Breakfast September 2020

How to dehydrate eggs

#eggs #recipes

Hello everybody, I hope this day finds you well and happy. There is so much going on in our world at this time, that I know that there are so many that are blown away in their minds. If I did not have the peace of God that lives in my soul every waking moment, I couls easily let myself fall into the deep void of confusion and fear of what is to come.

All I can say, is to keep God in your lives and you will come through anything, and with only the peace that He gives to you.

Even though I love God with all my heart and soul. I still believe that we should prepare for what may be coming. None of us know, what that will be. But we can watch and learn, always be learning.

Ok, here is my food prep tip of the day. First I made the biggest mess that you will hope to never see! I used raw eggs in the oven on trays that were lined with wax paper. I used a low temp of 170 degrees for 10 hours. DO NOT DO THIS!

Two dozen eggs at 10 hours later, will give you melted wax paper onto concrete hard eggs. And not to mention the concreted eggs that were stuck to 4 huge pans, hours of soaking and scrubbing. And those eggs went into the trash.

So I decided to go another route with dehydrating the next time. This is how I do them now. I used 30 eggs and put into a big bowl and whisked them up well, with nothing added to it.

I scrambled the eggs in a large pan and let cool off. hen I used parchment paper “Hey these are not gonna take 10 hours” so the paper won’t be a problem. Also I used my dehydrator this time.

The eggs will dry very hard, so you do not want huge pieces of egg, as it might break your little coffee grinder. So break them up small. You will be glad that you did this step.

I don’t remember how many hours, 6 to 8 hours. I have a powerful dehydrator. I think 6 hours. When they are unbreakably hard and dry.

When cooled off. If they are very very dry, then use your coffee grinder or what ever else you have to grind to a fine powder. Store in quart mason jar with an absorber in the jar. Date the jar and label. Keep in dark cool place. These should store for 5-10 tears unopened. Once open, store in refridgerator for 7-30 days.

To reconstitute, you use 1 tbsp of egg to 1 tbsp of warm water and whisk and sit for 5-10 minutes before cooking as scrambled eggs. Fine for baking also. 1 tbsp. of egg powder for each egg needed. Remember this, these will not be as good as a fresh egg. This is for WTSHF and you are grateful to have an egg to cook!

PS. These photos are both at the beginning and not the finished product as in dried.

Thank you for visiting my blog and please, do come back soon

Beegle Homestead on youtube is where I found this recipe. And we are not USDA so do this at your own risk! But I trust this lady and know how to smell and taste test everything that I have canned for all of my life. I really like this lady!.

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