Fat Italian Beans with Golden potatoes and a Spiral Ham Bone that is Swimming in Onions.
Good Morning, All. I am posting from another very wet and grey sky day from North Florida, today. Now, I am thinking of the song that has the lyrics (I’ll sail away in it). For the life of me, I can’t remember who sings it. (Journey, comes to mind). Anyway, I am wishing you a good day and all the best.
This is my ham-bone bean recipe and it was good to the last bean.
The recipe is a spiral ham bone with some meat left on the bone.
It is well worth the cost (On sale, at Walmart) Still $24.00 though. I, cut off almost all of the spiraled ham and put in quart zip-lock baggies for the freezer for so many meals. Then I save the ham bone until I was ready to use it.
So, along with that ham bone, I used 2 15oz cans of fat Italian string beans.
1 1/2 onions sliced.
6-medium-large golden potatoes washed and peeled and diced.
1-tsp Accent 1-tsp Greek Seasoning 1-tsp coarse salt (work with your seasons) and do not get too salty as it will get stronger later and you could always add more. 1-tsp black pepper.
Boil the ham bone in a large pot filled with 8-cups of water for 1 hour, as it is already cooked, when you purchase it and then take it out of the pot and let cool, take all the meat off, and tear into strips. Put the meat back into the pot.
Open you two cans of fat Italian string beans (just my name for them) and put liquid and all into your soup pot.
Add in your Golden potatoes. (Diced)
Add in your sliced onions. Add in your seasonings and cook on med-high for 40 minutes. You are done, now.
Thank you for your visit today and do come back soon. Connie B.
I call this one, Connie’s sausage-egg and cheese McMuffin.
Hello everyone, I hope this day finds you well as it is a beautiful sky blue day in North Florida today. And the little sparrow birds have already emptied out one feeder and they are working on the second feeder like there is no tomorrow.
But little do they know, there will always be some seed in the storehouse for them!
Today, I wanted to post this little recipe. Now you can always go to McDonald’s and have one of their sausage-egg and cheese McMuffins. But as I have no car, that is not one of my options.
So I create my own sausage-egg and cheese McMuffin. I really enjoy these, once in a while. So on to the recipe.
You will need some patty sausage meat or buy the pre-fab kind. I do not.
2 patties of sausage
2 fried eggs with salt and pepper
2 egg muffins
2 slices of cheese and mayo or your choice of condiment
I used my air-fryer to cook two thick patties of sausage. I used 370 degrees for the temp. setting and put the timer on for 12 minutes. At half-time, I flipped the sausages. And at the last minute of cooking the sausages, I threw on the cheese.
While this was cooking, I fried my eggs in a little olive oil and toasted the two muffins in my red toaster, which makes me think of the old-time dining car restaurants or the old-time cafes, from way back in time.
Ok, so now that everything is cooked, we just assemble our breakfast sandwiches Put mayo on the toasted muffins and then the fried eggs. Next comes the sausage and cheese. Next comes the plate with a glass of orange juice or coffee.
I do so hope that you will enjoy this breakfast sandwich recipe and check out more of my recipes while you are visiting.
I do thank you for your taking the time out of your busy day to stop by. Hopefully, you will come by again as I post on Sat and Tuesday.
This is a photo of December 25th, 2020. It,s main feature is a 20 lb, orange brined turkey which brined for 36 hours in a brine that I learned from Chef Jeffery.
I also made a creamy coconut pie with the coconut poured over the top and with real whipped cream from the can for added texture and taste. You will find my coconut pie recipe in my recipe archives if you wish to.
My Christmas turkey with my creamy coconut pie. A friend stopped by with the mashed potatoes and stuffing with the cranberry sauce. She also bought her awesome homemade pumpkin pie along.
I do hope that each and every one of you had a little Christmas dinner with a loved one or friend. It was a nice day for me and my neighbor. We had a lovely dinner while listening to Christmas songs on my laptop from Youtube. We also had minute made pink lemonade for our beverage.
Afterwards, we split up the dinner for the 2 homes. Now I have got to can turkey by Sunday! But I wanted to give you the brining recipe that I used on the turkey. First I had to thaw him for 2 days and get the paper packages out of him
The only pan that I had big enough was the aluminum turkey pans. I had 2 together and a hard cookie pan under them for firmness.
I used 8 ornges cut into 1/4ths.
