Good afternoon all! I am late today with this post!
I hope that all is well, within your home and family.
I have a new recipe to share with you and I do hope that you will try this one. I’ll bet that you can’t eat just one! I, found these to be addictive.
I used 3 squash for this recipe as my 2 squash bushes have only produced 5 squash for me so far, Hopefully, more later on!
The ingredients are 3 squash
1 large cup of flour and 1 short can of beer (some of it)
Wash the squash well and dice or slice it medium thickness
In a medium bowl add the flour and keep adding in the beer and stirring until you have a thick dipping batter. In the end, I stopped with the beer and added just enough water so that it made a thick like runny dipping batter.
Have a frying pan ready with hot sizzling grease and dip the squash pieces into the batter and let the batter drip off a second, then fry in the pan until golden brown and flip over for the second side. (You will have enough batter to do 6 squash if you can eat that many).
Have a plate ready with paper towels on it for the cooked squash to lay on. Now is the time to season the squash with a little sale and a little more Cavendar’s Greek Seasoning.
Thank you for stopping by today and please do stop by again as I post on Saturday and Tuesday. Connie B.
Good morning all! It is very early Saturday morning as I write this post.
I hope that your day goes well and that all of your wishes come true.
I began cooking my ribeye steak like this, many years ago. And it is fast and easy.
I season my steak the night before with accent and garlic powder and then keep it in a covered container in the refrigerator until I am ready to cook it.
I preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
I use my favorite little cast iron frying pan with a little bit of olive oil in it. Maybe 2 TBSP. I just brown the steak on each side, about 3 minutes each side, on a high heat setting.
Then I slide the cast iron frying pan into the oven and set a timer for 5 minutes. If you like it rarer then check on it earlier than 5 minutes. On this steak, I messed up and cooked it for 8 minutes so it turned out to done for me but it was still a good steak. I prefer the 5 minute time and way less done.
I had some dehydrated mushrooms, so I used a big handful and rehydrated them in 1/4th cup of water in a little pan on the stove. When the water boiled out, I tossed in some butter and garlic powder and took off the stove. This left them crispy like and that is how I like my mushrooms on a steak. I microwaved a large baking potato by poking holes in it and covering it with a wet paper towel. I think it may have been 9 minutes but check it at 6 minutes.
When the baked potato is cooked like this in a microwave with a wet papertowel on it. It will be moist and flaky just like the restaurant baked potato. I learned this tip years ago.
If you have not tried your steak this way, I do hope that you will give this a try! It is really tasty this way.
Thank you for stopping by and feel welcome to come back for any of my recipes. They are here to be shared with you and others, also. I will post on Tuesday and Saturday. Connie B.
Good morning, to everyone on this gently raining, North Florida day. It will be a nice day for the farmers and crops so That makes a good day for me as well. I hope that your’s is nice also.
Please forgive my grainy photo as somehow my phone camera is going out on me. I will have to try to get a new one. This picture does not do the squash the beautiful yellow color that it really is.
Onward to the recipe of how to can squash as a lady requested from me yesterday. I told her that I would post it today. So here we go!
It is really important to wash and scrub the squash with a vegetable brush so that you get all of the tiny bits of sand off of the squash! Nothing like a bite of sand grit between your teeth! So do this well.
Have your pressure canner pot on a very low setting as you are prepping the squash. You just want the water warm! Fill about 2 or 3 inches for depth. Your lowest marking inside the pot is the sweet spot for canning
Have all of your jars and lids washed and clean with hot soapy water before you even begin any part of this pressure canning adventure! Also, have napkins and a tiny dish of vinegar ready for cleaning the jar rims after you have filled the jars with squash and very hot water. A chopstick to de-bubble each filled jar before cleaning the rim and putting on the seal and then the ban. A large mouth funnel is needed, also.
Also, have a large pot of water and have it ready with boiling water so that you can slice up the squash into (THICK CHUNKS) and drop the squash into the water for about 2 minutes. Use a big slotted spoon to remove the squash to a big bowl. Have a large soup ladle, handy for you will need it!
So now that everything is ready to start, put a folded kitchen towel near the stove and on the counter. Have your jar lifter tool beside it, with a heavy-duty pot holder (just in case) you might need it to help you in removing the extremely hot jars from the canner.
Most of the work involved in canning is to get everything that you will need set up and ready to go.
To begin, I use quart jars and use the soup ladle to half-fill 2 of the jars with some of the boiling water. As I am ready to fill each jar with the two-minute blanched hot squash, I empty a hot water jar into an empty one. This keeps everything at a hot temperature!
