A hearty roast beef stew with carrots and potatoes galore.
Hello to everyone from this grey sky and rainy looking day in North Florida. I hope you’re cooking something good today!
Here is my recipe for a roast beef stew that I cooked up, last week.
I had canned roast beef in my pressure canner in pint jars that roughly hold a pound of meat in each jar. So I used two jars. And going through the canning process, they tenderized so much that you hardly have to chew it and your meat and broth is already prepared for you. Roast is so easy to can if you ever wish to try. Just look under canning in my categories and you will see the step by step by step of how to do it.
Ok, so you start with two pounds of meat already cooked up with the broth from cooking.
Use a large pot and boil all ingredients except for the meat for 20 minutes to cook the potatoes and carrots in your meat broth or a half of the pan filled with water.
Chop up 1 large onion Chop up 6 carrots
Wash-peel and chop 4 large potatoes.
Use 2 pints of canned tomatoes or store canned tomatoes, juice, and all..
I really enjoy this recipe and I hope that you will, also. Thanks for dropping by and come again if you wish to. As always, share with your friends and family. I will post again on Tue-Thur-and Saturday
Hello everyone. How is your day? I am always praying that your days go well, for each and every one of you.
Please over-look the bun in this photo. It was in the freezer for a while, but a few seconds in the microwave and it turned into a steamed hotdog bun. But It’s looks can not be improved, just the taste.
The recipe is–Your very favorite sausage links (Nettles) is mine.
1 large onion cut up—lots of mustard–good mayonnaise ( Save A Lot) for me. A pretty plate and a coke. Along with a photoshoot if you can wait that long..
Ok, here is how I cook my good ole sausage dog. I boil mine for 15 minutes boiling as this gets a lot of grease out. Then I drain off the water very well.
Then, I put about 1 1/2 TBSP of olive oil in a frying pan and just fry it until it has some pretty brown color on it. You can use whatever type of oil that you choose.
Start sauteing your onion right about now.
Steam your bun for 4-7 seconds. Now you can build this good ole sausage dog. I use mayo and tons of mustard and onions.
This reminds me of the sausage dogs at the fair-grounds.
Thank you for your visit and come back for more recipes, if you want to. Spend some time and browse around, while you are already here. And feel free to share with all of your family and freinds.
Hello to everyone, on this beautiful blue sky, Florida day. It’s a great day for a pie! Cherries are not in the stores, as of now. This pie was made last year. I can hardly wait for the bing cherries to hit the grocery stores!
First of all, you will need two pie crusts. So buy them or make them up.
5 c of pitted and de-stemmed bing cherries that are rinsed well before pitting them.
1/4 c cornstarch 3/4 c sugar
1/8 tsp salt 1 TBSP lemon juice
1/2 tsp almond extract 1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg whisked for the top glaze on pie 1/8 c sugar to sprinkle over the glaze
Use a large bowl and add in the cornstarch, 3/4th c sugar, salt, lemon juice, and extracts. Mix together with a spoon.
Add in the cherries and spoon mix to coat the cherries.
Use a large skillet to pour this mixture into. On medium heat, cook while stirring all the way through the cooking time of 9 minutes. Until it starts to thicken. Then reduce heat to low and cook for a minute or two.
Put this into a large bowl to cool to room temperature.
Next, you spoon the cherry pie mixture into the bottom crust. Add the top crust over the pie. Use a tiny dish of cold water to crimp the pie shells together (pinch).
Cut four small holes in the top crust for the steam to be able to escape.
Brust the top with the egg wash (can add 1 TBSP of milk) to the egg.
Sprinkle with 1/8 c of sugar. Refrigerate pie for one hour. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and bake for one hour on the middle oven rack.
When this cools down after 3 or 4 hours, then it is ready to enjoy!
This ii a good pie and I hope that you try this.
Thanks for stopping by and do visit again I post again on Sat-Tue and Thursday. Thank you. Connie B.
Air Fryer Cod Fish with Cajun-Slap Ya Mama Seasoning, makes Hot and Spicy Fish. Done cooking in 17 minutes. Make that 10 minutes cook time for the cod fish.
Hello, everyone on this North Florida cloudy day. I hope your day is good and that you can find some joy in some little things today. Even if it is the lovely little songbirds that are flitting around and finding the tiniest of seeds to make their day a good one.
