Nettle’s Sausage on white bread with spicy brown mustard.
There is a very beautiful full moon out tonight!
I hope that everyone gets to take a look at it, as it is so stunningly beautiful!
I hope that all is well, in your home this night.
Just a little sandwich to share with you, that I cooked in the air-fryer for about 8 minutes on each side at 400 degrees.
I had found some hotdog buns in the freezer but they were hard as a rock so I had to use white bread which is no problem at all, as when growing up that was all that we used. It is still just as good!
This is just an example of what an air-fryer can do for you!
I am late posting today as I have been making Pumpkin Butter Soap, today and that takes time.
I hope that you all are well and hopefully safe, this day. This world is laying heavy on my heart and I am constantly praying for all the people.
This chicken sandwich was supposed to be white meat but alas, I happened to grab some thighs. But it was just as good as the other would have been.
On the day before, I did the prep-work, which was to debone and pound the chicken out thin with a metal metal mallet. It gets aggression out while you are pounding. I seasoned with Accent, Greek Seasoning and Pepper and Adobe Seasoning Salt.
Store the seasoned chicken in a covered bowl in the refrigerator until ready to cook the next day.
Make a panko crumb batter bowl with 1 c of panko and 7 crushed saltine crackers mixed together. Make a second bowl with 2 eggs and 1/4- cup of milk in it.
Get your frying pan medium hot first. Dip chicken into panko crumbs then egg wash and back into panko crumbs. Put in frying pan. (KEEP a watch on frying pan) If too hot, it will burn and if too low it will be soggy.
Fry on each side until golden brown and then put on a broiler pan and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
All you need now is a hamburger bun with mayo and a good tomato.
Good evening all! It’ about 88 degrees or maybe 91 in North Florida at 7pm tonight. Hotter than hell, I always say! But, I have no desire to go there to compare the heat.
I am hoping that all is well, with your home and family tonight. I am always, wishing the best for all of you.
Tonight, I am sharing a food blog photo that comes from my own blog, which is here. I love to share recipes with the world and can only hope that they are shared and tried by some of you.
Anyhow, back to this sauerkraut and hotdog craving that I had a while back. A friend taught me her recipe for cooking hotdogs!
This is sinful but awesomely good. You fry the hotdogs in a little butter. yes butter. 2 TBSP of butter.
Then to top it off, I added a coke and my homemade sauerkraut, which is has a crunchy texture and just beats the stuffing out of the store, canned stuff.
If you would like my homemade karut recipe then look back in my archives under August 2020 in the monthly links that show at the bottom of my blog.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you find a recipe that you want to try! Connie B.
As today is a nice and softly raining day, I thought about this uplifting and smile bringing meal for my lunch today. As I have had a headache, since Mother’s Day, Sunday through Thursday, today. I could really use something, uplifting, and this is it!
I just used some Italian bread along with Velveeta (off-brand) Cheese and some home canned butter which I will make a post on, very soon.
No haters on canning the butter, please! I followed the Ball Bluebook canning book for about 30 years. But, now when I know that it is safe for me to can something, I do it for me. So I am kinda like a rebel canner but I do not cuss as that group does. So don’t follow me, search out canning for yourself.
The only thing that I can find wrong is that I used salted butter and its too salty for me.
The cast-iron skillet is a treasure for me and everything cooked in it, comes out so very nice.
Good morning, all. For this cold, Friday in North Florida, I wanted something different to eat. This was supposed to be my lunch but as I was busy all day long, it ended up being my supper and it was a good supper.
This sub was made from a jar of roast beef that I had canned up in 2020.
I did discover that you (DO NOT) open your canning jar at room temperature and think that you are going to cheat and heat it up in the microwave. As I was doing this myself, today. I was shocked when I heard an explosion (boom) coming from my microwave and as I looked, I saw roast beef exploded all over the inside of my microwave.
So, I cautiously removed the jar, expecting the bottom to be blown out or a broken jar of roast beef. But, all I found was exploded meat everywhere and half of it still in the jar with a piece of meat fat on the top of the jar. But nothing broken! So I guess our body fat would explode first if it were us in the microwave. Gross!
Pull out the frying pan and take the long way, because you do not want to spend so much time, cleaning up the microwave.
I ended up with a half-pint of useable roast beef for my sub sandwich.
French bread sliced onions- sliced red-bell pepper- sliced cheddar
Mayonaise and mustard-Accent-Pepper-Salt
Saute the bell peppers and onion in the frying pan with a TBSP of butter, until soft. Then drain off any juices in the jar of meat and add spices to the meat. Put meat into the frying pan on low-medium and heat up. Flip the meat over and add slices of cheddar cheese on top of the roast beef and put a lid on the frying pan. This will melt the cheese very fast so be ready with your microwave steamed sub roll and mayo and mustard on the bread.
Use 2 spatulas to get the roast beef out of the pan and onto your sub roll.
I, added some bean sprouts as I am trying to make myself like them.
I do hope that you will try this sub as I thought that it was real good and it was something different to eat.
Thanks for stopping by, and I will post again on Tuesday and Thursday so come back if you can for more. Connie B.
Good morning everyone! I hope that your day goes well. I am headed off to the Dentist this morning, so I am trying to post this recipe now before I go.
I really like pizza, but as I have never tried a Canadian Bacon Pineapple pizza, I thought that I would try to make one up. As unusual as it is for me, I have to say it’s not too bad.
