Meats Pressure Cooker Canner

Canning Hamburger meat

I think that this one is my favorite time saver for fixing any meal that has crumbled hamburger meat in it.

I have tried this two ways and the first way I did not care for at all. That was when I raw packed the raw meat and then canned it. It was well cooked but the meat texture was mushy.

So I will tell about the second method that I used and always will can it this way from then on. First you have everything ready and laid out on the counter, waiting to be used. If you don,t know all these items, go back and look at my pressure canning recipes on this blog. I will describe everything you will need in detail.

I pressure can mine in pint jars as, there is only myself to can for. If you have more than one then you will need to use the quart canning jars which is roughly 2 lbs of meat for each jar. The pints are roughly 1 lb of meat each jar. (This is the poundage that you buy in the store). I do get mine at Save-A-Lot, when they have it on sale at $1.99 a lb. It beats paying $5 a lb.

The Technique: Brown all your hamburger meat until almost done. It will finish cooking in the canner. I do drain the meat. Put your pressure canner on the stove and have it filled to the lowest fill line mark that is inside the pot, with cold water from the tap. Add a dash of vinegar to the water to help with the lime in the water. (It helps the jars look prettier). Set the temperature on #5, which is low heat. You are getting the jars and meat, both around the same temp.(There is hot-warm or cold water and jar temps.) We are doing warm temp.

Use a funnel to fill your jars with the meat and press it down with your hand in each jar, until they are packed down well and filled to within 1 inch from the top of the jar. I do not use water or anything else in the jars. Use paper napkins that are dipped in vinegar to wipe tops of jars off well. Then put the seal and lid on each jar.

Just finger tight on those bands on the jars. Air must be able to escape from the jars. Put the jars in the canner now. Place canning lid on the pot now, with the jiggy pressure valve removed for later. Set your stove knob up to number 7 now. Please Google your altitude for pressure canning if you do not live in Florida as I do. For mine in Florida, the pints go for 10 lbs pressure for 75 minutes and the quarts for 90 minutes, but your altitude may be different for you so please check if you need to.

Ok now for the hard part, the waiting, when you have steam spouting out the pressure valve for 10 minutes. (I do 5 myself). Then you can put the pressure valve on the pot and watch for the number dial to climb up to 10 lbs of pressure.(Mine is the 23 quart Prestige Pressure Canner). When it reaches 10 lbs pressure, then I turn my stove burner dial down to number 4. Now set your timer for the 75 or 90 minutes, depending on the pint or quart jar ,used. Now you will really be keeping an eye on the number dial!

If it goes over the number 10 lb pressure, turn knob down to 3 and vice versa. The goal is to keep it around the number 10 for the whole canning time.You can check every 10 to 15 minutes until you reach your goal. When timer goes off, just turn off the stove and go into the cooldown phase, for an hour. Just walk away for the hour. Only then can you take the lid off! Pull each jar out with a jar lifter as they are still boiling hot. Place on a kitchen towel on the counter, right next to the stove.

This is not too pretty, but consider that it,s cooked and ready to use. And will store for at least 3 years. And is 1 lb of meat.
My burrito from canned meat.
Building a burrito.
Last but not least the tacos. It needed a pretty napkin in the basket.

So all this meal needed to be complete,was for the meat to be heated with some taco seasoning and a dash of water.

I opened a can of chili beans and heated those with garlic,accent and dried onions and mashed them up a little. And prep your cheese and veggies. Now get out your sour-cream and Taco Bell fire hot sauce.

My kitchen was only hot for about 12 minutes, while cooking this delicious meal with lots of leftovers. #tacos #burritos #mexican


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