Good morning All! I am posting this tip, just for you, on this North Florida rainy day. Makes me think of the lyrics of a song, I ain’t seen no sunshine, etc. etc. Any way it’s another day to learn something new! I am wishing you the best of days.
After I had spent 3 hours of pitting cherries by hand last month, now I find this awesome tip! And my hands were cherry stained for a week, last month.
By the way, its pouring down rain, right now!
To use this cherry pitter tip, you just need a cutting board and a cake decorator, icing tip, and some gloves or you will have stained fingertips that do wash off pretty fast.
Just put the icing tip on your pointer finger , with the washed and stemmed cherry that is sitting on your chopping board and push down and the pit will come out.
This is the easy way to do it. It is way, less messy and oh, so much faster.
Oh yeah, to can these awesome looking cherries.
First of all, I put my water-bath canner on the stove and filled it to 3 inches above the height of the jars and got this to almost boiling and kept the heat on. I scooped out a tiny amount of the hot water to have for my canning lids (4) and 4 pint jars was my yield of lovely cherries in a very light syrup (sweetened water). This can be thickened later with cornstarch in a 1/4 cup of cold water with 1 TBSP and stirred in well before adding to the cherries. If not thick enough, then do this again. (COLD water ONLY) or you will have ugly lumps.
I just heated up 6c of water and put 1 cup of sugar and stirred well. Then I added the cherries when the water was boiling and turned off the burner.
I hope that you are prepared with all the utensils that you will be needing! ) Look back at my canning posts if you need to know this information, as you will need everything at hand when you are canning.
Put some hot boiling water in one jar and empty it into the next jar, as you are ready to fill the first jar and so on. Fill a jar- wipe the rim- finger-tight the band on the jar and use tongs and a thick pot-holder to transfer the jar into the boiling (by now water). When a rolling hard boil on high heat is going on, then set the timer for 10 minutes.
When the timer goes off, leave the jars in for another, timed (10 minutes). Now remove carefully and sit on a folded kitchen towel.
Listen for the sweet sound of the pings that tell you (Well Done).
Thanks for your time today and feel free to share. Connie B.