Dehydrating Meats

Beef Jerky

Beef Jerky

Good morning all, on this North Florida, beautiful morning. The birds are singing and the Gatava/Silkworms are high in the trees while building their nests that look like spun silk.

There is an old saying that the fish are bedding up their beds now, in the ponds and lakes. What an excellent time to go fishing, right now! You could be pulling in the fish, I wish that I was.

Ok, on to the recipe for today. This is a homemade beef jerky that I have made for years and I must say that you just can not stop eating this stuff, after you get a taste of it. It is salty, so be warned.

Bottle of Moore’s Marinade Sauce Use 1/2 of the bottle.

Beef roast with as least fat as possible. Frozen but half thawed.

A sharp, long knife A Gallon Zip-lock-bag

I used to have a meat slicer to slice the meat thinly but it makes such a mess to clean up, so I have found that using a sharpened long bladed knife will do the slicing very nicely, just do not slice yourself!

Take the half frozen beef roast (any kind of roast). Slice it thin, but not paper thin. Put this in the gallon zip-lock bag and pour half of the bottle of Moore’s Marinade Sauce into the bag, also. Keep the left-over Moore’s in the fridge for another batch.

Put the bag in the refrigerator and flip it over through-out a time of 6 hours or overnight if you want it saltier. When ready to put this on a dehydrator, drain all the liquid of, using a colender/strainer and put on the trays of the dehydrator. My dehydrator is a stronger one so it takes 3 to 4 hours for my jerky to be done. The other dehydrator’s take like maybe 5 to 6 hours, I think. I can’t remember! I have had this $60 ( I think).one and it cuts the time in half for me. I have had this one for many years now. It was at Walmart.

When dry take off and cool down and store in a zip-lock baggie for however long that will hang around the house. Maybe a day or maybe two days. Enjoy!

Browse while you are here and check back later for another recipe to come on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Thank you for your time.



Cast Iron Delmonico Steak

A nice Delmonico, sizzling steak, in a cast iron frying pan that is right out of the oven.
#Recipe #delminicosteak #castironskillet

Hello everyone. I am sorry that I am very late posting for today.

It has been a busy and misty, North Florida day. But I still love this day and hope that you will too.

This is how I like to cook a steak so I thought that I would share my recipe with you. Delmonico steaks always seem the tenderest steaks to me, so that is always my choice of steak. Though it is a rare treat to have one as they cost so much for me to have one. It does make two meals for me, so sometimes it is worth the cost.

In the morning put your seasoning on the steak and cover it in a bowl and keep it in the refrigerator, all day long, until you are ready to cook it. I used garlic powder and Accent on this one.

I used a TBSP of olive oil in my little cast iron skillet and let it get to the sizzling stage, then I dropped in the seasoned steak and seared both sides to get a pretty brown color.

Have the oven on 350 degrees while you are searing your Delmonico steak. After the steak is finished searing and is sizzling, slide the cast iron frying pan into the oven on the top shelf and set your stove timer for 6 minutes or less if you want a rare steak. I messed up and set this cast iron, Delmonico steak at 8 minutes and it cooked to a doneness of brown. So next time, I will check it at 4 minutes and maybe, on to the 6 minute time. But it still was very tender and good.

Along with this I used some dehydrated mushrooms, a handful, with a TBSP of butter and 1/8 c. of water with garlic powder. I just cooked on medium for about 3 minutes to let the mushrooms absorb the liquid. I still like my mushrooms crunchy and chewy on a steak.

I also made skin mashed potatoes with some red potatoes that were washed and cut in half and boiled just until barely fork tender. After I drained the potatoes I just used the old-fashioned hand masher and barely mashed the potatoes. I like some lumps in mine.

Just added in, 2 TBSP of mayo along with pink salt and freshly grounded pepper-corns (black-pepper). 1/4 c of heavy whipping cream that I needed to use up. Goodness me, they were good.

Thanks for stopping by and please do so again in the future. I enjoy seeing the numbers grow. Thanks again from Connie B.



Crockpot Pork Loin

#recipe #meat #porkloin #crockpot

Hello everybody, from North Florida, rainy morning. I hope, your day is good.

I, just wanted to share my pork loin roast that I cooked in my crockpot, with you. It turned out so tender and full of tasty spices. On to the recipe, now.

I found a five-pound, small pork loin on markdown for six dollars and this is what happened to that little pork loin roast. First, I rinsed it very well and then I sprinkled my seasonings on it. These are the ones that I used with my recipe.

1 tsp Accent

1 tsp Cavender’s Greek Seasoning Rub the spices on pork.

I left the fat on the pork loin until it was cooked and then I removed it with a fork before I used said fork to shred the pork loin. Although, it hardly needed to be shredded as it fell to pieces.

