Good morning All, from this chilly and breezy day in North Florida day.
I just love it as soon we will be into those hot summer days that I used to love when I was a lot younger and with no health problems in sight.
I hope that your day is well as my chilly and breezy day is for me.
Today, I want to talk about an air-fryer recipe or two. This was so good as I had seasoned the hamburger meat with my favorite spices and patted it out for the freezer. The onion rings were store-bought and out of the freezer also. (Accent and Cavendish Greek Seasoning) are my favorite spices along with garlic and onion powder and pink salt.
To prepare my little air-fryer, I put a piece of foil in it whenever I cook with it as it makes easy cleanup
I used an empty tuna can bottom up to create a broiler pan for my burger and cooked it at 400 degrees for 5 minutes per side.
I did air-fryer the onion rings first at 400 degrees for 14 minutes while shaking the air-fryer basket along the way. Then I did my hamburger. When it was done cooking then I added 2 slices of sharp cheddar cheese and put it back in the air-fryer for a very short time to melt the cheese.
Please forgive the light bread as I was out of buns. All this meal needed was an ice-cold coke! And it was almost Restaurant quality for 24 minutes of my time.
Good Morning Everyone! I hope that you make this a good day for you and everyone around you.
I have a nice potato log recipe for you. This can be done with an air-fryer or if you don’t have one, then an oven will do. 400 degrees and 40 minutes, I think. Just keep checking if you are using your oven, for fork tenderness.
Ingredients needed are chili seasoning- accent-salt-pepper-smoky paprika-garlic powder and Cavendar’s Greek seasoning and of course potatoes. And Olive oil.
Wash and clean 2 large potatoes or more if you need more.
Put foil in your air-fryer basket to keep it cleaner. I do with everything and then just toss it in the garbage when done.
Cut up the potatoes into large wedges and put them in a large bowl.
Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle all the spices on lightly.
Go heavy on the salt and chili powder (2 tsp each).
Toss the potatoes around to coat well.
Turn the air-fryer on 370 degrees for 16 minutes and flip the potatoes over at half time. If fork tender then they are ready, and if not, then add 5 minutes more time to air-fryer.
I hope that you enjoy this recipe. I know that I do and will never have to buy potato logs again. Thanks for your visit and I will be posting more on Saturday-Tuesday and Thursday. Connie B.
Hello to all, from this cold North Florida night. I hope that you are tucked in, warm, and cozy in your bed. We may have some snow, in the morning when I get up. I will have to go outside and see.
Today, I have a simple recipe for some good fried chicken that I call Kentucky Kernel Fried Chicken because that is the name of the breading flour that I buy in Walmart.
I cooked this in my little air-fryer and dipped the chicken in a dipping sauce called Sweet & Tangy Beijing Sauce, on my plate. The sauce was sweet, tangy, and hot too. It cleared my sinuses, kind of hot. But it was really good.
First, put foil in the bottom of the air-frier for grease catching and easy clean up of your air-fryer for when you are done cooking with it.
Ok, now for the recipe. I prepared 2 chicken thighs at a time and they were big thighs. I sprinkled with Greek Seasoning and accent and then I used 3/4 c of seasoning mix, to coat the thighs well.
I used my olive oil spray bottle to spritz both sides of the battered chicken thighs with. Then I turned on the air-frier and it came on at 370 degrees and I set the timer for 22 minutes. When the timer went off, I turned the chicken and set it again, for 22 minutes.
You can see the results for yourself in the photo. It made some good chicken that I enjoyed very much.
If you go to buy an air-frier, remember your household size before you pick one out. For more than one person, you will need a larger air-frier. But my little one is just right for me
Just thought that I would show you some air-frier results for today’s recipe. If you have one then I hope you will try this recipe.
Thank you for stopping by and do come back for more recipes, if you wish. As always, browse while you are here and share my recipes with your friends and family if you want to.
Air Fryer Cod Fish with Cajun-Slap Ya Mama Seasoning, makes Hot and Spicy Fish. Done cooking in 17 minutes. Make that 10 minutes cook time for the cod fish.
Hello, everyone on this North Florida cloudy day. I hope your day is good and that you can find some joy in some little things today. Even if it is the lovely little songbirds that are flitting around and finding the tiniest of seeds to make their day a good one.
Last night I was in the mood for some fish and scallops. Just the two of them, nothing else. Something light, you know.
I had rearranged my back patio, as I am patiently waiting on a purplish pink rose bush (rootstock) to get here in a few days time. So now I have the heavy concrete pot that I emptied the dirt out of, from the front patio so that I could walk through the apartment to my back patio with it, and it was heavy.
So, after that little process, then I started clearing out my little storage room. I had a lot of stuff that I never use in there. So I gave away some and luckily had someone take two trips to the dumpster across the field for me, or I would not have finished it all. You see I have a good amount of canning jars in there and have to buy only a few jelly canning jars to be stocked for good on my jars. If you follow my blog, you know that I love to can, whether it is pressure cooker canning or water-bath canning!
Ok, I am sorry I drug you along on my events of yesterday! I was tired and sweaty after that workout of plants and the storage room. So I had to shower and cook supper afterward. So here comes the recipe, now.
I had lightly salted some fish in a Tupperware bowl and cut them in half. I put them in the refrigerator in the morning time.
Slap Ya Mama Fish Batter This was spicy hot!
Spray bottle with olive oil in it.
Air-Fryer with foil in the bottom (easy clean-up).
I used 1/2 c of Slap Ya Mama in a bowl to dredge the fish in, on both sides. Then I plugged in my air fryer and it came on at 370 degrees as always. I pressed the minute button from 15 to 5 minutes as fish cooks quickly.
I put in as much fish as would fit in the fryer basket, which was three pieces, as my air fryer is small. Next, I gave the top of the fish a little oil spritz each. I set the timer and walked away and when the timer went off. I came back and turned the fish over, with two spoons so I would not break the fish. I spritzed and set the timer for 5 minutes more and then I begin cooking my scallops to go with the fish.
I used a frying pan with 1 1/2 TBSP of butter that was melted down. I rinsed the scallops with water earlier and let them dry off well So now when the pan was hot at medium temperature, I put the scallops in the pan and sprinkled some garlic powder on them. I let them sit in the same spot for 2 1/2 minutes and then I turned them over for 2 1/2 minutes.
Scallops only have to be pink to be done, just like shrimp so you could cook them in less time. Possibly 3 minutes total. But I like to be on the safe side.
So this seafood dinner was cooked and ready to eat in 17 minutes. Breading 2 minutes fish 10 minutes and scallops for 5 minutes. And, I really liked the fact that my kitchen did not have the smell of fish cooking, lingering around for 2 days to get the smell out.
I know that I may not be the best seafood cook so please forgive me for all of you pro’s out there but I did enjoy my supper. And tonight I am going to cook the rest of my fish the same way but without the Slap Ya Mama breading mix. And I think that I will do a few hushpuppies by making a thick batter and freezing them into balls so that they can also cook in the air fryer
Thank you for your visit, today was a freebie recipe day. I will post another one on Thur-Sat and Tuesday. Connie B.