Air-Fryer Recipes

Air-Fryer Potato Logs

Good Morning Everyone! I hope that you make this a good day for you and everyone around you.

I have a nice potato log recipe for you. This can be done with an air-fryer or if you don’t have one, then an oven will do. 400 degrees and 40 minutes, I think. Just keep checking if you are using your oven, for fork tenderness.

Ingredients needed are chili seasoning- accent-salt-pepper-smoky paprika-garlic powder and Cavendar’s Greek seasoning and of course potatoes. And Olive oil.

Wash and clean 2 large potatoes or more if you need more.

Put foil in your air-fryer basket to keep it cleaner. I do with everything and then just toss it in the garbage when done.

Cut up the potatoes into large wedges and put them in a large bowl.

Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle all the spices on lightly.

Go heavy on the salt and chili powder (2 tsp each).

Toss the potatoes around to coat well.

Turn the air-fryer on 370 degrees for 16 minutes and flip the potatoes over at half time. If fork tender then they are ready, and if not, then add 5 minutes more time to air-fryer.

I hope that you enjoy this recipe. I know that I do and will never have to buy potato logs again. Thanks for your visit and I will be posting more on Saturday-Tuesday and Thursday. Connie B.


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