It’s time for me to share about an old-time healing remedy that took me so many years to come across. Even when I took a trip deep into the West Virginia mountains and met some old-time tough mountain women, alas they would not give this Florida woman their recipe no matter how I literally begged them for it! I came back home to Florida and searched for it on the internet and finally found it! It is worth more than gold to me and has been for my family members for many years from young to old in age. This also works for this present time and year of May 2020. I am not a Doctor I’ll have know that I am just a peon that has had dreams of helping others since I was a small child and this has carried throughout my life-time and always will I sincerely believe as I have God’s love in my heart and soul to reach out to others about his loving peace you can walk in so that you just might work for him. I will share a few photos of this awesome remedy that will literally pull the congestion from deep in your chest and allow it to come out of your body so that you can breathe again follow the photos that you see in this post for quick directions. You will need mustard powder(1tablesoon) with flour (any kind) 1 tablespoon and the next ingredient will be to crack the egg and separate the white from the yolk, you will use the egg white only. Put this into a small bowl along with powdered mustard and also the flour and just stir it up. It will look like pretty mustard. The next step is to take a washcloth as you can see in the photo it is folded in half. Unfold it and spoon this mixture over the fold but leave an inch free on each end with no mustard poultice so it will not squeeze out the ends when you fold this back in half again just the way you started with and safety pin each end outside your old pajama top. I do mine on the inside but I tell everyone else to pin outside as it might burn your chest, but I am tough enough and can not take flu shots as I am allergic to all of them and I happen to have COPD and asthma along with sleep apnea so I have to get serious when my health takes a deeper dive but either way I will get to meet God so I am happy. When you pin this on stay inside the house. You will feel it pulling the mucous from deep inside you within a few minutes. Wear this all day and night then it will harden up and its time to either throw it away or peel off your washcloth and discard the mustard part. I have used this in a dime size lump on the three-month-old babies when they had croup only for overnight and under the covers all night and outside their pajama’s ONLY. By morning the croup was gone. I pray that in this COVID-19 time that will help someone out in the world that is not afraid to try this and see the results for your self. #Mountain #Healer
Healing Remedy from Past Times

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