Good morning All! I am wishing you, the very best of days.
I also keep all of you in mind as of these hard times that we are going through all over the world. I wish that I could give you all-peace, health and comfort. So, I send this recipe to you and hope that it brings you joy.
I shared this pot of soup with two of my friends and they really liked it as I did also. I ate this soup, right by itself for 3 meals.
I have tried to post this photo of mine about 15 times and was ready to pull my hair out! So I hope it works this time.
Butternut Squash Soup Recipe
1 large butternut squash, washed well ,cut open ,discard seeds and a little of the stringiness. Cut up and bake at 400 degrees in oven for 40 minutes. It will be under-done but it will finish cooking in the soup pot.
1 pint jar of chicken breast from my canning pantry with the broth in the jar also.
If you do not can then cook up 2 chicken breast in 5 c of water with 3 -chicken bullion cubes added to the pot after it is done cooking and when cooled down add in shredded chicken.
Now you have your chicken and squash about cooked.(You could prep this in the morning or the day before).
Use a big soup pot add in the chicken and broth and squash. Add in 8 c of water. If you did not make your broth up like I just talked about—-then add a quart of store bought chicken broth and 3 cubes of chicken bullion. Plus 3 more cubes for the soup flavoring.
1 can of Green English peas with liquid
1 can of hominy with liquid
1 TBSP Accent— 2 tsp Greek seasoning—-2 tsp salt (The bullion is salty too).
1 tsp black pepper—-2 tsp of oregano (spicy soup)
1 large onion diced
1 TBSP Curry (makes savory)
Cook on medium high and boil for 30 minutes with a lid on the pot.
Time to eat, now. A homemade loaf of bread, hot out of the oven would give you a party dinner.
Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again. Connie B.