
How to make your own laundry detergent on the cheap

I want to share this awesome frugal and sweet-smelling homemade laundry detergent that I have been making and using for too many years to count. I did find the recipe on Pinterest a long time ago!


Ingredient List
      Box of 20 Mule Team Borax {in the laundry section of store}
              Box of Arm and Hammer Washing Powders {Ditto}
  Bar of Zote Soap {Ditto}
   First use a grater as shown or be smart and cut into chunks for the food processor to do the hard work.  I’m just sentimental about the old ways of our previous generations of Mom’s and Grannies’ long gone but never forgotten, 
so I choose the hard way. to grate this bar of soap up. I love to try to keep old memories alive and traveling into future generations. This is the reason for this blog.
      Next measure out 4 cups,  which is two of each powder and put it into a large bowl.  Now if you used the grater you now have to put bar soap shavings into a food processor to grate up smaller. I usually mix the powders together and add the processed bar of soap into the powder and stir together. Then I store this in a coffee container with a condiment cup that I fill with 2 tbsp of detergent and then use a marker to draw a line around the cup for a measurement line for each load of laundry that I wash.  Now you could use only 1 tbsp of this per load but I love how this smells and feels on my washed clothing so I use 2 tbsp. I also toss in 1/4th of a cap of cheap Purex Crystals for sleeping salts.{Just kidding} just for scent only for each very large front end loader machine.The huge one!
     This homemade detergent is safe for all septic tanks and the environment.  It is also safe for babies and kids and yourself. It really cleans fantastic as well! Also, you can’t beat the price. I forget if it’s 3 cents or 6 cents for each load of laundry for a medium of large or even extra-large load sizes. For a very small load, I would only 1 tbsp.
I do add 1/4th of a capful of Purex scented bead to each load for a light scent.
         I sincerely hope you will try this yourself and form your own opinions about this awesome stuff! You only have to buy the two washing powders every year or two. Please forgive my old looking belonged to a man that crafted and it is still being used for painting on and many other crafts. Also sorry the photos are so dark today! Love and Hugs from me to you and your families and always prayers forevermore.  #Laundry #Borax
 Hugs and love from me to you!


Multiple Pressure Cooker Canning

Today I will discuss canning multiple items in the pressure cooker canner as pints take 75 minutes and quarts take 90 minutes. Also the pounds for pressure are for Florida altitude and I use pints as that is plenty for one. Makes two meals for one. I will also show photos at the end of this hopefully as I am still learning how to blog and am sure it will take me awhile. Please be patient with me! I will show you how to can more beef as this tastes just like Grandma’s Sunday home-cooked roast beef dinner. This is good I kid you not!
     I was given some corn on the cob and ate some and had a lot left in the refrigerator that I did not want to go to waste but I thought it would be too hard of a job to shuck the corn and cut the kernels off and then can it. Phot shows you to put a small bowl in the bottom of a large bowl and use a sharp knife to cut it off the cob and that was fast easy work. Then I used my sterilized pint jars and a funnel to fill jars to 1 inch from top of jar-then added tap warm water to fill to the 1-inch mark also. Next, you use a wooden spoon handle or plastic and push down inside the jar all around it to release almost all air bubbles,, then use vinegar on a napkin to wipe the rim of jar put on the seal and ring just finger tight Do Not crank down on the band-air has to escape while cooking. Because you are pressure cooker canning there is no need to have jars and lids in boiling water -the cooker wil do it for you. Now if you were water bath canning then by all means use simmering water for jars -lids-filling the jar. It is a good idea to buy a ball canning book to see which type of fruit-veg-meat needs to be canned in which type of canner.
     On to the beef now. Have it at room temperature so it will not be cold is easier then hurry and can it. Or you can have the meat cold and prepare it into chunks and put in the jar. Each pint holds 1-lb of meat. I do not add liquid as it makes it’s own juices while canning. As usual, fill each jar by pushing the meat down with your hand time after time until 1-inch from the top. I  add in accent like 1/8 tsp. per jar and some pepper and salt. (On the corn I used a pkg. of Goya ham seasoning split four ways for the four jars and a dash of salt.) Now clean the rim of meat jars with vinegar on napkin no need to get the air out of jars as it is tightly packed with your hand. Finger tighten the rings on jars.
     I have forgotten to tell you how much tap water to put in the huge pressure cooker canner. Just 3 inches of water over the big canner silver disk that fits into the bottom so jars will not bust although I have done without it also for years. As the meat is room temperature use the same temperature of the water or if the meat is cold from the refrigerator then you have to use cold water in the pot or jars will bust if not the same temps. If cold meat is used I leave the top off canner and spend an hour on low heat until the jars are not cold anymore and then I put the lid on and follow the next paragraph’s directions.
     As always put the lid on the canner with the jiggly vent cover left off until you can see steam coming out for ten whole minutes and only then can you put it on the pot. I start on number 4 until the jars are warm(so you see it takes way less time to have meat room temperature and then hurry to prep jars for canner).
     Now it’s time for the photos! I hope I have given you courage and knowledge to pressure cooker can and know that you have food that lasts for 2 to 3 years or even longer. I aim for the 2-year deadline myself. So I wish you sunshine and roses with hugs forevermore!  #corn,#beef,#pressure-cooker-canning,#prepping#saving-money,#MissConnieB#wisdom


