Spinach Pizza ExtremeCast iron cooked Spinach Pizza Extreme.
I hope everyone is ready for the New Year that is coming in at midnight for North Florida. And I hope that you stay safe.
I am late posting today and I am truly sorry about that. So I will go right into the recipe for today.
This pizza was so good that I did not miss the fact that there was no meat at all on the pizza.
15oz jar of Ragu garlic alfredo sauce. You will only use 1/2 of the jar. And this is salty so do not add any salt to your pizza.
A hand-full of washed and drained fresh spinach leaves.
A bell pepper cut into 1/4 slices. Use only one of the sections cut into small pieces.
A small onion (Use half diced well).
Sautee onion and bell pepper in a dash of olive oil.
A can of black olives (Use 8 olives sliced into rings).
Mushrooms (I used dehydrated) rehydrated a hand-full in water and drained).
Parmesean cheese and Motzerella cheese. ( I grated my motz, frozen and it grated very well. 1 cup will do.
Pizza dough. I have 8 of them left in the freezer from my pizza dough recipe in my archives. If you make my dough recipe, please lower the salt. It made 10 and keeps for 4 months. Or buy or make your own dough for a 12-inch pizza.
Ok, I took my dough out of my freezer and thawed it out. Then I warmed my oven to 200 degrees for 7 minutes and turned it off, I oiled a metal bowl with a little olive oil and turned the dough over and over in the bowl and put it in the warm and turned off oven to rise a little for 1 hour.
I then put a little olive oil in my cast iron frying pan and threw about 1 TBSP of cornmeal into the pan. Put the dough on top of cornmeal and just kept pressing the dough out with my hands into the pan.
Melt a TBSP of butter and add 1/8 th tsp of garlic powder to butter. Butter the crust on outside edges only. Sprinkle edges with parmesean cheese and smear 1/4th of the alfredo sauce over the middle of pizza.
Oven at 425 degrees, and put pizza in to bake until brown. 15-20 minutes. Take out of oven and add the spinach leaves to the pizza, add the cooked onion and bell pepper. Toss on 1/2 of the shredded cheese. Put more alfredo sauce on now. 1/4th of jar.
Add the mushrooms and black olives and toss on the other 1/2 of shredded cheese, Continue baking at 425 degrees for about 13 minutes or until cheese is melted.
I hope you enjoy this one. I, for one will be making this one again. I made this recipe up and I am happy with this one.
Thank you for visiting and do come back for more if you wish. And please do share with your friends. I post recipes on Sat-Tue and Thursday. Connie B. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com
I call this one, Connie’s sausage-egg and cheese McMuffin.
Hello everyone, I hope this day finds you well as it is a beautiful sky blue day in North Florida today. And the little sparrow birds have already emptied out one feeder and they are working on the second feeder like there is no tomorrow.
But little do they know, there will always be some seed in the storehouse for them!
Today, I wanted to post this little recipe. Now you can always go to McDonald’s and have one of their sausage-egg and cheese McMuffins. But as I have no car, that is not one of my options.
So I create my own sausage-egg and cheese McMuffin. I really enjoy these, once in a while. So on to the recipe.
You will need some patty sausage meat or buy the pre-fab kind. I do not.
2 patties of sausage
2 fried eggs with salt and pepper
2 egg muffins
2 slices of cheese and mayo or your choice of condiment
I used my air-fryer to cook two thick patties of sausage. I used 370 degrees for the temp. setting and put the timer on for 12 minutes. At half-time, I flipped the sausages. And at the last minute of cooking the sausages, I threw on the cheese.
While this was cooking, I fried my eggs in a little olive oil and toasted the two muffins in my red toaster, which makes me think of the old-time dining car restaurants or the old-time cafes, from way back in time.
Ok, so now that everything is cooked, we just assemble our breakfast sandwiches Put mayo on the toasted muffins and then the fried eggs. Next comes the sausage and cheese. Next comes the plate with a glass of orange juice or coffee.
I do so hope that you will enjoy this breakfast sandwich recipe and check out more of my recipes while you are visiting.
I do thank you for your taking the time out of your busy day to stop by. Hopefully, you will come by again as I post on Sat and Tuesday.
This is a photo of December 25th, 2020. It,s main feature is a 20 lb, orange brined turkey which brined for 36 hours in a brine that I learned from Chef Jeffery.
