
Movie Theater Popcorn

Popcorn, Just Like at The Movie Theater.

Good morning to all, on this cold North Florida day. Where ever you are, I hope that you are not snowed in to much. I do remember the North Carolina winters from years past! So I am wishing that your day goes well for you and all your family.

Many years ago, while at a movie theater, I was told the popcorn butter recipe and I have been using it ever-since then. There is nothing like hot buttered popcorn with a movie and a coke. It is one of this world’s little comforts to me. So here it is folks!

Oops, I did not talk about my glass microwave popcorn bowl! I picked it up at a thrift store years ago and I love it. It reminds me of the Mr. Koolaide cartoon icon.

Ok, back to the recipe now.

For 1 person, I use a 1/4 cup measurement of popcorn

Melt 1/3 stick of butter and then add in 1/2 TBSP of coconut oil.

Put the popcorn in your popper and add in 1 TBSP of this oil mixture to pop the popcorn with. Save most of the butter-coconut oil for pouring over the top of the popcorn when popped. You do not have to use it all. Add salt now and you are ready to eat.

I do hope that you will try this as it is one of my favorite past-times, while enjoying a good movie at home.

Thank you for your visit. You do bring me joy to see that you are browsing through my recipes on this little blog. I will post again on Thur-Sat and Tuesday. Connie B.


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