Last night I was in the mood for some fish and scallops. Just the two of them, nothing else. Something light, you know.
I had rearranged my back patio, as I am patiently waiting on a purplish pink rose bush (rootstock) to get here in a few days time. So now I have the heavy concrete pot that I emptied the dirt out of, from the front patio so that I could walk through the apartment to my back patio with it, and it was heavy.
So, after that little process, then I started clearing out my little storage room. I had a lot of stuff that I never use in there. So I gave away some and luckily had someone take two trips to the dumpster across the field for me, or I would not have finished it all. You see I have a good amount of canning jars in there and have to buy only a few jelly canning jars to be stocked for good on my jars. If you follow my blog, you know that I love to can, whether it is pressure cooker canning or water-bath canning!
Ok, I am sorry I drug you along on my events of yesterday! I was tired and sweaty after that workout of plants and the storage room. So I had to shower and cook supper afterward. So here comes the recipe, now.
I had lightly salted some fish in a Tupperware bowl and cut them in half. I put them in the refrigerator in the morning time.
Slap Ya Mama Fish Batter This was spicy hot!
Spray bottle with olive oil in it.
Air-Fryer with foil in the bottom (easy clean-up).
I used 1/2 c of Slap Ya Mama in a bowl to dredge the fish in, on both sides. Then I plugged in my air fryer and it came on at 370 degrees as always. I pressed the minute button from 15 to 5 minutes as fish cooks quickly.
I put in as much fish as would fit in the fryer basket, which was three pieces, as my air fryer is small. Next, I gave the top of the fish a little oil spritz each. I set the timer and walked away and when the timer went off. I came back and turned the fish over, with two spoons so I would not break the fish. I spritzed and set the timer for 5 minutes more and then I begin cooking my scallops to go with the fish.
I used a frying pan with 1 1/2 TBSP of butter that was melted down. I rinsed the scallops with water earlier and let them dry off well So now when the pan was hot at medium temperature, I put the scallops in the pan and sprinkled some garlic powder on them. I let them sit in the same spot for 2 1/2 minutes and then I turned them over for 2 1/2 minutes.
Scallops only have to be pink to be done, just like shrimp so you could cook them in less time. Possibly 3 minutes total. But I like to be on the safe side.
So this seafood dinner was cooked and ready to eat in 17 minutes. Breading 2 minutes fish 10 minutes and scallops for 5 minutes. And, I really liked the fact that my kitchen did not have the smell of fish cooking, lingering around for 2 days to get the smell out.
I know that I may not be the best seafood cook so please forgive me for all of you pro’s out there but I did enjoy my supper. And tonight I am going to cook the rest of my fish the same way but without the Slap Ya Mama breading mix. And I think that I will do a few hushpuppies by making a thick batter and freezing them into balls so that they can also cook in the air fryer
Thank you for your visit, today was a freebie recipe day. I will post another one on Thur-Sat and Tuesday. Connie B.
Have a piece of chocolate fudge frosting, chocolate cake.
As I sit here waiting on the local bus to come pick me up to go grocery shopping, I will try to get this post done for today!
I love to make my own cake frostings at home, as it tastes superior to the store-bought stuff that you buy off the shelf.
Oops, the bus is here! I will be back later to finish today’s post.
Ok, I made it back home and put up the groceries. Here is the recipe for this awesome chocolate fudge frosting!
This will frost a 13×9 sized cake.
1/4 c unsalted butter
1/4 c cocoa powder
1/4 c milk
1 c granulated sugar (reg. sugar) pinch of salt.
Put all ingredients in a small pot and bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Take away from heat and use a mixer to beat the frosting until it cools down about 3 quarters of the way. Then frost the cooled down cake fast before it gets cold.
I have traded this cake for 3 dozen farm fresh big brown eggs, for each month for a long time. Up until my neighbors moved away. They always had their choice of cakes, but it was always this one! I used a devils food chocolate cake mix for this cake.
Thank you for your visit today. I am always glad to see you return. I don’t get to see you, face to face but as my views continue to climb. I, know that you have visited my blog again and I thank you again. I will post again on Thur-Sat and Tuesday.