1/2c. salt
3/4th gallon of water (Jeffery used a gallon, but he had a bucket and a fridge for it to fit in). I did start with the gallon but had to dip a lot of it out so I could pick up the pan to refrigerate the bird for 12 hours on the back side of the bird.
Then take it out and flip the bird on to the breast side for the next 24 hours to brine in the refrigerator
Back to the brine recipe. You have your water and salt and oranges together.
Add in 5 bay leaves and 1 TBSP of rosemary and 1 TBSP of thyme.
Add in 1 TBSP of black pepper corns. Stir this and have the turkey in the pan and pour this over it.
In, the morning to cook the turkey, you use a soup ladle to dip out all the brine. Stuff the oranges in the cavity of the bird. I used the same pan to bake mine in or you can change pans.
I like to cook a stress-free turkey. So I got up at 6 am and turned the oven on to 330 degrees and just put the bird in the oven and went back to bed. I do not smear butter or dip broth over the turkey as it is cooking. I did leave the oven light on for the bird. And when it browned I tented the bird with foil so he would not burn. As I wanted to cook the bird for 5 hours which was 45 minutes over-time as I always do. It was juicy and really good.
So, thank you for visiting today, and do come back soon, as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturdays. Check my archives for more recipes if you wish to. And share away with your friends. is the link to Chef Jeffery.
I, re-canned this #10 sized can of hominy into quite a few pint jars so that It would be an item in my canning food pantry for the whole year. This will make many soups through out the year for about $5 of cost. #Hominy #canningThese pint jars are from the 110 oz huge sized can of hominy. These are really good in soups.
I want to say, Merry Christmas Eve to all, and I hope that you are feeling loved, even if you are by your self. Show yourself some love during these tough times.
If all we have is our own little self, then we need love too.
If all we have is our own little family in the house, then love will just have to be enough to carry us through these days ahead. I am praying for all of you, constantly and I send you hugs and love.
I am a canner from way back there, I used to grow all my gardens of vegetables and fruit trees and pick wild blackberries like crazy. I even re-started many many mulberry trees from a tree that used to be in Watermelon Park that is near Lake City Florida.
This tree had a History, you see. All the farmers back in the day, before my time, would meet up under this giant mulberry tree and sell their wares. It was at an S&S Store at that spot, where I happened to work at.
They were tearing the tree down to pave the store lot as it was a dirt lot. I happened to be riding by, that day and when I saw that beautiful tree tore down, it ripped at my heart. So I got out of the car and collected many many little stick branches and took them home and stuck then in dirt pots and they grew and grew.
I had a giant tree myself from one of those sticks. And I gave out many many trees to a lot of people. So that special tree lives on.
On to the recipe now, sorry folks about reminiscing. But I blog because, of the old days, to try to teach the many that want to know. As I feel it is my purpose in this life, to try and take care of all of you, by sharing wisdom from the ways of our ancestors before us. This is how I learned a lot myself, from listening to their life stories.
There I go again. Sorry.
You will need a 110 oz can of hominy and about 6 or 7 pint jars with lids and rings.
Pressure Canner – a chopstick to de-bubble- tiny bowl of vinegar and napkins
A wide mouth funnel Jar lifting tongs (strong). Kitchen towel folded in half on counter near the stove to put boiling jars onto.
Ready now, here we go. As the hominy is already cooked, we just warm it and the juices in a pot to boiling. While this is starting out. Have 2 inches of water in your pressure canner also coming to a boil. Have a third big pot of water boiling to fill your jars with.
Next I take a soup ladle and ladel out some boiling water into 2 of the jars. As you fill each jar with hominy, then pour the water off into one of the cold jars that are without water. Keeps each upcoming jar hot until it gets filled.
As you fill a jar, add 1/8 tsp. of salt to it. Use the pan of boiling water to fill the jar up to within 1 inch head-space from the top ring on the jar. De-bubble with the chopstick. Wipe the top of the jar with a napkin dipped into vinegar. Put on the seal (this does not have to be hot). As it will get there in the canner. Put the ring on the jar , just finger tight! Put the jar into the canner. Repeat for each jar. ( I do have the canner metal ring in the bottom of the pot, before adding the jars.
If you do not have enough jars of food to fill up the canner, just put hot water into extra jars and set them around in the canner as place holders. I do not cap mine.
Time now to take the jiggle weight off the canner top and set it aside. Put the canner top on. Have the water already boiling hot in there! Have the dial on number 6. You do not want to bring this up too fast or you will lose liquid from your jars! When you see steam coming out of the jiggly vent then you put the jiggle weight on.
