Good morning, all.
I hope that today is good for you and yours. I know that for me, it will be good however it is to be.
I wanted to show you my canned blackberries as they are so beautiful to look at their awesome color and they will be pretty good in any fashion that I decide to use them. I, just know!
I have always loved blackberries and used to go and pick them each year. But, these had to come from the store in very small, three-dollar packs. Six packs to be exact for these three jars which is $18 for my 3 jars of goodness me oh my. So it was very pricy to me, but I have some for this year so I am happy.
So onward to the canning recipe, we go.
Hopefully, you get to pick these beautiful babies. I use the pint jars as that is equal to a can of pie filling in the stores. I also use the water-bath canning method for these.
Go through all the berries and pick off the leaves or stems, if any. Then use a colander/sieve to rinse the berries.
Put your blackberries into the jars.
Start out your water bath canner on low-medium heat, with enough water to cover the jars. Also, start a large pot that is 1/4 to 1/2 full of water. Depends on how many pints of berries that you have in the jars! Bring to a boil and then turn off. Pour in 1/2 to 3/4th cup of sugar and stir in.
Add the light- sugar-syrup to the blackberries in the jars. Debubble each jar and wipe the rim of the jar with vinegar on a napkin. Put the seal on the top and then the band. Just finger tight with the band. A little tight but not lug-nut tight!
Now that you have your hot and your water hot (the water-bath canner). You may put the jars in. Put the lid on and when it is at a rolling boil, then start the timer for 20 minutes.
When the timer goes off then you can take the jars, out carefully. Have a folded kitchen towel near the stove for these jars to rest on. Listen for the pings as the jars seal. Then next morning you can wash the jars gently in soapy water and rinse. Take the bands off of the seals.
Always date and label, what is in your jars. I used very light syrup as you can always add more sugar, later if you choose to. But with very light syrup, I feel that I can make many different recipes with these canned blackberries.
Thank you for stopping by today. You are always welcome to stop in again if you find the time. Connie B.