So after using the funnel to fill the squash into the jars, use some of the blanching liquid from the boiled squash to finish filling up your jars. Leave a 1-inch head-space in the jar. Next, use the chopstick to de-bubble a jar and then use a vinegar napkin to wipe the rim of the jar and put the seal on now and next comes the band that is finger-tight so air can escape while in the canning process! Do not crank down extremely tight!
By now you have finished filling your jars and the pressure canner water is hot, so you can add the filled jars to your pressure canner. Usually, 6 quarts to a 23 quart-sized canner. Or (8-pints).
Put the lid on the pressure cooker and (leave the jiggle-thingie) the weight, OFF. Have the stover burner temp on number 7 (med-high) and wait until you have seen the steam coming out of the pressure gauge pipe hole for 5 to 10 minutes and then put the weight on the pot lid.
Let the pressure build up to 10 lbs of pressure ( for my area) check your area for canning altitude. When 10 lbs are reached, then you start the timer for 40 minutes for either quart or also pint jars. Also, turn the dial down to #4 to try to hold at the 10 lb setting. Now you just have to keep watch about every 15 minutes to see that the gauge stays at 10 or 11 but never lower than 10 lbs. I rotate between 3 and 4 with my stove dial setting to keep it near the 10 or 11 lbs of pressure.
This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP in pressure canning! After the timer goes off. Turn off the stove and walk away, until the pressure gauge reads ZERO pressure. ONLY then can you open the pot!
There is still hot steam inside the pot so open the lid facing away from you, slowly and with potholders Use your jar lifter and a thick potholder to remove the hot jars to the towel on the counter. Go and sit down now and listen to the ping of the jars as each seal.
The next morning just take off the bands on the jars and use soapy water to gently clean up the canned jars and rinse. Dry and label with the name and date. These will keep for 5 years but they don’t last that long with me. I aim for 3 years for the date to be outdated on the canned foods that I prepare.
I am SORRY that this is so long of a post! But as I can not see you in person to help you learn all about how to safely enjoy learning to pressure can so that you will not have to be afraid of it. Then I like to tell you the why and when and how of this type of canning. It is supreme and lets you store food for a very long time as long as you follow the cleanliness and safety steps for you canning adventures of a life-time.
I do want to say that I am sorry for the well-known canners, for this long post. Happy canning for our newbies!!!
Thank you so very much for stopping by today. I post on Tue and Sat. But this was a special request today! Connie B.
Good morning, Everyone. I hope this day is good for you!
Today, I thought about this post and I know that technically it is not a food recipe, and yet it could be, many recipes.
So, here we go! This year I decided to buy a 9 pack of Rutger tomato plants to start out with as with this Florida, hot weather, and the bugs. Oh, the bugs! When in previous years that I started out with seeds and the longer that they had to grow to be big and ripe, well if the bugs didn’t get them then they heat, did!
Next year, I will do my seed planting early so I have my own plants from these tomatoes.
I do have 4 tomato plants in the bucket and 1 in the ground, in my photo. I also have bamboo sticks for stakes to tie up the tomatoes as they grow.
Let,s talk fertilizer. I use Miracle Grow. Banana peelings (cut up). And I used my washed and dried, crushed, egg-shells. This gives potassium and calcium to the plants. When I get a bunch, saved up, then I use them on my plants.
Also every 15 days, I make 3 cups of water with 1 tsp of Epsom salt and just hand drip a little on my plants. For more blooms.
This year, I took a bar of Irish Spring Bath Soap (you only need one bar). I would fill a huge bowl with warm water and let the soap melt until the water looked soapy and then I poured off the water into a gallon jug and a spray bottle. Off, that one bar, you can do this many times.
Spray this lightly, every 3 days for pests and you will have none!
Every early morning, I have to water each planter bucket of tomatoes with 1 gallon of water or evening. This is where the Miracle Grow comes in. On, every 4th day, I use only 1 Gallon jug of water with 2 heaping tsp of Miracle grow to water all my tomato plants and my roses, also. Then I continue with regular water until each bucket has had it’s daily gallon of water.
I do hope that this post will be interesting for you! There are tons of great Gardners, out there. This is just the way that I do it!
Thank you for you visit and fell free to come back for more if you wish.
Good morning everyone! I, hope that this day finds you safe and protected from yesterday’s tornadoes. My heart goes out to so very many of you.
Today, my topic shall be on dehydrating mushrooms. Mushrooms are so very, good with a steak. You just rehydrate them by using a 1/4 cup of water and some garlic powder. Add a little butter when the water disappears into the mushrooms and leave them a little crunchy.
