May-2020 On-The Cheap

Feeling Safe

This is a little item that will help you feel a little safer when you are out on the road. It,s cheap and should do the job very well. But alas as I have had no volunteer for a test try, I can only guess.

The Terminator powerful stun gun is a little something I found on Amazon I believe or maybe Ebay for under $20.00. It is supposed to lay a man down, way down on the ground, if He is trying to rob you. It says to only use for 3 seconds as that will do the job well enough!

The high voltage shock causes your attacker to have messages from the brain dissrupted and voluntary muscles to be disrupted. Your attacker will loose balance and muscle control and this will bring Him to his knees! Oh by the way it has a flashlight button also that is a slider button so you will not confuse it will the round press button that sparks the voltage that you do have to be close enough to touch the person with.

The Terminator cost $9.49 with free shipping included from Amazon.

#taser #safety
#zap #shock

I am just a person trying to protect myself if ever there comes a need! If ever there does you can expect the story here at Thank you for visiting and please do, come back soon. Stay well and stay safe everyone.