
Sauerkraut Dogs

Hotdogs with homemade Kraut.

Good evening all! It’ about 88 degrees or maybe 91 in North Florida at 7pm tonight. Hotter than hell, I always say! But, I have no desire to go there to compare the heat.

I am hoping that all is well, with your home and family tonight. I am always, wishing the best for all of you.

Tonight, I am sharing a food blog photo that comes from my own blog, which is here. I love to share recipes with the world and can only hope that they are shared and tried by some of you.

Anyhow, back to this sauerkraut and hotdog craving that I had a while back. A friend taught me her recipe for cooking hotdogs!

This is sinful but awesomely good. You fry the hotdogs in a little butter. yes butter. 2 TBSP of butter.

Then to top it off, I added a coke and my homemade sauerkraut, which is has a crunchy texture and just beats the stuffing out of the store, canned stuff.

If you would like my homemade karut recipe then look back in my archives under August 2020 in the monthly links that show at the bottom of my blog.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you find a recipe that you want to try! Connie B.


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