Air-Fryer Hash-Browns that are crispy and not soggy
Hello, everyone on this North Florida’s, second rainy day. But, I love the rainy day! That was in a song from back yonder, somewhere.
I hope that your day is good, as I always try to make every day good. Because you never know when it, may be your last. So I don’t waste it.
Today is just a short post to show you what the air-fryer can do. And best of all, you set it and walk away while it cooks itself. You do come back at half-time to flip it over.
If you follow my blog, then you have seen my air-fryer, many times. As it is a camera loving selfie. It lives between the coffee pot and the food processor, along with the coffee bean grinder. All items that I simply could not live without them in my kitchen. You can see that I am a kitchen appliance type of girl.
So, you know that I love spending time in the kitchen!
I have found out that it is best to cover the bottom of the air-fryer basket with foil as it makes it a breeze to toss the foil and wash the basket in the dish-water.
I also found a tin type, hair-spray bottle at the Dollar Tree store to keep olive oil in to spray foods that require a spray. Price check these oil spraying bottles and you will see that I got mine for a bargain. I did not use the spray on the hash-browns as they already have enough oil in them.
I only plug the air-fryer into the wall socket, when I am using it, Just as a safety habit like my coffeepot also.
When I plug it in, it comes on and I push the start button it shows you the minute button so I set it to 14 minutes. It also shows 370 degrees, which I usually leave alone, as it does a wonderful job.
Now you just walk away for 7 minutes and come back and flip the hash-brows over. I use two spoons to flip each one over so they don’t break-up. And when the buzzer dings, they are ready for some salt and eggs, etc. etc.
I love my air-fryer and it saves me a lot of time from standing at the stove or even, turning on the oven for hot summer days, which will come soon enough.
Thank you for your visit and feel free to look through my recipes. Keep them if you wish and always share them with your friends. if you want! I will post again on Tue-Thur and Saturday if you want to visit again.
This is a new drink that I have just started using. It is called Kombucha.
Hi, everybody. It is a beautiful blue sky day in North Florida, today. I hope that wherever you may be, that you can find beauty in your day! As I sat outside in my old blue rocking chair, while having my coffee. I got to hear my first wild male turkey gobbler. Such a lovely sound of him calling up the females.
The second. I believe was a black winged stork that was flying over the roof-tops. Such an awesomely, beautiful sight! As you can tell, I am in love with nature! So when the humans started moving about, I came back inside.
Ok, I am going to post on what the bottle says. Know that I am not a Dr. or in any field of medicine, I just like what the bottle says for my life and feel that it may help my oldness of body.
I could really use some of this, if not all of it, for me.
Organic and Unpasturised Gluten Free-Vegan and non-GMO
It is a fermented tea with it’s origins dating back to 221 BC
Says that it is an ancient elixir with billions of probiotics.
This is effervescent so do not shake! This is fermented so know that fermentation causes alcohol but this does not taste like alcohol to me.
I found my SYNERGY kombucha at Walmart. So if you just want to try a bottle first, then get one. But I, myself like to create so I will be creating my own SCOBY, to make an ongoing fermentation for myself. Now know that you have to have a strong constitution to even look at a SCOBY, much less, grow one. So if you are timid then, by all means, use store-bought kombucha. But the link I will share with you is the fermentation creation to make your own kombucha.
Also, I adore the STIVER Family and watched them for a year now, on You-tube. So if my link does not take you there, just go to You-tube and type in The Stivers. They are a fun family to watch and will make you laugh. I feel like part of their family.
Thank you for your visit and spend a little time with me reading my recipes if you wish. I will post again on Sat-Tue and Thursday
#kombucha This is my personal kombucha that I have made. It is a tangy and fizzy, strawberry, fermented tea and I love it. It took me a month to start out from scratch and grow my own SCOBY. Then it took another 6 days for the second ferment. Then another 3 days for the fruit to ferment.
So now when I make a new batch from my SCOBY and a cup of the juice, it only takes 6 days and then 3 days to ferment 6 bottles from a gallon jug and 12 bottles of kombucha from 2 of the gallon jugs. This is a health drink and not an alcoholic drink. I ask you to study kombucha for a month and get the know-how of what to do and what to look for as you are making your kombucha and then attempt to try this if you wish.