There are a lot of steps to canning, but I promise you that it will be worth learning to do it safely. Next you turn up the stove to #7 and wait for the number dial on the pot to get to #11 (Florida altitude). Google if you live higher up.
When it gets to #11, then you turn the temp down to #3 or #4 so that the dial will level out to around the #11 lbs of pressure for the whole processing time. Start timer now for 60 minutes! Most times for pint jars are for 75 minutes or 90 minutes for quarts. (But hominy is 60 minutes).
When timer goes off, just turn off the stove and WALK AWAY until all the pressure is released on its own and the dial is at ZERO. Only then can you open the pot. This is the top safety part of canning, if you open it under pressure it will explode!
When you open the lid there will be steam coming out so tilt the lid away from you. Use tong lifter in one hand and a pot holder in other hand for bottom of jar. Set the jar on th folded towel near the stove and walk away again. After about 4 hors I take the rings off the jars and if cooled down enough I wash each jar with warm soapy water and dry.
Use a marker and label food name and date on each jar seal and store away from sunlight. These will keep at least 3 years as long as you were clean and did all these steps during your food processing time. I hope that you will enjoy learning this and that it will provide for you family with lots of money savings on food.
If you have the time, stay a while and check out some recipes. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays, so do come back if you wist to and share with friends. Thank you for your visit. Connie B. https://www.wisdomforpennies.com
I am setting up this post on a sunny Wednesday day here in North Florida, for Thursday’s post in the morning. I have the photo’s done, but have to finish the recipe. I will be back in the morning with this recipe.
I hope that all is well, in your home and family. Ok, I am posting the recipe now as I have a lot to do tomorrow.
2 tubes of crescent rolls
20 oz can cherry pie filling
1/2 c melted butter
1/2 c sugar with 1/2 tsp cinnamon mixed together
1 tsp vanilla 1/2 c powdered sugar
1 TBSP milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease 2 baking pans
Pop open a tube of crescent rolls- use every 2 triangles to make 1 rectangle=4 rectangles. Mash the scored edges together with your fingers.
Use a spoon of melted butter on each and sprinkle a little spoon of cinnamon and sugar down the middle of each rectangle. Starting at the long ends, roll each into a tootsie roll and make each one into a spiral circular form. If the seam opens just pinch back together.
Put on greased cookie sheet and make a well in each with side-walls. (Like a pizza crust). Put a heaping spoon of cherry pie filling on each one. Do the second tube of crescent rolls the same way.
Bake 350 for 35 to 40 minutes. As these are already sweet enough, I barely used any of the icing on each one. Use powdered sugar that you have whisked together to get out the lumps and add the TBSP of milk or less to it.
Drizzle a very small amount on each cherry danish when they have cooled down and remove to a pretty plate.
At our card game, we all looked at these like a lighted Christmas tree and all we could say was wow! This one’s a keeper. I do hope that you will try it! This recipe makes 8 cherry danish or cream cheese or blueberry etc-etc-etc.
Hello, everyone. I wish you the best for this day. North Florida is cloudy today but not a cold day. The world is only cloudy if you let it be. Put your mind on something interesting and let it carry you through this day.
I am always thinking of and praying for everyone in this world, for every-day that goes by. And I do try to give out a little joy to you all as that is all that I have, but that is enough.
So, today, I am giving you my favorite chocolate fudge frosting recipe. If you make this and put it on a devil’s food cake or a fudgy chocolate cake mix. All I can say is oh my my! Because when I gift this cake to someone, that is all they can say, too.
I will add a photo one of these days when I make this delightful fudgy frosting. I have to watch what I eat and I can not eat a whole cake by myself so one day when there is an event, then I will cook one up.
Ready for the recipe now? I just bet you are! Ok these are the ingredients that you will need.
1/2 c cream or milk 1 stick butter microwave until boiling
5c powdered sugar 1/2 c cocoa whisk together
1 tsp vanilla
Add all dry ingredients with vanilla into your mixing bowl with the vanilla. Have the boiling cream and butter near by.
Begin by pouring a little of the cream and butter mixture into your frosting as you are whipping it up with your mixer. Keep adding the cream mixture in slowly and a little at a time, just until frosting becomes creamy enough to spread on the cake. You may not need all the cream mixture. The next step is to share this and enjoy or give as a never forgotten gift.
I used to bake one of these each month for 2 dozen brown chicken eggs, straight from the farm. The cake was well appreciated and so were those beautiful eggs.