Healing Remedy from Past Times

It’s time for me to share about an old-time healing remedy that took me so many years to come across. Even when I took a trip deep into the West Virginia mountains and met some old-time tough mountain women, alas they would not give this Florida woman their recipe no matter how I literally begged them for it! I came back home to Florida and searched for it on the internet and finally found it! It is worth more than gold to me and has been for my family members for many years from young to old in age. This also works for this present time and year of May 2020. I am not a Doctor I’ll have know that I am just a peon that has had dreams of helping others since I was a small child and this has carried throughout my life-time and always will I sincerely believe as I have God’s love in my heart and soul to reach out to others about his loving peace you can walk in so that you just might work for him. I will share a few photos of this awesome remedy that will literally pull the congestion from deep in your chest and allow it to come out of your body so that you can breathe again follow the photos that you see in this post for quick directions. You will need mustard powder(1tablesoon) with flour (any kind) 1 tablespoon and the next ingredient will be to crack the egg and separate the white from the yolk, you will use the egg white only. Put this into a small bowl along with powdered mustard and also the flour and just stir it up. It will look like pretty mustard. The next step is to take a washcloth as you can see in the photo it is folded in half. Unfold it and spoon this mixture over the fold but leave an inch free on each end with no mustard poultice so it will not squeeze out the ends when you fold this back in half again just the way you started with and safety pin each end outside your old pajama top. I do mine on the inside but I tell everyone else to pin outside as it might burn your chest, but I am tough enough and can not take flu shots as I am allergic to all of them and I happen to have COPD and asthma along with sleep apnea so I have to get serious when my health takes a deeper dive but either way I will get to meet God so I am happy. When you pin this on stay inside the house. You will feel it pulling the mucous from deep inside you within a few minutes. Wear this all day and night then it will harden up and its time to either throw it away or peel off your washcloth and discard the mustard part. I have used this in a dime size lump on the three-month-old babies when they had croup only for overnight and under the covers all night and outside their pajama’s ONLY. By morning the croup was gone. I pray that in this COVID-19 time that will help someone out in the world that is not afraid to try this and see the results for your self. #Mountain #Healer

Meats Pressure Cooker Canner Roast Beef

Pressure Cooker Canning

Today I want to talk about canning meat in the pressure cooker canner, this is different from my regular pressure cooker which I use to make very fast meals from frozen meat to the dinner table in twenty to thirty minutes.

 The pressure cooker canner-which I use is what you must have to can meats and all low acid foods. Canners are very safe as long as you don't open them while they are under pressure and clean the steam valves really good as you wash them. I use a toothpick to just keep poking through the vent to be sure there is nothing stuck in there.

 Ok let me talk about canning two beef roast raw packed into pint jars. You have to start with clean sanitized jars from dishwasher of hot soapy water and rinse well. No need to have hot jars as that is for water-bath canning and we are pressure -cooker canning.

 Each pound of meat usually fills one full pint jar so four pounds were four pints with the lids and rings (USA brand) from Walmart are the only lids I fully trust to seal. Believe you me, I have used a brand to can 10 jars of pork loin and not a one sealed so I had to rewash the jars and refill them and rewipe and de-bubble them and then can for another 75 minutes. This I did on Mother,s Day.

