Yesterday, I made a pot of chicken and veggie stew and wanted to have some good bread to go along with it so I made this bread.
It went really good with the chicken/vegetable stew. I had wanted Asiago cheese bread but only had cheddar so you can switch out cheeses. Also I kind of patted out my football shaped bread dough a little too thin so leave it bunched up higher for taller sized bread loaf.
Here is the recipe just for you!
3 to 3 3/4 c flour (self- rising) I used.
1 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt 1 pkg yeast
2 TBSP olive oil 1 tsp each of rosemary and thyme to decorate the top of loaf
1 1/4th c 120 degree water
1 c of shredded cheese.
Use a large bowl to add water and 1 1/2 c of flour into. Add the sugar. Mix together for a minute. Cover and let sit 10 minutes until frothy to see that the yeast is still good.
Add in the oil and herbs, salt and rest of flour. Stir and let sit 15 minutes while covered.
Have some extra flour to use on countertop a small hand-full. Empty dough onto floured counter. Knead the dough for 10 minutes while adding in the cheese.
Also have a pan or can of hot water on the oven bottom floor. This makes the bread do better.
Heat the oven on 200 degrees and turn it right off. This will help the dough to rise beautifully. Do for every rising time.
Grease a large clean bowl with 1 TBSP olive oil and put bread dough in it. Roll the dough over to coat it. Cover bowl with foil or clean dishtowel. Add the herbs to top of bread loaf.
Place in warm oven for 1 hour to rise. Grease a cookie sheet or bread pan. Roll the dough around to coat it in oil. Shape dough like a tall football shape! Then cover the dough and have oven pre-heated to 200 degrees and turned right off. Let the dough rise for 1 hour again.
Turn oven on to 450 degrees- cut a slit down the top of bread. Sprinkle on some more cheese and herbs. Whisk up 1 egg white and brush over top of dough for a shiny colored bread. Bake for 10 minutes then lower heat to 400 degrees. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or a little longer until browned slightly. Remove from pan after sitting out for 10 minutes or the cheese will stick to the pan!
Hello Everyone, I have not been feeling up to par with my bs so I have forgotten to post for Saturday.
I hope that you had an awesome day, today!
My photo is of an opened jar of canned mustard greens, which are in my archives, somewhere. I don’t feel good enough to hunt them, today.
But, I am featuring my cornbread recipe for today, and so here it is.
1 c self-rising flour 1 c self-rising cornmeal
2 large eggs 1/2 c sugar 1 8-oz glass of milk with 1 TBSP of vinegar in it. Use 3/4 of the milk and see if you need the rest of it.
1 TBSP baking powder 2 TBSP of lard in a baking pan.
Heat the oven to 350 degrees before you mix the batter.
Mix all in a large bowl. Use a thick potholder to get the cast iron skillet out of the oven and pour the grease into your batter and stir it up. Pour batter into the baking pan and bake 25-30 minutes, until golden brown.
You can leave out the sugar or for sweeter cornbread like jiffy, use 3/4 c of sugar in the recipe. I hope that you will try this recipe. It has been my tried and true recipe for so, very, many years, now. Connie B.
What a beautiful day it is! Even with the possibility of storms that are headed my way, I hope your day goes well!
I found an old recipe that I thought that I would post for today’s post. I can remember my Mother-in-law and my Grannie, frying this bread up.
You will need very few items for this recipe.
2 cups of self-rising flour
1 1/4 cup of lukewarm water
1 TBSP Baking powder and 1 TBSP of oil and 1 tsp of salt
Add all the dry ingredients into a large bowl. Whisk them together.
Add 1/2 of the water and mix the dough until it feels wet.
Adjust the dough by adding more flour if the dough is too wet or more water if the dough is too dry.
Use the OIL to rub into a large metal bowl Put the dough into the bowl and cover it with a towel and let it sit for 1 hour.
Cover your kitchen counter with a little flour ( I use wax paper). And then put the flour on the paper for a quick clean-up. Knead the dough and cut it into 6 pieces. Now roll out into a big-sized pancake.
Use a little oil on a cast iron griddle or frying pan to fry and flip the bread, until you see the brown spots appear, then they are done.
Have your oven pre-heated to 200 degrees and as each fry bread is done then put it into the oven on a cookie sheet so that it will still be warm for supper. I, remember Grannie doing this!
I do hope that you might have a flash of good memories from this recipe or that if you don’t, you will try it. Thanks for stopping by today and I will see you as soon as Tuesday rolls around! Connie B.
Good morning everybody! Of course, it’s lunchtime, here. But, my mind is on this morning and a knock on my door. I almost fell out with the surprise that was waiting there for me. For Me? It was a Valentine’s Day surprise and boy, was it.
I was not expecting to get anything for Valentine’s Day and here is a big bouquet of beautiful flowers. Here is a photo of them.