I will say that the next one that I make, will not have alfredo sauce on it as that made it a little too rich in taste for me. These are my ingredients that I used.
Pizza dough for one pizza.
1 package of Canadian Bacon. 8 ounces of shredded cheese – mixed cheddar and motzarella.
2 TBSP melted butter and sprinkle of parmesean for the top rim on the crust. 1 TBSP of cornmeal for the bottom of crust.
Sauteed onion and red bell pepper Pineapple tidbits drained of juice.
I took my pizza dough out of the freezer that morning and at lunchtime, I pre-heated my oven to 200 degrees and turned the oven off.
I used olive oil on my hands to handle the dough an d added a tiny bit of oil to the glass pie dish that I was using. I flipped the dough over and over to oil and then removed the dough for a minute to throw in the cornmeal on the bottom of the dish. Then I placed the dough ball back in the dish and covered with syran wrap and put it in the oven for an hour.
After the hour was up I took the dough out of the oven and set the oven temperature to 400 degrees.
I used my hands to push the dough up around all the sides and the bottom of the dish. Then I baked the crust for 20 minutes until light brown. Take it out of the oven and assemble your items now.
I layered shredded cheeses and Canadian bacon with about 1/3 cup of garlic alfredo sauce, which is very salty. And I used pineapple in the layers and used onions and bell pepper with more pineapple on the top.
I brushed the melted butter on the rim of the crust and added parmesan to the crust. Then I baked it for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. It was good but too rich and cheesy with the Alfredo sauce so next time I will leave it out. Also, know that alfredo and parmesean are both salty and so is Canadian Bacon.
Thanks for your visit today and come back again if you wish. I will post again on Saturday-Tuesday and Thursday. Share with good people if you wish. Thank You again. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Good morning to all, on this rainy North Florida day. I hope your day is well!
I came across an older recipe from times past and I thought that I would do a post on it. It is called loose meat sandwiches I do remember having one of these about 13 years ago at a little Mom and Pop Cafe
I opened a jar of my dry canned hamburger meat, which was a pound of meat, roughly. You can start with fresh hamburger meat from the grocery store if you don’t have canned hamburger meat. It is my very favorite item to can as it saves me so very much time.
You just cut up a large onion and use a large TBSP of garlic from a jar.
Put these veggies in a frying pan and saute for about 3 minutes and then add the canned hamburger meat in and keep cooking on medium heat until the grease from the meat is cooked out.
Or if, you start with raw meat then cook it first and drain and then add in the veggies and cook until they are done.
A slice of cheddar cheese tops this sandwich off. I only had a little piece of a strip of cheese so I ended up cutting it too thick to melt prettily. I also added mayo-ketch and mustard to my loose meat sandwich.
It was a nice change for a meal for me and I really enjoyed the loose meat sandwich along with an ice-cold, Sam’s cola from Walmart.
I do hope that you will try this recipe for yourself and see what you think about it. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to share these recipes with good people. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Hello, hello, hello on this foggy Florida morning. You could almost slice it with a knife. Makes me think of that song that has (cuts like a knife). Now that song is stuck in my head for the rest of the day!
This post is for the fish sandwich lovers, all over the world. I would normally go for the burger, but not with this fish sandwich on the menu as a choice. I absolutely love this sandwich.
My last post had the recipe for the fish. So this is what I did with the leftovers. All I had to do was heat it up very slightly and slap a piece of cheddar cheese on it. I toasted a hamburger bun and made up some homemade tartar sauce with some of my canned bread and butter pickles. (PS if you can some of these, use medium to small cukes). As the large pickles that I used for canning bread and butter pickles, ended up with tough rinds so I just cut off the rinds and made up my tartar sauce.
As you have, by now guessed. This recipe is for the tartar sauce. Bread and butter pickles with mayo and a dash of lemon juice is all that you will need to make up this fresh and yummy tartar sauce for a very nice fish sandwich. You could change up the pickle type if you don’t like the bread and butter pickles. But to me, this makes the sandwich!
Thank you for your visit to my blog today and I do hope that you will try this recipe and share it around with good people. I will post again on Sat-Tue- and Thursday. So feel free to browse and come back often. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Hello everyone. How is your day? I am always praying that your days go well, for each and every one of you.
Please over-look the bun in this photo. It was in the freezer for a while, but a few seconds in the microwave and it turned into a steamed hotdog bun. But It’s looks can not be improved, just the taste.
The recipe is–Your very favorite sausage links (Nettles) is mine.
1 large onion cut up—lots of mustard–good mayonnaise ( Save A Lot) for me. A pretty plate and a coke. Along with a photoshoot if you can wait that long..
Ok, here is how I cook my good ole sausage dog. I boil mine for 15 minutes boiling as this gets a lot of grease out. Then I drain off the water very well.
Then, I put about 1 1/2 TBSP of olive oil in a frying pan and just fry it until it has some pretty brown color on it. You can use whatever type of oil that you choose.
Start sauteing your onion right about now.
Steam your bun for 4-7 seconds. Now you can build this good ole sausage dog. I use mayo and tons of mustard and onions.
This reminds me of the sausage dogs at the fair-grounds.
Thank you for your visit and come back for more recipes, if you want to. Spend some time and browse around, while you are already here. And feel free to share with all of your family and freinds.