I am wishing for you the best of days. Here in North Florida it is a mighty cloudy and rainy looking day. But, I love rainy days, so it will be a nice one.
I promised to get back to you on the venison recipe that I would choose and I decided on meatloaf. I happened to be out of some ingredients so I just used what I did have to put into this recipe and it turned out to be real good.
Here is what I used in my recipe.
1-lb of venison in a bowl
1 c dry oatmeal
2 large eggs were added to the meat.
1 1/2 c of crushed-up pretzels
1-tsp Accent 1-tsp Cavendar’s Greek seasoning
1/2 sweet Vidella a onion chopped.
1/4 c milk
Have oven on 350 degrees.
Mix up all of the ingredients together in the bowl and put into a bread loaf pan and pat down. Bake for 1 hour.
Normally I would use bread or bread crumbs instead of the pretzels.
But the milk softened up the pretzels so it turned out the same.
It is so very nice to have venison in the house! I am doing the happy dance as I have always liked, wild foods.
Good morning All, on this cloudy and drizzly, North Florida day!
It is still a beautiful day and I am wishing the same for your day!
This is just a tantalizing post for you and for me as well! I am up in the air on which way that I will be cooking this awesome venison as it has been years since I have had some. So, here’s to my dreaming up a recipe, which I will share with you if you wish.
If you are upset about the deer meat, then I am sorry. I just have always loved the taste of the wild foods. My Gracious Thanks To Brady for this awesome treat!
Leftover roast beef with gravy to go over rice for lunch.
Good Morning All on this beautiful North Florida day with its Harvest Moon.
I hope that your day goes well and that your family and friends are doing well.
I am just popping in with a small meal deal that grows into two meals from one-pint jar of roast beef that I canned in 2020.
If you want the recipe for pressure canning roast beef, then look in my archives for May 1st, 2020. It’s in there. But be warned if you are squeamish that the photo is of raw meat in canning jars that are ready to go in the canner. One of the easiest things that I have ever canned.
My two recipes that I made from one jar, which was a wide-mouth jar that holds a little more than the regular jar, in my opinion. Were roast beef 1/4 sub with the contents of the jar heated up with some seasonings. You should know me by now, Accent and Greek seasonings along with onion powder and salt with pepper.
I did not get the Cabot very sharp cheddar cheese thawed out in time so I had to use a slice of Velveeta (cheap brand) from Save A Lot. But it was well worth it! I had a loaf of French bread that I had cut into fourth’s in the freezer so I used a fourth size chunk of the bread that I did have thawed out, along with Gulden’s Spicy Brown mustard and mayo.
Throw in a Walmart brand of can coke and you have yourself a fine meal or you could feed two people on this one jar meal in a few minutes of your time.
But as there is only I, the leftovers will be tomorrow’s meal. So I took the meat out of the pot and made gravy by adding in some seasonings as when I can meat I just can it plain and season when I open the jar to use it. I just used 3/4th cup of cold water and stirred in 2 1/2 TBSP of flour (or you could use cornstarch). Whisk together well before adding to the warmed-up broth in the pot, from the pint jar. Add in the flour and stir while you cook it a couple of minutes. If too thick then add a little water sparingly. Add the meat back into the pot with the gravy and it is ready to eat now.
I will prepare a cup of parboiled rice with 2 cups of water, that is brought to a good boil and then lower the temp to 3 1/2 and cook with the lid on the pot for 25 minutes. If the water is gone then it is ready to eat.
So my lunch today will be a nice one, with a veggie
I do hope that you will get into canning, little by little as it is costly to start out so that you can enjoy some fine and fast prepared meals.
Have some old Southern neckbones and rice.Here is some dessert for you! Pistachio pudding bars. (Recipe would be in my archives for this year) in case, you need it.
Good Morning All! On this almost, last day of August.
I hope that you are finding the time to watch some Autumn leaves fall as the trees start to shed their beautiful leaves. As always, I am wishing you, a good day for today.
I do have a good recipe for you that I hardly ever see being cooked, these days. This one comes from way back in time and it will take you back to fond memories of family in the kitchen. My first Mother-in-law (Alice) taught me this recipe. along with her Mother (Nanny Brown).