It is a beautiful and overcast, rainy looking day for North Florida today.
Everyday is beautiful to me and I hope that yours will be also.
I wanted to revisit the past today, so here is a simple recipe from my child-hood past for you. Thou, mama never used hot dog buns. I do not like to waste food so the hotdog buns were it!
Some kind of bread
1/4 c sugar
1/2 TBSP cinnamon
soft butter
Mix sugar and cinnamon in small container.
Toast your bread and butter it lavishly and spoon some cinnamon sugar mixture over top of toast and shake off, what does not stick to the toast. Now enjoy! I am tempted to fix me some for lunch, just so I can smell the awesome aroma, wafting through my house!
I am sorry that this is such a simple recipe but sometimes the simple things in life are the best. If you haven’t tried this one, then I hope that you will. And if you have, it just might bring back some memories from your past.
Thank you for stopping by today. Take a little time and browse if you wish. I will post again on Tue-Thur and Saturday. Thanks again, from Connie B.
Hello to everybody, on this North Florida, glorious rainy day. I wish the very best for you today. I call this a glorious day, because God is sending rain for all the garden crops and it is the best water that you can find for your garden.
I, always lived on a farm for many many years and I planted many gardens over those years. It never ceased, to amaze me, that God would send the rain on that very day for my newly planted garden. So, this is why I call it a glorious day!
Ok, enough reminiceing in my past, on my gardening days. Onward to why Seymour did not work out to stay here. It was me that had the problem, and not Seymour! The sourdough yeast starter (named Seymour) did fantastic and grew richly and smelled yeasty fine.
It just took so many times of leting it rise and then baked flatter than I wanted to see my bread. Don’t get me wrong, it tasted great with hot slathered butter. But as for time wise, I have too many other things going on, to put that much time into one project. So Seymour has indeed, left the building.
I do not want to discourage you from making a sourdough yeast starter and then, making the bread. It is a wonderful process! I am just into so many things on any given day. Like water-bath canning or pressure canning or dehydrating. Then there’s sewing and blogging on this blog that takes a lot of time to prepare for. Along with food bombing photos and off loading from my camera to pictures and then on to this blog.
Also, since Facebook made a change from groups to group. It used to be that I shared one post with many, but now, I have to share 10-12 shares, instead of one share for all 12. So everything takes time.
I will put this under my breads category so you can find out about the sourdough starter, named Seymour.
Thanks for stopping by and do browse while you are here. I will post again on Sat-Tue and Thur. Connie B .#CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Good morning to everyone. I hope that you find a smile on this day and every day afterward’s. I hope that this recipe will help do, just that. It is a keeper and my only go to from the day that I found this recipe and started out making it, that same day.
This is not an easy recipe and it just will not do for the faint of heart. Meaning that you don’t mind diving into a time consuming and 2- day recipe. But for the chef and upcoming chefs, that love their kitchen and adore creating wonderful things in the kitchen, then this recipe is for you!
It is also for the newbies if you are willing to learn. You will need a digital scale to weigh out the grams. Amazon has them for around $15 that will weigh up to 11 lbs and grams and ounces also.
300g of distilled water- 300g of self-rising flour-5g yeast-5g honey
Put all this stirred together in a closed Tupperware container, leave on the countertop for an hour. Then you stir and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This ferments the dough for a great crust!
After 24 hours goes by, then you are ready to start making the dough. Get out your hugest bowl. And a bottle of olive oil as you will be needing it a few times. And a dough scraper and an extra cup of flour.
700g of distilled water-30g sea salt (kosher-canning) 1250g of self-rising flour. Measure all this out on your digital gram scale, each in a separate container. Tare the scale weight as you put the empty container on the scale and then add the flour. Next, put the emtpy container on the scale and then tare the weight and then weigh your flour, and tare the weight of the salt container and weigh the salt.
Add the 24- hour fermented dough into the huge bowl along with the salt and the water. Stir a few minutes and then add half of the flour and stir. Now add all the rest of the flour and stir.
Have an extra cup of flour out on the counter and wax paper covering the counter. Have oil nearby also.
Pour the dough out onto your wax paper and knead the dough by adding small amounts of flour, so that it will not, all stick to your hands. Just fold over and then use the sides of your palms to shape a little. This dough is huge so don’t let it get away from you and drop on the floor!
You are just spending a few minutes on shaping the dough into a smooth ball, about 2 minutes. The dough will be sticky. Cover and let rise for 15 minutes. (Put the huge bowl over the top of the dough.
Then clean up the bowl to use in a minute. Now you spread olive oil on top of the dough and pick it and drop it while shaping the sides with the sides of your palms for about 3 minutes.
Smear olive oil in your huge bowl and drop dough into it. Cover and sit on the countertop for 30-minutes. Turn on your oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes and then turn it off.
