
Multiple Pressure Cooker Canning

Today I will discuss canning multiple items in the pressure cooker canner as pints take 75 minutes and quarts take 90 minutes. Also the pounds for pressure are for Florida altitude and I use pints as that is plenty for one. Makes two meals for one. I will also show photos at the end of this hopefully as I am still learning how to blog and am sure it will take me awhile. Please be patient with me! I will show you how to can more beef as this tastes just like Grandma’s Sunday home-cooked roast beef dinner. This is good I kid you not!
     I was given some corn on the cob and ate some and had a lot left in the refrigerator that I did not want to go to waste but I thought it would be too hard of a job to shuck the corn and cut the kernels off and then can it. Phot shows you to put a small bowl in the bottom of a large bowl and use a sharp knife to cut it off the cob and that was fast easy work. Then I used my sterilized pint jars and a funnel to fill jars to 1 inch from top of jar-then added tap warm water to fill to the 1-inch mark also. Next, you use a wooden spoon handle or plastic and push down inside the jar all around it to release almost all air bubbles,, then use vinegar on a napkin to wipe the rim of jar put on the seal and ring just finger tight Do Not crank down on the band-air has to escape while cooking. Because you are pressure cooker canning there is no need to have jars and lids in boiling water -the cooker wil do it for you. Now if you were water bath canning then by all means use simmering water for jars -lids-filling the jar. It is a good idea to buy a ball canning book to see which type of fruit-veg-meat needs to be canned in which type of canner.
     On to the beef now. Have it at room temperature so it will not be cold is easier then hurry and can it. Or you can have the meat cold and prepare it into chunks and put in the jar. Each pint holds 1-lb of meat. I do not add liquid as it makes it’s own juices while canning. As usual, fill each jar by pushing the meat down with your hand time after time until 1-inch from the top. I  add in accent like 1/8 tsp. per jar and some pepper and salt. (On the corn I used a pkg. of Goya ham seasoning split four ways for the four jars and a dash of salt.) Now clean the rim of meat jars with vinegar on napkin no need to get the air out of jars as it is tightly packed with your hand. Finger tighten the rings on jars.
     I have forgotten to tell you how much tap water to put in the huge pressure cooker canner. Just 3 inches of water over the big canner silver disk that fits into the bottom so jars will not bust although I have done without it also for years. As the meat is room temperature use the same temperature of the water or if the meat is cold from the refrigerator then you have to use cold water in the pot or jars will bust if not the same temps. If cold meat is used I leave the top off canner and spend an hour on low heat until the jars are not cold anymore and then I put the lid on and follow the next paragraph’s directions.
     As always put the lid on the canner with the jiggly vent cover left off until you can see steam coming out for ten whole minutes and only then can you put it on the pot. I start on number 4 until the jars are warm(so you see it takes way less time to have meat room temperature and then hurry to prep jars for canner).
     Now it’s time for the photos! I hope I have given you courage and knowledge to pressure cooker can and know that you have food that lasts for 2 to 3 years or even longer. I aim for the 2-year deadline myself. So I wish you sunshine and roses with hugs forevermore!  #corn,#beef,#pressure-cooker-canning,#prepping#saving-money,#MissConnieB#wisdom

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