Both were and are the most amazing cooks that I had the pleasure of learning to cook with those beautiful ladies. Like I said, the fondest memories come back to me with this recipe, of the smells and the love that these two Women shared with me, a very young married teenager at the time, who did not even know how to boil water as I was never taught at home.
I guess that is the reason that I love to share my recipes and tips for others! Well, on to the recipe!
A package of smoked neckbones (I used a large pack) as you can see in the pot.
2 c of rice uncooked ( I only use par-broiled rice in my house) it gives a firmer texture to the rice.
Seasonings I used are: 1 tsp Cavender’s Greek seasoning
1 tsp Accent 1TBSP pink salt and 1 tsp black pepper
Put 10 c of water into a big pot and add the smoked neckbones and seasonings.
Boil on medium-high for 40 minutes with the lid off the pot.
Time to add the rice into the pot now. (If there is less than 4 1/2 cups of water in the pot, add a little more water). Bring to a rolling boil and stir and cover the pot with a lid. Turn down the heat to #4.
After 20 minutes, check the rice to see if it is done with no water left in the pot. If there is water then take the lid off the pot and raise temperature to #6 and stay with it for about 5 to 8 minutes and the water will cook into the rice.
I would have loved to have some mustard greens and cornbread to go along with this, or maybe some speckled butterbeans and biscuits! (these recipes are also in my archives of 2020 and 2021).
I hope that I have made you hungry from the past and present memories! Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me for today!
Oxtail covered with a rub, browned and slow cooked with carrots, onions and a broth. If you don’t know what Oxtail is, it is the tail of an ox or cattle. Rinse and pat dry the oxtail pieces. Combine the brown sugar, soy sauce, salt, garlic powder and pepper. Rub the wet mixture all over […]
Hello Everybody. as usual I am wishing you well, above all else. I have had loss and survival, through-out this pandemic so I can say that I feel your pain and sometimes your joy.
We are all looking for the joy in our lives to help bare the pain that we walk through each and everyday.
So, I try to bring you a litte joy with this awesome recipe from my friend Diane. Hey, don’t knock it till you try it! Oxtails.
Good morning all! It is very early Saturday morning as I write this post.
I hope that your day goes well and that all of your wishes come true.
I began cooking my ribeye steak like this, many years ago. And it is fast and easy.
I season my steak the night before with accent and garlic powder and then keep it in a covered container in the refrigerator until I am ready to cook it.
I preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
I use my favorite little cast iron frying pan with a little bit of olive oil in it. Maybe 2 TBSP. I just brown the steak on each side, about 3 minutes each side, on a high heat setting.
Then I slide the cast iron frying pan into the oven and set a timer for 5 minutes. If you like it rarer then check on it earlier than 5 minutes. On this steak, I messed up and cooked it for 8 minutes so it turned out to done for me but it was still a good steak. I prefer the 5 minute time and way less done.
I had some dehydrated mushrooms, so I used a big handful and rehydrated them in 1/4th cup of water in a little pan on the stove. When the water boiled out, I tossed in some butter and garlic powder and took off the stove. This left them crispy like and that is how I like my mushrooms on a steak. I microwaved a large baking potato by poking holes in it and covering it with a wet paper towel. I think it may have been 9 minutes but check it at 6 minutes.
When the baked potato is cooked like this in a microwave with a wet papertowel on it. It will be moist and flaky just like the restaurant baked potato. I learned this tip years ago.
If you have not tried your steak this way, I do hope that you will give this a try! It is really tasty this way.
Thank you for stopping by and feel welcome to come back for any of my recipes. They are here to be shared with you and others, also. I will post on Tuesday and Saturday. Connie B.
Chicken livers, you either love them or you hate them!
Hello to everyone on this North Florida, very rainy day. I wish the very best for you and yours.
I wanted to share my fried chicken liver recipe today with you. As I love to have them once in a while.
You will need these items.
Chicken livers (rinsed) in a sieve and flavored with your spices. I use accent and calenders greek seasoning and garlic powder. Let this sit in a covered container in the refrigerator for overnight to take season.
