
Banana Cough Syrup

I tried this last year and it worked for me. I do not know if it will work on you? My Son tells me Mama you have to add this so I am. I am not a Dr., I am just a Mama with a heart to help people.

Ok Isaiah, I have said it!

Anyway let me get back to this remedy.

Ingredients are: Two peeled bananas 2 Tablespoons of honey

1 2/3 cup of water boiled

Put bananas in food blender and mix up. Then you stir the bananas into the boiled water and let it cool down, before you add in 2 Tablespoons of honey.

I take 2 or 3 Tablespoons daily when I have a bad cough. It does have a good taste. Now as for this mess going around in the world now, I would advise you go to the Dr. for your cough syrup needs!

I took this when I had a simple cold/flu. But what’s out in this world right now is nothing to take lightly. Love to you all!

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