Have also on the counter with a cloth and some vinegar to wipe each jar rim well with after being packed and pushed down with your hand to get air bubbles out. Also, have a hefty jar lifter near and a wide mouth funnel to fill jars with. And I use a long wooden chopstick to de-bubble the air out of jars before I wipe and seal jars.

 Cut each roast on cutting board into large two-inch chunks, fat, and all stuff into jars until one inch from the top. If you cut too small the meat could cook to smithereens. This size gives you beef that is still firm to your palette. Now you can add some pepper-accent-etc. into top of jar. I used1/8th tsp. of each spice into each jar. Wipe around rims with a cloth with vinegar and put on the seal and then just finger tighten the ring on jar-do not crank down really tight as air needs to escape the jar while canning.No need to put water in jars. I find that dry packing(canning) as they call it makes for better tasting meat and it's not mushy to your palette.

 I do want to mention that you can not put really cold meat into hot boiling water to can so start with room temperature meat and jars. I fill the canner with two inches of water as steam is what does the canning and we are not doing water bath canning of which I will post about another time. There is a silver lid that goes inside the canner on the bottom and pour just a dash of vinegar into the water to keep lime deposits off the jars. Add your jars now and have the electric stove on medium about number 5.

I keep my pressure dial gauge always screwed onto the lid. But don't get the gauge wet during cleanup. Put the lid on pot by lining up the arrows on top and pot. Left side lines up for mine.

Do not put the jiggy thing on until pressure has been heavily steaming out spout where jiggly thingy will go, for a full ten minutes, this takes quite a while so keep checking back and then put it on.

 Either use Google or a Ball canning book to see the length of time to can and how many pounds of pressure for your altitude. Florida is low altitude so basically, I let the pressure gauge get to ten or eleven pounds of pressure and then turn the stove down to number four setting and start the timer for seventy-five minutes for pints and 90 minutes for quarts but check the Ball canning book or online to be sure of correct settings for what you are canning and whether it needs to be pressure cooker canned or water bath canned.

Keep watching the number gauge to adjust the stove heat lower to keep it at ten or eleven pounds of pressure as it likes to keep climbing higher. If too high all the juices from the meat cooking will boil out of the jar. It is ok if some boils out but not all of the juice. When the timer goes off. Just turn off the stove and walk away for 45 minutes to an hour to let steam all escape. Do not open when it's hot! It will be like a bomb!

  When totally cooled down you can take off the jiggy valve and then the lid if no steam or noise is coming from canner.  Face lid away from you as you are removing it!

Fold a kitchen towel and put on the counter and use a hefty jar lifter to get each jar out and put on a towel, close to the stove. Listen for the pinging sound as each jar seals in a few minutes. If you can press on the top of the jar and makes a popping sound it did not seal so you eat that jar today and do not put it up in the pantry for later.

 This food lasts for around three- 25 years some people say!  I have always tried to use it before 2 years! Be sure to label and date each jar.

    Photo 1 is raw packed in a jar ready for the canner.   #2 is cooked.   #3 is a Presto pressure cooker canner with a manual from Walmart for $100 (best money I ever spent).----#4 are beef mc-muffins which I just created today----#5  and #6 are my (pressure cooker) on stove and pressure cooker canner near the microwave is the big boy that did all this processing.

Somehow I got the photos posted in the middle of my text.

When the jars are cooled down you take the rings off the jars and use a soapy cloth to clean up jars. When clean and dry use a permanent marker to label content and date on jars.Store in a cool dark place or under the counters as I have to do. Heck even under the bed in the canning jar boxes as I live in a small place.
 Clean up while water is still pretty warm. You are now a canner!

The roast beef is delicious and fully cooked. I put some on a toasted egg McMuffin with mayo and mustard. This is called raw packed canning meat. I hope that I have led you into a new experience of a lifetime that comes from our past and needs to carry forward to the younger generations!

 This is my joy in life to keep the old ways of our grandmothers alive and this is the reason why I  am making this blog.

 Love forevermore and hugs!  # google #facebook