Kentucky Kernel Chicken Seasoning Box (Walmart)
2 eggs in a cup of milk (whisked)
1 cup of self-rising flour (Mix with 1 cup of Kentucky Kernel Seasoning) on a large plate. This makes the seasoning stretch for more meals.
Cast iron skillet with 2 inches of hot melted grease. You will need to keep working with the temperature of the grease by cooking on #5 and lowering it to #4 at times, so the grease does not burn.
A splatter screen (Dollar Tree) This is a must so that you don’t get popped by hot grease and severely burned. Ask me how I know this! I also put a paper towel over the screen while the livers are frying. Arrange it so it does not catch on fire!
Last of all have a platter prepared with paper towels on it for the cooked livers. And you need a big long fork.
Begin by having the grease on very low. Add some chicken livers to the egg-milk mixture and next to the flour mixtures and back quickly into the milk mixture and back to the flour mixture again. (Double Dipping).
Put these on a clean dry plate, until you have done all of the livers, like 3 at a time. If any dry flour mixture is left-over then drag the livers through it. Get the grease hot on #5 now and fry a batch of livers for 5 minutes on one side and 5 minutes on the other side. Then take them out and place them on the platter. Remember to rotate the heat down to 4 and then up to 5. Do the other batch and then you are done. These are cooked slow and easy and they are the best!
I hope that you try this recipe! I, thank you for stopping by, and hope to see you again (on my Blog) which is here. Connie B.
I do my recipe post on Tuesday and Saturday. Until the next one, have an awesome day!
A lovely and rain fresh morning, on this North Florida day. Hopefully with more gentle rain to come. I hope that your day is good and that you take the time to feel the breeze and last but not least, smell the flowers.
A bonus day would include, picking flowers as well!
Today is just a photo of future days to come and I wish that I could have the senses of smell added to this post for you, whoe it was atrocious and I wish that I could have bottled some of it.
This was on last Sunday that I fired up my new gas grill for the first time. Also, it was my very first cook on a gas grill so it looks a little burnt but it was good.
The little steel tube is for hickory chips that burnt up as I needed to fire the grill up on all three burners for the chemicals to burn off for 15 minutes. The wood chips caught on fire and I had to put them out with water. So there was no hickory-smoked smell for the chicken, but next time there will be!
I hope that you like today,s post and will share and come back soon. Thank you for your time! Connie B
Good morning all, from this stormy looking North Florida day. The trees are dancing, whipping round and round and spinning in circles of wind. When I see the trees dancing like this, then I know that we are in for a good one! Stay safe and you might want to cook while you can, this morning. I will be having left-overs of this stroganoff that I put together yesterday!
I can up beef roast in big 1 1/2 inch chunks in pint jars, for myself. And this is the meat that I used. You could save some roast beef left-overs or cook up a pound of roast for this recipe.
1 pint of cooked beef roast
1 giant hand-full of dried mushrooms
16- oz of sour-cream and 1/2 bag of cooked egg noodles (just before dish is ready).
2 Large dried Mexican red chili peppers with seeds sliced up
As the meat is already cooked. I put it in a big pot and added the broth from the roast beef to the pot also. You will need 3 cups worth of liquid, add water if you need to. As there is not a lot of liquid in this recipe, I heated this up on low-medium and added all the spices into the pot. Also the chopped red peppers (I used 2) and the mushrooms. Cook this for about 15 minutes minutes to soften up the peppers and dried mushrooms and to let flavors meld together.
Watch the pot while you are cooking. You do not want to boil out the liquids.
Start boiling your 1/2 big bag of egg noodles for 8 minutes and then drain and have ready.
Add the 16 oz container of sour-cream to the pot and combine. Now add the drained egg noodles and combine. Cook on low for about 7 minutes to let the flavors combine.
I enjoyed this dish and I hope that you will try it. It was my first time cooking with dried chili peppers so I kept the seeds out and then added 1/2 at a time and tasted the pepper skins to see that they were not too hot for me. I like hot stuff but I did not want to die! I ended up with all the seeds in the pot.