I also made a creamy coconut pie with the coconut poured over the top and with real whipped cream from the can for added texture and taste. You will find my coconut pie recipe in my recipe archives if you wish to.
My Christmas turkey with my creamy coconut pie. A friend stopped by with the mashed potatoes and stuffing with the cranberry sauce. She also bought her awesome homemade pumpkin pie along.
I do hope that each and every one of you had a little Christmas dinner with a loved one or friend. It was a nice day for me and my neighbor. We had a lovely dinner while listening to Christmas songs on my laptop from Youtube. We also had minute made pink lemonade for our beverage.
Afterwards, we split up the dinner for the 2 homes. Now I have got to can turkey by Sunday! But I wanted to give you the brining recipe that I used on the turkey. First I had to thaw him for 2 days and get the paper packages out of him
The only pan that I had big enough was the aluminum turkey pans. I had 2 together and a hard cookie pan under them for firmness.
I used 8 ornges cut into 1/4ths.
1/2c. salt
3/4th gallon of water (Jeffery used a gallon, but he had a bucket and a fridge for it to fit in). I did start with the gallon but had to dip a lot of it out so I could pick up the pan to refrigerate the bird for 12 hours on the back side of the bird.
Then take it out and flip the bird on to the breast side for the next 24 hours to brine in the refrigerator
Back to the brine recipe. You have your water and salt and oranges together.
Add in 5 bay leaves and 1 TBSP of rosemary and 1 TBSP of thyme.
Add in 1 TBSP of black pepper corns. Stir this and have the turkey in the pan and pour this over it.
In, the morning to cook the turkey, you use a soup ladle to dip out all the brine. Stuff the oranges in the cavity of the bird. I used the same pan to bake mine in or you can change pans.
I like to cook a stress-free turkey. So I got up at 6 am and turned the oven on to 330 degrees and just put the bird in the oven and went back to bed. I do not smear butter or dip broth over the turkey as it is cooking. I did leave the oven light on for the bird. And when it browned I tented the bird with foil so he would not burn. As I wanted to cook the bird for 5 hours which was 45 minutes over-time as I always do. It was juicy and really good.
So, thank you for visiting today, and do come back soon, as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturdays. Check my archives for more recipes if you wish to. And share away with your friends. is the link to Chef Jeffery.
I, re-canned this #10 sized can of hominy into quite a few pint jars so that It would be an item in my canning food pantry for the whole year. This will make many soups through out the year for about $5 of cost. #Hominy #canningThese pint jars are from the 110 oz huge sized can of hominy. These are really good in soups.
I want to say, Merry Christmas Eve to all, and I hope that you are feeling loved, even if you are by your self. Show yourself some love during these tough times.
If all we have is our own little self, then we need love too.
If all we have is our own little family in the house, then love will just have to be enough to carry us through these days ahead. I am praying for all of you, constantly and I send you hugs and love.
I am a canner from way back there, I used to grow all my gardens of vegetables and fruit trees and pick wild blackberries like crazy. I even re-started many many mulberry trees from a tree that used to be in Watermelon Park that is near Lake City Florida.
This tree had a History, you see. All the farmers back in the day, before my time, would meet up under this giant mulberry tree and sell their wares. It was at an S&S Store at that spot, where I happened to work at.
They were tearing the tree down to pave the store lot as it was a dirt lot. I happened to be riding by, that day and when I saw that beautiful tree tore down, it ripped at my heart. So I got out of the car and collected many many little stick branches and took them home and stuck then in dirt pots and they grew and grew.
I had a giant tree myself from one of those sticks. And I gave out many many trees to a lot of people. So that special tree lives on.
On to the recipe now, sorry folks about reminiscing. But I blog because, of the old days, to try to teach the many that want to know. As I feel it is my purpose in this life, to try and take care of all of you, by sharing wisdom from the ways of our ancestors before us. This is how I learned a lot myself, from listening to their life stories.
There I go again. Sorry.
You will need a 110 oz can of hominy and about 6 or 7 pint jars with lids and rings.
Pressure Canner – a chopstick to de-bubble- tiny bowl of vinegar and napkins
A wide mouth funnel Jar lifting tongs (strong). Kitchen towel folded in half on counter near the stove to put boiling jars onto.
