
Crock Sauerkraut

I wanted to see how this worked so I did it and I love it! It is crunchy and salty, nothing like the sour stuff in a can that has a tinny taste to me.

Sauerkraut fermenting.
A large jar of jelly is sitting on top of a large lid, acting as a weight. It worked rather well.

I used two large heads of cabbage and rinsed them well. You can shred these by many different ways, but I used a large knife. After cutting the cabbages thinly. I put them into a large bowl.

Then I added three tbsp. of kosher salt ( sea salt or canning salt) would also work. I mixed well with my hands and then I used a potato masher to bruise the cabbage by mashing down pretty hard for a while. This starts the juices flowing.

Next I put this in my crock and made my weight with the lid and jelly jar on top of it. Then I covered it with a clean dish towel and put a rubber band on it. For three days I let this sit out on my counter and mashed it down for three times each day. If the juice does not cover the top of the cabbage, then just add some water with a tbsp of salt in it and pour over the top. Just to cover it.

You would think that this would stink to high heaven, but it does not. I was amazed.

The finished product.

I used the water bath canning method with the cabbage at room temperature and the water in the canning pot also at room temperature. I processed this for 20 minutes.

If you need canning instructions, just find the water bath canning page on my blog. Thank you for visiting my blog and please do come back soon. I post on Tue-Thur-Sat.

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