Take out of the bowl and put on the countertop with a tiny dash of olive oil on the counter. Throw away the wax paper. Cut the dough into 6 slices and then into 10 slices.
Put all the dough balls onto cookie sheet pans and smear with olive oil. Cover with plastic wrap Put in a turned-off oven and leave them in the oven for 2 hours to rise. Pre-heat your oven now to 400 degrees.
Take one dough ball out to use and put up the rest of the dough balls into a freezer bag each and freeze. Have a little pile of flour on the counter and a dough scraper. Put the ball on the pile of flour. Press out the dough to make pizza crust. and flip over and press out again, while pulling on the sides. At this time you could throw it up into the air! It’s that good of a dough.
The dough will be thin on the bottom as it shows on Vitto’s YouTube video, which I give all the credit to for his awesome, pizza dough recipe. And I will leave a link to him for this awesome recipe. Check him out, he is contagious with laughter, so you will like him and all his recipes too. So for my next pizza, I think I will leave the dough thicker all around for myself. I like a chewy crust on the bottom, but I would not change anything else, with this recipe.
To cook a pizza, put a very small handful of cornmeal on your greased pan. before you put the dough on it and just spread sauce on and bake at 400 degrees until golden brown. (30 minutes for me). Take out of the oven and add the rest of the stuff. I used cooked hamburger meat with moztzarella cheese and rehydrated mushrooms and I sprinkled parmesan cheese over the pizza also. I cooked this for 15 minutes. I am sorry about the fuzzy photo, but it did not stick around long.
This recipe will make 10 dough balls that will last for 4 months in your deep freezer! Of course, keep one out to bake a pizza now. There is no excuse not to have pizza when you need it! This dough was like Pizza Hut’s dough.
So, stay awhile and browse my recipes. Share them with friends and do come back for more, if you wish. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesday. Thank you for visiting me.
Here is Vitto’s link, go to YouTube and type in Vito Lacopelli and you will be there as I can’t get the exact link correctly.
Hello everyone. I hope your day was fine and I hope that your evening is even better. Mine is good.
Today I chose to post about an old-time recipe from way, way on back there, in time. Some people have carried this over from 50 to 100 years or even more. It is called a starter for bread making.
This is making yeast rather than buying it. And if you have ever had sourdough bread then you know that it is one of a kind and really good bread. Years ago I had a starter and then got too busy in life and forgot about it. But now, I am ready to create my starter for some awesome bread. I am on day 6 out of the 14 days it takes to make up. And you can see in the photo how it has raised up over that line on my jar.
As I almost emptied the jar out this morning and re-fed it, I say whoo-whoo, it’s working very well. Every day I empty 1/2 the jar in the garbage and add 1/2 cup of flour and 1/3 cup of distilled water and stir like crazy. Then put the top back on (coffee filter) and set it on top of my refrigerator.
The first day I started out the same with 1/2 cup flour (self-rising) for anything I cook. And I add 1/3 cup of distilled water..On that first day, I did add in 1/3 cup of pineapple juice also. But only on the first day.
As you empty half of the starter each day and feed it again, you will see it growing. You do this for 14 days in a row. Throw out, what you empty. I do rotate to a clean jar every 2 days and I do scrape the sides down
after I feed it so that I can see how much it grows each day, After day 14 it is ready to bake bread with it. You will use 1/4 cup for a recipe for sourdough bread. Then you feed it after you have used it to bake with. Almost empty the jar and go with the 1/2 cup flour and 1/3 cup distilled water and keep it in the refrigerator from now on so that you only have to feed it once a week or two. Put a regular closing lid on it for the refrigerator. Don’t forget it. Mark your calendar
I am naming mine Seymour! I have a friend in Australia and hers is named Boris. These can live forever if you take care of it.
You could also gift a friend with half of your starter (or many friends). Teach them how to dump it and feed it for 14 days on the counter-top then into the refrigerator for thr rest of its life, if you continue to dump and feed once weekly.
I hope that some of you will like this recipe and try it and share this post. I will be back on Tuesday-Thur and Saturday. Thanks for your visit. Connie B.
Brrr. It’s cold in Florida today and very windy. I hope that you are warm and cozy today, where ever that you may be.
Here is a little bread recipe that I enjoy and I hope that you may also. I had made spaghetti a while back, it is in my archives for October or November, I think. Anyway, this made some mighty tasty garlic and cheesy buns to go with the spaghetti.
If you need just a bit for one, then use 2 TBSP of soft butter and stir in some garlic powder ( 1/16 th–tsp) and use a small garlic clove minced finely with a dash of salt. Dice up a cheese-stick’s worth of cheese. I used motzerella cheese. Use any kind.
Just spread butter mixture over bread and add smally diced cheese over top and broil for a few minutes until browned. Stay with this as it burns very quickly!