Ready now, here we go. As the hominy is already cooked, we just warm it and the juices in a pot to boiling. While this is starting out. Have 2 inches of water in your pressure canner also coming to a boil. Have a third big pot of water boiling to fill your jars with.
Next I take a soup ladle and ladel out some boiling water into 2 of the jars. As you fill each jar with hominy, then pour the water off into one of the cold jars that are without water. Keeps each upcoming jar hot until it gets filled.
As you fill a jar, add 1/8 tsp. of salt to it. Use the pan of boiling water to fill the jar up to within 1 inch head-space from the top ring on the jar. De-bubble with the chopstick. Wipe the top of the jar with a napkin dipped into vinegar. Put on the seal (this does not have to be hot). As it will get there in the canner. Put the ring on the jar , just finger tight! Put the jar into the canner. Repeat for each jar. ( I do have the canner metal ring in the bottom of the pot, before adding the jars.
If you do not have enough jars of food to fill up the canner, just put hot water into extra jars and set them around in the canner as place holders. I do not cap mine.
Time now to take the jiggle weight off the canner top and set it aside. Put the canner top on. Have the water already boiling hot in there! Have the dial on number 6. You do not want to bring this up too fast or you will lose liquid from your jars! When you see steam coming out of the jiggly vent then you put the jiggle weight on.
There are a lot of steps to canning, but I promise you that it will be worth learning to do it safely. Next you turn up the stove to #7 and wait for the number dial on the pot to get to #11 (Florida altitude). Google if you live higher up.
When it gets to #11, then you turn the temp down to #3 or #4 so that the dial will level out to around the #11 lbs of pressure for the whole processing time. Start timer now for 60 minutes! Most times for pint jars are for 75 minutes or 90 minutes for quarts. (But hominy is 60 minutes).
When timer goes off, just turn off the stove and WALK AWAY until all the pressure is released on its own and the dial is at ZERO. Only then can you open the pot. This is the top safety part of canning, if you open it under pressure it will explode!
When you open the lid there will be steam coming out so tilt the lid away from you. Use tong lifter in one hand and a pot holder in other hand for bottom of jar. Set the jar on th folded towel near the stove and walk away again. After about 4 hors I take the rings off the jars and if cooled down enough I wash each jar with warm soapy water and dry.
Use a marker and label food name and date on each jar seal and store away from sunlight. These will keep at least 3 years as long as you were clean and did all these steps during your food processing time. I hope that you will enjoy learning this and that it will provide for you family with lots of money savings on food.
If you have the time, stay a while and check out some recipes. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays, so do come back if you wist to and share with friends. Thank you for your visit. Connie B. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com
My childhood goulash recipe. I wish that you could smell the rich and tangy flavor of this pot of goulash.
Hello, everyone.
I am wishing you, the very best day for today and always.
This little recipe comes from my childhood memories. I am still, hooked on it, today! It just seems to get better each time that you make it.
I would usually use macaroni or penne pasta but I was out of it so I used the bow-tie pasta.
So, here is my little comfort recipe that I hope that you will try and also share the recipe with your friends.
2 lbs hamburger meat
1 tsp garlic powder and 4 cloves garlic chopped finely
1 tsp salt and 1 tsp black pepper
1 large onion chopped medium
2 cans of diced tomatoes
1 can of tomato sauce ( 15 oz can).
1 small can of tomato paste with 3 cans of water.
1- lb box of noodles. (I prefer penne). But used bowties.
Fry hamburger meat half-way done and then drain grease off. Start frying again and add in onion and garlic cloves along with all the spices.
Have a big pot of boiling water ready for your pasta noodles and boil them for 8 minutes and drain off the water. Keep in covered container to keep warm.
Back to the hamburger meat. Add in the tomato sauce along with paste and 3 paste cans of warm water. Add the 2 cans of diced tomatoes in. Simmer on medium for 20 minutes and then put all the pasta that will fit into the meat and sauce pot and stir it in well.
All of the pasta will not fit. So keep some for mac and cheese another day. Turn heat down to low #5 and simmer for 30 minutes, covered with a lid or you will have a messed up stove-top, like in my photo.
Next step is to throw some old bread or buns under the broiler with softened butter and garlic cloves minced, with garlic powder in it and a little salt, spread on top of the buns and broil until lightly browned. You could add some shredded cheese also.