Hey, everyone. It has been an extra busy day for me, today. I had to grocery shop and also visit my apartment complex laundry mat, to wash 2 weeks worth of clothes.
I am so sorry, I just about forgot to do my weekly Tuesday post. So here it is. I used some of my canned raspberry jam for the sauce on the banana split along with real whipped cream and a good bit of maraschino cherries. It hit the spot.
I am waiting on Bing cherries to hit the grocery store, here in Florida. I don’t know when that will be. But I do have plans to make some home-made cherry ice-cream up, as soon as I find me some of those awesome cherries. I will share the recipe with you if you would like!
I hope you had a good day today today and and even better one for tomorrow. Signing off now as it is time to slow down for the night. Thank you for your visit and please do check out more recipes while you are here. I will post on Thur-Saturday and Tuesday. I hope to see you then.
I know that I don’t really see you, but I am happy to see that you have stopped by again, to go through my recipes. They are yours to share with all your friends and ask them to stop by also, if you will. Got to go now.#CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Hello to everyone. I have found a youtube site with delicious recipes on it. I give all the credit to this awesome lady and I have put her link at the top of this page so that you can visit her and see her awesome recipes.
This is a beautiful dish to serve. I have written the amounts in, so that you don’t have to measure in grams. All-thou, it is quite fun to have a digital scale and learn to measure in grams.
Ingredients are Rice 2.30 0z or 65g
Water 8.82 oz or 250g Sugar 4.4oz or 125g
Cornstarch 1.41 oz or 40g 1 to 2 drops of pink food coloring
Whole milk 1 litre or 4c of milk 1-2 tsp of vanilla extract
Put rice and water in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Then lower heat to #3 and cook on low for 10 minutes.
Take the cornstarch and whisk it together with some of the milk, for later addition. Pour the rest of the milk in the pot along with the sugar and vanilla.
Now add the corn starch and keep whisking in, very well. Cook on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. Keep stirring the whole time that you are cooking. When it is thick and creamy, take off of heat, and add food coloring. Let’s Eat!
I do sincerely hope that you will visit this sweet lady in Greece and see her awesome recipes. You can use google to convert your measurements from grams to ounces if you have trouble figuring them out.
Thank you for visiting toaday and do come back for more recipes. Browse if you have the time. Visit Greece for a while also! I will post on Tue-Thur and Saturday.
Hello from North Florida on this cold and frosty morning. I hope that you are all warm and toasty. As I, sit here looking out at frosted roofs that are all around me.
Maybe this time it will finally run the crickets under-ground if that is where they go for winter-time. It has been weird to hear the crickets, still singing away, in Florida. Like a summer night sound. It just doesn’t quite match up with the cold days and nights, that we have been seeing.
Here is a recipe that will warm you up from your toes to your nose. I hope that you will try it. This makes a big pot for a pot-luck meal. And I made this in a cast iron, dutch oven. Which, alas has grown too heavy for me now in my golden years.
Ingredients are 3 huge baking potatoes and 1 stalk of celery
1 c of baby carrots and 2 chicken bullion cubes (smashed) 4c milk and 1c water
1/2c flour and 1c sourcream
1 small package of turkey bacon and 1/4 c butter
1 small onion chopped and2 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper
Wash and poke whole into the potatoes, no need to peel them yet.
Put 1 potato on a plate and wet 2 paper towels to drape over the potato and microwave for 9 minutes (until done. Do the same for each potato.
Chop up all vegetables and also chop up the turkey bacon into small pieces.
Let potatoes cool and then peel them. Cut into very large chunks and set aside.
Boil the 1c of water for the bullion cubes to be dropped into.
Use a large soup pot and add the butter, turkey bacon and, all vegetables. Simmer and stir for 10 minutes, until tender.
The next step is to add in the flour and stir in, well. Add the cup of broth. Stir in the 4c of milk and 1 c of sourcream.
Add in the salt and pepper. Add in the big potato chunks and cook on a low heat, as this soup is rich and heartily thick. Just lift the soup for stirring so that you will not break up the potatoes. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes on #3 low setting, just to let everything incorporate all their flavors together. Let’s Eat!
This would be great with home-baked bread or even store-bought
Stay awhile and browse through my recipes if you wish and do share them with your friends. I will post again on Tue-Thur- and Saturday so come back for more, if you wish.