After, I seasoned the pork loin roast, I just put it in my crockpot that was turned on high. I added a cup of water that I poured down the crockpot side wall. I wanted the seasonings to stay on the meat.

I just walked away for 4 or 5 hours and let the crockpot do its magic. It was one of the best that I have ever cooked. I kept enough out for a couple of BB pork loin sandwiches and portioned the rest out into freezer bags that also had a little of the one cup of broth that it made.

Now, I have some real good shredded pork that is cooked and ready for later days. P.S. I did check on the liquid amount in the crockpot at the half-time of cooking. It was fine as always, but you don’t want to burn this pork loin, so check anyway.

Thank you for stopping by and feel free to browse and share with your friends, if you wish. I will post again on Tue-Thur and Saturday. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES

Meats Pressure Cooker Canner

Hearty Beef Stew

A hearty roast beef stew with carrots and potatoes galore.

Hello to everyone from this grey sky and rainy looking day in North Florida. I hope you’re cooking something good today!

Here is my recipe for a roast beef stew that I cooked up, last week.

I had canned roast beef in my pressure canner in pint jars that roughly hold a pound of meat in each jar. So I used two jars. And going through the canning process, they tenderized so much that you hardly have to chew it and your meat and broth is already prepared for you. Roast is so easy to can if you ever wish to try. Just look under canning in my categories and you will see the step by step by step of how to do it.

Ok, so you start with two pounds of meat already cooked up with the broth from cooking.

Use a large pot and boil all ingredients except for the meat for 20 minutes to cook the potatoes and carrots in your meat broth or a half of the pan filled with water.

Chop up 1 large onion Chop up 6 carrots

Wash-peel and chop 4 large potatoes.

Use 2 pints of canned tomatoes or store canned tomatoes, juice, and all..

1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp accent 1 tsp salt 1tsp pepper

I really enjoy this recipe and I hope that you will, also. Thanks for dropping by and come again if you wish to. As always, share with your friends and family. I will post again on Tue-Thur-and Saturday



Freezing Sausage patties

My way of bagging meats to save money on baggies and have the meats organized in the freezer.
Ground sausage, straight from the butcher at the Grocery store.

Hello to all, on this misty and cold, North Florida day. I hope your house is in order and doing well. I have been really busy today so I thought I would do a shorter post for today.

Everyone may already know this food tip, but here it comes, anyway.

I am a bulk buyer when I can, on my meats to freeze or can, as I get a better price than paying a big price for a small package of meat. I keep Walmart zipper, freezer bags, and wax paper in stock at my house.

This package of sausage was $6.00 in cost but I pattied out 16 thick sausage patties and put a 1/2 of a piece of wax paper between each patty. Then I stacked most of the piles of patties by three.

I also keep the cheap zip-lock sandwich baggies in stock. As you can see in the photo. I almost zip up the bag and then I leave a part unzipped to squeeze all the air out of the bags and then finish zipping the bag closed.

All the sandwich bags are then put into one large zip-lock bag after labeling and dating the gallon sized zip-lock bag. I used to buy the most expensive freezer bags until I noticed that preppers were using Walmart’s zip-lock baggies, and they do know how to store food.

So I save money on the bags and buying meat in larger packages and taking a few minutes to portion it out and wrap it up for the freezer If I happen to bake up some biscuits, some of those go into the freezer also.

So this is a time saver for me, and I am able to have the best and freshest food possible.

I also make up my own biscuits and gravy–egg and cheese mc- muffin- steak biscuit-Chicken biscuit and you could go on and on, but I will stop here.

I do hope that these tips will be of a help for some of your house-holds, to have the best food for your family and to be thrifty in the grocery stores. And I save tons on fast food places as I hardly ever go to any of them, when I can make it myself. All it takes is a little planning ahead.

I hope that you stay awhile and browse through some recipes while you are here. I will post on Thur-Sat and Tuesday, so do come back to see me if you will. Thanks for the visit today. Connie B.



A Gift Of Spiral Ham

This is me, wishing you a Merry Christmas or at least a Happy Christmas to everyone, all over the world.

Today I would like to give you a gift in the form of a tip for a very nice spiral and double brown sugar glazed fully cooked ham. It is an awesome ham. I have a recipe that used this very ham with pineapples and cherries covering it in my monthly recipe archives.

I am going to make this quick so that you can get to Walmart fast for this deal. Turkey is going at 48 cents a lb at this time also if you are not a ham fan. Spiral ham and all other hams also are $1 a lb. But this spiral ham is the bomb! I paid $9.34 for mine when at the regular price it would have been a $30 ham. So this is my gift to you. (A tip) for your family and you to enjoy!

Thanks for visiting and do come back soon as I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays. Connie B.


You have to be country to want to do this!

Whew it’s a cold North Florida night! I hope that you are warm, where ever you are tonight.