Have a glass of sweet tea to go with this and you are ready for a nice meal. Thank you for your visit and please do stay awhile and check out some more recipes as I have quite a few on here. Come back soon as I post on Saturday and Tuesday.
This is me, wishing you a Merry Christmas or at least a Happy Christmas to everyone, all over the world.
Today I would like to give you a gift in the form of a tip for a very nice spiral and double brown sugar glazed fully cooked ham. It is an awesome ham. I have a recipe that used this very ham with pineapples and cherries covering it in my monthly recipe archives.
I am going to make this quick so that you can get to Walmart fast for this deal. Turkey is going at 48 cents a lb at this time also if you are not a ham fan. Spiral ham and all other hams also are $1 a lb. But this spiral ham is the bomb! I paid $9.34 for mine when at the regular price it would have been a $30 ham. So this is my gift to you. (A tip) for your family and you to enjoy!
Elderberry syrup could be an immune booster for viral and bacterial infection. Not to mention also sinus infections. It is an old recipe from many tears before. It has cloves and ginger with honey in it, So it’s not too bad of a taste. I am not a Dr. of any kind. I just use this on myself. #ElderberrySyrup
Good day to everyone and I hope that your household is doing well. I am always praying for you all, each and every one.
I am not a Doctor of any kind. I just know what works for me and this syrup recipe works for me. If you go into the Drug Stores and find Sambuco, then you will be looking at this on the shelf for quite a hefty little price. So I make my own and have for quite a while now. And I will share my syrup recipe with you.
I find it is good for viral and bacterial infections along with sinus infections, but mainly for an immune booster, it is my go-to but know that I am not in the medical field in any kind of way, so make up your own mind and study on this if you wish to.
Elderberry Syrup Recipe
On Etsy or Amazon is where I found my dried elderberries. You will need 1 cup of them.
Ginger Root in the grocery store. Buy a small piece like as big as your thumb as you only need a TBSP that is peeled and minced or finely chopped.
4 whole clove sticks and 1 tsp. of cinnamon or 1 stick.
3 cups of water and 1 cup of honey.
Put everything in a medium pot except for the honey.
Bring tp a boil and turn down to simmer for 45 minutes until the liquid is reduced by half.
Let cool down and strain the liquid through a strainer to remove clove sticks. Now add in the cup of honey and stir it up.
You are done now. This will keep in a glass jar in the refrigerator for 2 months. But I saved mine from last year by freezing it in ice cube trays and popping out and putting it in a freezer bag and freezing. Or almost freezing as the cloves keep it in a slushy form. I take out a small amount and keep it in my refrigerator.
The old recipe that I found last year said 1 TBSP for adults. But I take 2 TBSP. when I feel the least bit off. Just once and then I seem to feel better.
Thank you for visiting me and I hope you take a look at my recipe monthly archives while you are here, if you wish to. Please do come back as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturday. You are welcome to share with your friends and family and I hope that you will give them a link back to me. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com is my link.
Old and new elderberry syrup.Elderberry Syrup and 4 gallons of Kombucha that ready to bottle up with fruit, tomorrow.
Good old mash potatoes that went with these ribs on this rainy North Florida night.Some of my favorite flowers from last year. How beautiful, the little pansy flowers can be. And such a sweet scent, too.
Ok, I’m messing up with the photos! I’m sorry about that.
The ribs are just here as company for the mash potatoes. The rib recipe is in my blog also, check the monthly archives if you would like the recipe for them.
I have been making these southern mash potatoes for many years now, so I thought about posting the recipe for them, but I am pretty sure that most people already have a mash potato recipe. But tonight these hit the spot and I shared a plate with a neighbor for their dinner.
Here’s my recipe.
10 medium to large potatoes washed and peeled and cubed and boiled for 20 minutes.
Drain the water off the potatoes and put them in your mixing bowl.
Add in 1/2 stick of butter cut into chunks. Add salt and pepper to taste 1 (tsp) of each. Add in 4 TBSP of mayonnaise. (Yes Mayo.)
Have a 1/2 cup of milk nearby. Start whipping up the mash potatoes and adding the milk just a little at a time, just until mash potatoes are creamy and fluffy. It’s time to eat now!
I hope that you will enjoy this recipe and stay and check out my recipes, while you are already here.
Please share these recipes with your friends and family, if you wish.