Thanks for visiting and do stay a while and check out the monthly archives for more recipes if you wish. Share away and think about returning to visit again as I post on Sat-Tue and Thursdays. Connie B.
Brrr. It’s cold in Florida today and very windy. I hope that you are warm and cozy today, where ever that you may be.
Here is a little bread recipe that I enjoy and I hope that you may also. I had made spaghetti a while back, it is in my archives for October or November, I think. Anyway, this made some mighty tasty garlic and cheesy buns to go with the spaghetti.
If you need just a bit for one, then use 2 TBSP of soft butter and stir in some garlic powder ( 1/16 th–tsp) and use a small garlic clove minced finely with a dash of salt. Dice up a cheese-stick’s worth of cheese. I used motzerella cheese. Use any kind.
Just spread butter mixture over bread and add smally diced cheese over top and broil for a few minutes until browned. Stay with this as it burns very quickly!
If you have a larger family than just I, then use a 1/2 or whole stick of soft butter and use 1/2 tsp of garlic powder or more if you like and 2 or more cloves of minced garlic with a little salt added in. Dice up your cheese in small chunks and put on the top. Broil a couple of minutes until brown.
I hope that you will use this recipe for your family of for yourself as this goes with everything. Stay awhile if you wish and share if you want. Thank you for your visit and do come back soon as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturdays. Connie B.
Good morning everyone. I thought that I would show you a very nice red and orange-colored, and comforting for those that do like cranberry sauce, food photo that I just took off of my camera. It has been sitting there waiting for today, to have its day in the spotlight all over the world. I hope.
It may go to Italy today or even Switzerland, Australia, or possibly Ireland. This little blog of mine does some traveling for me, as I could only wish to travel, so it does it for me. I do get so much enjoyment out of my little blog!
Ok, I know that there are more cranberry haters than lovers, out there, but this one recipe may change your mind. Once I tasted this, I for one will never go back to the cans from the store, as I myself canned this one in canning jars. And this one will always be my go to.
I used Granny’s old steel pot as you can see. I have had this for many many years and I always make my jams and jellies, only in this pot, with a long wooden spoon. Hey I am 61, so some things will never change in my kitchen, but on the other hand, I do love to create in my kitchen, so maybe I can change. God only knows, not even myself!
If you look into the pot you can see whole cranberries that have been crushed with little orange zests floating around. Imagine the smell! It was decadent! This pot of orange-cranberry sauce made 5- pint jars of sauce. 4 were jellied and 1 was slightly runny, so I say not bad for a first time trying as I made it up as I went along.
Here is the recipe for you. 2 – 12 oz bags of whole cranberries and 3 oranges zested and juiced
5 c. sugar with 2 heaping TBSP of pectin mixed in with the sugar (powdered pectin). I use Mrs. Wages as it is the cheapest to be found for me.
Rinse off the cranberries and put them in a big steel pot. Put the orange zest and juice in the pot also.
Pour in 4 c. water.
Boil until they pop. Then use a potato masher to slightly mash berries.
Add in the 5 c. sugar that has the pectin in it. (This whole recipe is cooked on #8 on the stove. A high boil, while always stirring and watching out for popping sauce as it will burn you. So use a taller pot and a long spoon.
Once you have slightly mashed the berries, then pour in the sugar mixture and keep stirring until it comes to a rolling boil. 5 minutes should do it and be thickened up. It will thicken more in the canning jars.
I water-bathed canned these 5- pint for 20 minutes. if you need more information on water bathing then check my monthly archives under canning.
This is a very simple recipe that is so delightful. You taste more orange than cranberry!
Thank you for your visit and do come back soon or stay awhile if you wish. I will post on all Tue-Thur and Saturdays if you want to visit me again. If you wish, please share the recipes.
Hello to everyone on this sunny but cloudy, North Florida day. Our day is in between, while making up it’s mind today. So it is in sync with our world today. I wish you peace of mind on this day and all the days that follow. I also wish you, happiness, so look around and grab onto some and hang on to it, with all your might! I am also keeping all of you in my prayers, each and everyday.
A big pot of my spaghetti sauce with a fist-full of my de-hydrated mushrooms tossed into the pot.
I am working up to the recipe, I promise!
Here it is!
Now for the recipe—-1 can of tomatoes
1 can of paste (the little one)
2 jars of Ragu (Left-over from my couponing days) The last two!