If you happen to live on a farm then this is so much easier to do, but then you would already know about cracklins. Cracklins are pig fat, that you fry up and eat. Then you save the lard to cook with for later.

In my twenty’s, I used to have a farm and about this cold time of the year would be pig butchering time for one and the others would get sold off. So I learned this as I learned many other things about living on a farm.

I found huge pork roasts on sale and got two of them. I cut all the fat off both into 1 inch cubes, after washing them very well first. Then I used my huge pressure canner to can all the meat that I cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes. This was last year and I still have plenty of canned pork left and it will last for 3 years plus more. But I like to eat from stock as I can new stuff.

Back to the cracklins now. All you have to do is put the chunks of pig fat into a large steel pot or cast iron pan and add a TBSP of water to keep it from popping grease all over you as you fry these down. You would think that water would make it pop but it does not pop. I was amazed at that. Use a medium heat like #5 and take your time. It took me an hour. You do not want to burn the grease as that will be nice white lard to cook with later.

When all the cracklins have turned to crispy, Then take out and put on a plate with paper towels on it. Eat now or freeze for later to make cracklin cornbread with. Use 1 to 1/2 c. for cornbread . When the grease is cool then strain it through a sieve into a container and keep in the fridge. I water bath canned mine for 15 minutes so they are sealed in pint jars.

For this experience, you could buy some pig fat from the grocer butcher and do this. But I would prefer to have the pig on the farm as you would get enough lard for the year or more. I do hope that some of you will try this, but that is up to you.

As for lard versus cCisco. I very rarely fry anything up, and when I do, I use the smallest amount possible to do the job. As an example for the chicken livers that I will be cooking tomorrow, I will use about one inch of lard in my cast iron frying pan. And I will have a sieve screen thingy over the top of my frying pan with paper towels on top of that. And they will not hang down on the stove burner. I hope I haven’t freaked you out as this is southern cooking ways.

Stay a while if you wish and share if you will. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays. Connie B.


Spiral Brown Sugar Baked Ham

Hello to everyone on this beautiful sunny and windy North Florida day. I hope this day finds you well and reaching for some little type of joy and calmness. We do have to keep reaching out to discover some, each and every day.

Early this morning as I was sitting out on my little back patio in my rocking chair and having my whiskey cup of coffee for the day, I was enjoying using all my five senses as I sat and marveled at the sights and sounds all around me. The taste was my delicious coffee along with the smell.

I had the sun, warming my legs and shoulders, as I looked up into the most marvelous blue sky, that you could just imagine. I was looking at an old Live Oak tree that is most likely 150 years old. The winds were mightly whipping the dazzling and vibrant green branches that were reaching out to that brilliant blue color of the sky.

I watched the big old crows, swooping, and diving, within the wind currents. They were having so much fun as they played. I saw a little shadow pretty near my bare feet and it was a little brown and bright yellow-bellied, little wren. I imagine that she will be building a nest in my African Daisy plant like they did in the springtime. They raised three, might fine little babies near my bay window and I watched from the laying of the 4 eggs and until the 3 eggs hatching. I also watched Mom and Dad work really hard to feed those babies. I enjoyed that nature experience! Now I really am not sure if they breed in the winter, but the way they are ravenously eating at my bird feeders. I would almost bet upon it! I hope, that I have drawn you a painting with my words, for your day.

The recipe is —- Buy a Cooked Spiral Honey or Brown Sugar Ham. This photo was from last year’s Christmas Community Dinner. And it was bought at Walmart. The price is high, like around $30 on sale. But It has the best flavor that I have ever had.

Buy 2 cans of pineapple rings and 2 bottles of Maraschino cherries. Buy 1 box of brown sugar.

As this ham is already cooked, all it needs is some decorations. Mix a cup of brown sugar with the juice of one of the cans of pineapple rings and also add the cherry juice of one jar into this mix.

Heat oven to 350 degrees and use a 13x 9 pan to put your ham into. When you cut open the package, watch out so that all the juice in the bag does not land all over you. Ask me how I know this!

Use toothpicks to attatch all the pineapple rings and cherries to the ham. Take your sugar juice mixture and pour down into all the spiral slices, throughout the ham. For this to be hot for dinner, you need to slide this in the oven 60 minutes before your Thanksgiving mealtime.

I hope that you enjoy this ham recipe as I know that

we all, truly enjoyed it last Thanksgiving. This ham is not the salty type of ham. While you are already here, take a look at the monthly archives if you wish and also share if you will. Do feel welcome to come back again as I post on Sat-Tue and Thursdays. Warm Holiday Wishes to Every one of you. Connie B.

Oops, I almost forgot! Those little bags on the table were for my 2 mail ladies for Christmas last year. And I will have to treat them again this year, as they always make sure that I get my packages and mail, They were filled with medium size tins of homemade chocolate fudge.