Thank you for visiting me and please do come back soon as I post on Sat-Tue and Thursday. Connie B. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com
Good morning to everyone. I hope that you find a smile on this day and every day afterward’s. I hope that this recipe will help do, just that. It is a keeper and my only go to from the day that I found this recipe and started out making it, that same day.
This is not an easy recipe and it just will not do for the faint of heart. Meaning that you don’t mind diving into a time consuming and 2- day recipe. But for the chef and upcoming chefs, that love their kitchen and adore creating wonderful things in the kitchen, then this recipe is for you!
It is also for the newbies if you are willing to learn. You will need a digital scale to weigh out the grams. Amazon has them for around $15 that will weigh up to 11 lbs and grams and ounces also.
300g of distilled water- 300g of self-rising flour-5g yeast-5g honey
Put all this stirred together in a closed Tupperware container, leave on the countertop for an hour. Then you stir and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This ferments the dough for a great crust!
After 24 hours goes by, then you are ready to start making the dough. Get out your hugest bowl. And a bottle of olive oil as you will be needing it a few times. And a dough scraper and an extra cup of flour.
700g of distilled water-30g sea salt (kosher-canning) 1250g of self-rising flour. Measure all this out on your digital gram scale, each in a separate container. Tare the scale weight as you put the empty container on the scale and then add the flour. Next, put the emtpy container on the scale and then tare the weight and then weigh your flour, and tare the weight of the salt container and weigh the salt.
Add the 24- hour fermented dough into the huge bowl along with the salt and the water. Stir a few minutes and then add half of the flour and stir. Now add all the rest of the flour and stir.
Have an extra cup of flour out on the counter and wax paper covering the counter. Have oil nearby also.
Pour the dough out onto your wax paper and knead the dough by adding small amounts of flour, so that it will not, all stick to your hands. Just fold over and then use the sides of your palms to shape a little. This dough is huge so don’t let it get away from you and drop on the floor!
You are just spending a few minutes on shaping the dough into a smooth ball, about 2 minutes. The dough will be sticky. Cover and let rise for 15 minutes. (Put the huge bowl over the top of the dough.
Then clean up the bowl to use in a minute. Now you spread olive oil on top of the dough and pick it and drop it while shaping the sides with the sides of your palms for about 3 minutes.
Smear olive oil in your huge bowl and drop dough into it. Cover and sit on the countertop for 30-minutes. Turn on your oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes and then turn it off.
Take out of the bowl and put on the countertop with a tiny dash of olive oil on the counter. Throw away the wax paper. Cut the dough into 6 slices and then into 10 slices.
Put all the dough balls onto cookie sheet pans and smear with olive oil. Cover with plastic wrap Put in a turned-off oven and leave them in the oven for 2 hours to rise. Pre-heat your oven now to 400 degrees.
Take one dough ball out to use and put up the rest of the dough balls into a freezer bag each and freeze. Have a little pile of flour on the counter and a dough scraper. Put the ball on the pile of flour. Press out the dough to make pizza crust. and flip over and press out again, while pulling on the sides. At this time you could throw it up into the air! It’s that good of a dough.
The dough will be thin on the bottom as it shows on Vitto’s YouTube video, which I give all the credit to for his awesome, pizza dough recipe. And I will leave a link to him for this awesome recipe. Check him out, he is contagious with laughter, so you will like him and all his recipes too. So for my next pizza, I think I will leave the dough thicker all around for myself. I like a chewy crust on the bottom, but I would not change anything else, with this recipe.
To cook a pizza, put a very small handful of cornmeal on your greased pan. before you put the dough on it and just spread sauce on and bake at 400 degrees until golden brown. (30 minutes for me). Take out of the oven and add the rest of the stuff. I used cooked hamburger meat with moztzarella cheese and rehydrated mushrooms and I sprinkled parmesan cheese over the pizza also. I cooked this for 15 minutes. I am sorry about the fuzzy photo, but it did not stick around long.
This recipe will make 10 dough balls that will last for 4 months in your deep freezer! Of course, keep one out to bake a pizza now. There is no excuse not to have pizza when you need it! This dough was like Pizza Hut’s dough.
So, stay awhile and browse my recipes. Share them with friends and do come back for more, if you wish. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesday. Thank you for visiting me.
Here is Vitto’s link, go to YouTube and type in Vito Lacopelli and you will be there as I can’t get the exact link correctly.