6 cloves of garlic peeled and chopped fine
1/2 of an onion chopped 1/2 tsp. accent 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. oregano and 1/2 tsp. basil
3 TBSP. sugar (An Italian tip to reduce heartburn). Mushrooms if you like them,however many you like.
2 lbs, hamburger meat Box of spaghetti 1-lb.
I use ground round hamburger meat so I don’t have to drain off, a lot of grease. Fry the meat, along with onion and garlic cloves until done. If you have grease in the pan then drain it off.
Open up your jars of Ragu and pour in the pot, use a little water in the empty jars to get all the sauce out. Open your can of tomatoes and pour in the pot. Open your paste and dilute it in a bowl, with 3 cans of water, whisked into it. Pour this in the pot.
Add all your spices and if you want, add in some mushrooms. They can be dry of fresh. If fresh make sure to wash in water real quick, and cut up. Cook on medium high temp. for 30-40 minutes, while stirring the pot sometimes. You could use a lid on the pot so that the sauce will not pop out everywhere.
Use a big pot of water and get it to boiling. Put in your spaghetti noodles. I use the 1 lb box and that makes a ton of spaghetti. Boil for 8 minutes for al dente spaghetti (firm) and not mushy). Drain off the water and put into a huge bowl and pour all the sauce over the spaghetti, if you wish or keep the sauce and pasta apart if you wish.
The only reason that I used Ragu in this recipe is that I was one of those bad Mamma jamma couponers, years ago and this was the last of it. I could buy $100 worth of editable groceries and only have to pay $8 for them. But I don’t coupon any longer as I am by myself now and I have no use for all that food.
So without the Ragu, you will need to have 3 cans of tomato sauce and 2 cans of tomato paste to take the place of the Ragu.
So I will be adding a whole tsp. of each of my spices the next time I make spaghetti and adding in 1 tsp. of parsley also. I hope that you will try this recipe and see if you like it! I eat this for days and then on the 3rd day, I give the rest of it to one of my neighbors and tell them to eat it that day as it is 3 days old, but still good for the day.
While you are here, feel free to check out my monthly archives for more recipes. I post on Sat-Tue and Thursdays so stop back in for a visit anytime. Thank You. Connie B.
Good morning everyone! I hope this day finds you staying on the calm side of your emotions, as they could be swinging wildly, like a ship on the ocean. Please try to find that little calming place within yourself and hang on to it. I am praying for you all, in this trying, world that we are all, part of.
I thought that I would put this pork-chop recipe up for my post, today. As I have not cooked pork chops in about 5 years, I was not too sure how they would turn out. But as you can see, they turned out,even the bone.
I could imagine that about most everyone on here, knows how to cook pork chops, but this is for the ones, that just might need this recipe. And I do use lard in my cast iron frying pan, so no lard haters, please. On to the recipe now.
Ingredients needed are—2 inches of lard in a cast iron frying pan or any frying pan.
A deeper bowl with 1 1/2 c. self-rising flour in it, also add in 1/2 tsp accent and 1/2 tsp CAVENDEK’S greek seasoning (Save A lot) Grocery Store. This has the pepper already in it along with other nice seasonings.
Pork-chops rinsed off and sprinkled with accent and greek seasoning also.
A splatter screen ( A northerner) taught me this one! And I love, not getting burned with the grease. ( Dollar Tree has them).
Heat up the lard or whatever, your choice of grease is. I only cook these on #5 on my stove dial and lower it to #4, when I first put in the second batch of chops, to let cool a little, then I raise the temp. back to #5 to finish cooking. There is nothing worse than burned grease tasting meat!
I also like to cook entirely the first side before I turn the chop over to cook the second side entirely, without turning it. So I keep my lard on a medium-hot to accomplish this, by frying for about 5 minutes on each side. Peek at your chop for around 4 minutes until you see how your stove does for you. These are the medium-thick pork-chops, not the paper-thin ones. For those that need this recipe, I hope that you try this one! This is how I do it!
I forgot to tell you, that that jar in the photo, is my lemon drop jelly, that went on one of those hot biscuits. It is so sweet but then so sour too! I think it is my favorite. You can find the recipe in my monthly archives if you wish to make some for yourself. Try October archives on my blog, which you can also get to from Google. I hope that you will share my little blog and I do hope that you like some of my recipes. Just save it to your favorites and you won,t have to write it down or print it out if you do.
Well it’s time to stop for today, so I will post again on Saturda-Tue and Thursdays. Wishing you well. Connie B.