PS As today is December 2020 there is no warm sunshine today. Just wanted to share again. This is what I hope to fix for Christmas Dinner.

350 degrees for 60 minutes as it comes already cooked from Walmart in the ham bin.

Meats November 2020

Pork Chops

Good morning everyone! I hope this day finds you staying on the calm side of your emotions, as they could be swinging wildly, like a ship on the ocean. Please try to find that little calming place within yourself and hang on to it. I am praying for you all, in this trying, world that we are all, part of.

I thought that I would put this pork-chop recipe up for my post, today. As I have not cooked pork chops in about 5 years, I was not too sure how they would turn out. But as you can see, they turned out,even the bone.

I could imagine that about most everyone on here, knows how to cook pork chops, but this is for the ones, that just might need this recipe. And I do use lard in my cast iron frying pan, so no lard haters, please. On to the recipe now.

Ingredients needed are—2 inches of lard in a cast iron frying pan or any frying pan.

A deeper bowl with 1 1/2 c. self-rising flour in it, also add in 1/2 tsp accent and 1/2 tsp CAVENDEK’S greek seasoning (Save A lot) Grocery Store. This has the pepper already in it along with other nice seasonings.

Pork-chops rinsed off and sprinkled with accent and greek seasoning also.

A splatter screen ( A northerner) taught me this one! And I love, not getting burned with the grease. ( Dollar Tree has them).

Heat up the lard or whatever, your choice of grease is. I only cook these on #5 on my stove dial and lower it to #4, when I first put in the second batch of chops, to let cool a little, then I raise the temp. back to #5 to finish cooking. There is nothing worse than burned grease tasting meat!

I also like to cook entirely the first side before I turn the chop over to cook the second side entirely, without turning it. So I keep my lard on a medium-hot to accomplish this, by frying for about 5 minutes on each side. Peek at your chop for around 4 minutes until you see how your stove does for you. These are the medium-thick pork-chops, not the paper-thin ones. For those that need this recipe, I hope that you try this one! This is how I do it!

I forgot to tell you, that that jar in the photo, is my lemon drop jelly, that went on one of those hot biscuits. It is so sweet but then so sour too! I think it is my favorite. You can find the recipe in my monthly archives if you wish to make some for yourself. Try October archives on my blog, which you can also get to from Google. I hope that you will share my little blog and I do hope that you like some of my recipes. Just save it to your favorites and you won,t have to write it down or print it out if you do.

Well it’s time to stop for today, so I will post again on Saturda-Tue and Thursdays. Wishing you well. Connie B.

Meats October 2020

Sausage Balls

I am sorry that this photo is not up to par. The sausage was so dark that it needed a little color this is one of the many things that you can make with the best already prepared sausage balls.

Hello everyone, on this very stormy looking, North Florida day. We have just had a big pour-down of rain and it was nice to see for a short little while. But I do hear that Alabama has serious weather there. So stay safe everyone and make this day, a good day.

I spent a long time today, wrestling with my Mama Jammer gamer computer that my 15 -year- old Son, built from all new parts that were ordered off the internet. This computer is a blast! And lightning fast.

I was wrestling with a cooking club that I had a lot of my home-made recipes and photos on. And the one I wanted to share would only go through as a web page photo and my Word-Press Blog would not accept my photo. So I had to change my mind, so I am posting my very late lunch idea today.

On to the recipe now! First of all, you need to buy your very favorite sausage that you have to patty out. Mine comes from Save-A-Lot as I really like their sausage mix that the butcher prepares. And the price is nice also.

Get a deeper cookie sheet and roll out all the sausage into balls. Then just put the pan in the freezer for an hour. If you wish to stop now, you can put these in freezer bags and store in the freezer raw. I do some this way, but I prefer to take them from the freezer on the tray and bake them at 350 degrees for 60 minutes, check to be sure that they are done. Then put these in freezer bags and store in the freezer.

For this recipe, the possibilities are endless, on what you can come up with. I am having an ice-cold coca-cola with my meatball sausage sandwich as I am typing now and it is really good. All I had to do was thaw the meat out and warm it up in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. A great time saver!

As to other meals that you could make, here are a few. Pizza with sausage and cheese-etc. Cabbage and sausage, Sausage burritos with egg, Spaghetti with sausage, Sausage biscuit, Sausage gravy, and on and on and on. The list could go on forever. And is so nice to quickly fix a meal up and not stay long in the kitchen!

I hope that you enjoyed my very late post today. I hope that you stay awhile and spent some time sharing my blog with others. Thanks for stopping by and do visit again in the future. I do have a PayPal button for anyone wishing to give a small donation to help with the upkeep of my blog and small needs. Thank You and I will post again on Saturday.