If you have a larger family than just I, then use a 1/2 or whole stick of soft butter and use 1/2 tsp of garlic powder or more if you like and 2 or more cloves of minced garlic with a little salt added in. Dice up your cheese in small chunks and put on the top. Broil a couple of minutes until brown.
I hope that you will use this recipe for your family of for yourself as this goes with everything. Stay awhile if you wish and share if you want. Thank you for your visit and do come back soon as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturdays. Connie B.
Good morning everyone, on this beautiful 40 degree, North Florida day. A very nice, nip in the air for me. And I am very thankful as it makes breathing, quite a bit easier for me. So I am happy!
I do wish the very best for your day and hope that you reach for something to smile about today. As the skies are blue and the trees are green. There is always beauty to find if you just stop and take a look.
Today’s recipe is not for the timid as it does take some extra work to achieve but you will learn a bit about the people before us, with their genius minds. Makes me feel kind of dumb, but oh well, I for one, am glad to have found this lesson from history.
I wanted to store popcorn for cornmeal as it’s clean corn to eat. To try and grind the popcorn, nothing would work and I did try all my gadgets. So if you look online, you could order a $500.00 professional grain mill grinder or go to a stone mill house, like in the old days, if you can even find one nowadays.
So as I was researching way back in time. I found out that our Indians and our Mexican peoples knew what we don’t know today. Yes, they knew how to grind corn with a simple little rock. Not all the fancy machines that we have today.
Their process is called nixtamalization. It involves dry lime powder with water and hard dried corn. I used pickle lime. Here is the recipe if you dare to try it. It was some of the best ever cornbread that I have ever had.
2 c. washed popcorn in a large pot
6 c. water 1/2 tsp. pickling lime
Rinse popcorn and add it and water and lime powder to the pot. Have on a simmering boil for 10 minutes. Leave in the water overnight. (Do not put your hands in water). It is caustic and will burn your hands. In the morning, rinse the corn with a strainer for 10 rinses. A lot.
Now you can put this in the freezer for later when you want to cook cornbread or you can use it now. I filled my little coffee grinder up and ground it right up. I used enough to make a cup and a half for my recipe. Then as I had more popcorn leftover for next time. I put it in the freezer It was wet but it ground up dry, like the beautiful fresh cornmeal that it was. So our Ancestors did know something that most of the world doesn’t even know now. And I just imagine that they did this for their Thanksgiving meal for their families.
My cornbread recipe that I have used for so very many years is—-
1 1/2 c. cornmeal
1c. self -rising flour with 1 TBSP baking powder, also
1/3 c. sugar (If I am not making stuffing).
2 eggs beaten and 2 TBSP melted bacon grease
1 cup milk with 1 TBSP lemon juice (makes buttermilk)
Heat oven to 350 degrees and have a cast-iron frying pan of medium size with 2 TBSB. grease in the pan. ( I usually use cast-iron, but this time, I did not).
Use a medium bowl to mix everything up in. If the batter is too thick or too dry, add in small amounts of water and stir until it is pourable but not runny. Pour batter into a hot cast-iron skillet and bake 25-30 minutes until it’s a pretty brown. Now enjoy with butter! Or use this to put in your stuffing along with biscuits or other breads.
I do hope that some of you will try this! I know that this will make my 25 lb bucket of popcorn, a whole lot easier to cook up. Thank you for visiting me and check out the monthly archives for more. Always share so others might find a recipe that they like. I post on Tue-Thur and Saturdays so do come back for more if you want. Thanks again for reading my blog. Connie B.
As I like to talk about canning things to all of you, I thought about this enjoyable meal. So I made this in 30 minutes time, from jar to stove to plate. Are you ready for this?
Cooked while canned, mustard greens from 2018.
Well you need something to go with this and this is my personal favorite to pair up with some good old mustard greens.
Hot steamy cornbread.Forgive the butter, please! I just can’t resist it on hot steamy cornbread.
Ok now for the recipe: Just open pint jars of mustard greens or your choice of greens, and heat up with a package of ham Goya seasoning in them.
I am not trying to start a Goya war here It’s just that I have always used Goya for many years now and can not live without the awesome taste that it flavors vegetables with.One of my seasoning that I do enjoy.
Cornbread recipe: 2 1/2 c. of corn meal 1/2 cup flour (self rising)
1/4 c. sugar 2 eggs 1 Tablespoon of bacon grease (also grease pan with some too).
1 Tablespoon of baking powder (This makes it rise more fluffy).
About an 8 oz. glass of buttermilk
You can add either lemon juice or vinegar to milk to make buttermilk, just 2 Tablespoons is all you need.
Stir all this up while your oven is preheating on 400 degrees and bake from 20 to 30 minutes to get the cornbread as brown as you want it to be. #cornbread #mustardgreens #recipes