no one stopped by to help us, absolutely no one!
We looked up from our thoughts and there was the hobo, you see, he was the one that did come to help. You talk about shame, you have no idea of how bad that I felt about what I said and how I avoided him on the way in to the store. I had to keep asking God to forgive me and so did everyone in that truck, feel the same way as I did.
Well that guy found and fixed the problem in a few minutes flat. We were so tired from the long day we had been through. I looked in my purse and found the last of the money that we had and I had my hand around those two twenty dollar bills, getting ready to give them to him for his helping us, when my Husband said Connie, give him some money. I said, I’m way ahead of you and passed it to my Husband to give to him.
So you never know just who you might be avoiding! I have never forgot this lesson, in my lifetime.
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