
Sourdough Bread Starter #seymour

Hello everyone. I hope your day was fine and I hope that your evening is even better. Mine is good.

Today I chose to post about an old-time recipe from way, way on back there, in time. Some people have carried this over from 50 to 100 years or even more. It is called a starter for bread making.

This is making yeast rather than buying it. And if you have ever had sourdough bread then you know that it is one of a kind and really good bread. Years ago I had a starter and then got too busy in life and forgot about it. But now, I am ready to create my starter for some awesome bread. I am on day 6 out of the 14 days it takes to make up. And you can see in the photo how it has raised up over that line on my jar.

As I almost emptied the jar out this morning and re-fed it, I say whoo-whoo, it’s working very well. Every day I empty 1/2 the jar in the garbage and add 1/2 cup of flour and 1/3 cup of distilled water and stir like crazy. Then put the top back on (coffee filter) and set it on top of my refrigerator.

The first day I started out the same with 1/2 cup flour (self-rising) for anything I cook. And I add 1/3 cup of distilled water..On that first day, I did add in 1/3 cup of pineapple juice also. But only on the first day.

As you empty half of the starter each day and feed it again, you will see it growing. You do this for 14 days in a row. Throw out, what you empty. I do rotate to a clean jar every 2 days and I do scrape the sides down

after I feed it so that I can see how much it grows each day, After day 14 it is ready to bake bread with it. You will use 1/4 cup for a recipe for sourdough bread. Then you feed it after you have used it to bake with. Almost empty the jar and go with the 1/2 cup flour and 1/3 cup distilled water and keep it in the refrigerator from now on so that you only have to feed it once a week or two. Put a regular closing lid on it for the refrigerator. Don’t forget it. Mark your calendar

I am naming mine Seymour! I have a friend in Australia and hers is named Boris. These can live forever if you take care of it.

You could also gift a friend with half of your starter (or many friends). Teach them how to dump it and feed it for 14 days on the counter-top then into the refrigerator for thr rest of its life, if you continue to dump and feed once weekly.

I hope that some of you will like this recipe and try it and share this post. I will be back on Tuesday-Thur and Saturday. Thanks for your visit. Connie B.

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