Links I Follow September 2020

Great Recipe Links I Follow

I have never been able to make these come out right!

But this lady, Miss Lori can cook now. So I am sending you to her link.

I adore this lady and the warmth that she radiates from within to all out to everyone that comes across her youtube channel.

Not to mention that the name of her channel is Whippoorwill Holler.

And I have always loved whippoorwill,s and hollers just seem like special people live in them\whippoorwill holler #potato #pancakes

Look under her video,s and you will find the recipe that I am sending you too.


Here are more of my favorites!


www.stivershomestead- youtube


EudaemoniosMarkll on YouTube Is An Awesome Chief ( I can’t get the link down) so go to youtube and look him up.

#links #follow #blog #preppers #food storage #canning