They also make great mushroom soup or you could rehydrate them for spaghetti-pizza-subs-salads-etc. They can be used in so many ways.
I adore mushrooms so I like to buy plenty of them when they have just been marked down in price at Walmart. They do have to still be looking good and not dark and slimy!
I also do my dehydrating on the same day that I buy the mushrooms as they do not have a long life. I just put a package in the strainer/colander and fast rinse with cold water and then onto the dehydrator tray, they go. Just rinse each package.
Turn on the dehydrator and plug it in. Keep rotating the trays as they are drying. The mushrooms have to be dried to a crispy texture with no water left in them or they will mold in your storage jar or baggie.
I’d hope that you will try this! Thanks for stopping by! Connie B.
Good morning all, on this North Florida, beautiful morning. The birds are singing and the Gatava/Silkworms are high in the trees while building their nests that look like spun silk.
There is an old saying that the fish are bedding up their beds now, in the ponds and lakes. What an excellent time to go fishing, right now! You could be pulling in the fish, I wish that I was.
Ok, on to the recipe for today. This is a homemade beef jerky that I have made for years and I must say that you just can not stop eating this stuff, after you get a taste of it. It is salty, so be warned.
Bottle of Moore’s Marinade Sauce Use 1/2 of the bottle.
Beef roast with as least fat as possible. Frozen but half thawed.
A sharp, long knife A Gallon Zip-lock-bag
I used to have a meat slicer to slice the meat thinly but it makes such a mess to clean up, so I have found that using a sharpened long bladed knife will do the slicing very nicely, just do not slice yourself!
Take the half frozen beef roast (any kind of roast). Slice it thin, but not paper thin. Put this in the gallon zip-lock bag and pour half of the bottle of Moore’s Marinade Sauce into the bag, also. Keep the left-over Moore’s in the fridge for another batch.
Put the bag in the refrigerator and flip it over through-out a time of 6 hours or overnight if you want it saltier. When ready to put this on a dehydrator, drain all the liquid of, using a colender/strainer and put on the trays of the dehydrator. My dehydrator is a stronger one so it takes 3 to 4 hours for my jerky to be done. The other dehydrator’s take like maybe 5 to 6 hours, I think. I can’t remember! I have had this $60 ( I think).one and it cuts the time in half for me. I have had this one for many years now. It was at Walmart.
When dry take off and cool down and store in a zip-lock baggie for however long that will hang around the house. Maybe a day or maybe two days. Enjoy!
Browse while you are here and check back later for another recipe to come on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Thank you for your time.
Hello everyone on this foggy North Florida day. I have already been up early and done all my laundry and put it away, also. That involves going to the laundry mat for me, so I have a good day started already. I hope your day is amazing for you today!
Today, I am going to share my cauliflower recipe with you, but no haters, please. As I do make my rue (cheese sauce) out of a box cheese, like velveeta, but cheaper at Save-A-Lot. I like it and everyone else that has eaten it really likes it also. There are people that say this is not real cheese! I do use fancy cheese’s on sandwich’s and crackers, but not as a cheese sauce. I prefer this velveeta like, cheesy sauce.
On to the recipe now. The ingredients are 1 head of cauliflower.
1 1/2 thick slice (wedge) of cheese that is cut up into small pieces.
1/2 cup of flour 4 TBSP butter
1c- to – 1 1/2 c of milk salt and pepper to taste (about 1/8 tsp) and 1/8 tsp of accent.
Use a large pot and have water boiling in it. Wash the cauliflower and cut the stem end off and throw it away. Break cauliflower into flowerettes and put in boiling water. Add your salt to the water also.
Boil under fork tender and then drain the cauliflower and sit it aside. Put the butter in pot and melt add the flour and keep stirring and let it brown slightly but not burn. Add in the milk and cheese and spices and keep stirring. If the flour is too dry and not in a creamy mixture type, then add a little more milk at a time, until you have a rich and creamy cheese sauce.
If you are ready to serve, arrange cauliflower on a pretty platter and pour the hot melted cheese over it. Serve this hot! I took mine, hot off the stove and in a covered dish to my Church Dinner with me.
I hope you love this as much as I do! It is a dish that stands out and most people don’t think about this one.
While you are here, please feel free to look around my blog, by the monthly archives at the bottom of my page is the quickest way. Please do share my blog so that it can grow. Please return and visit me again as I post on Tue-Thur and Saturday’s. Today is just a special extra post.
I do stand up for the brake bleeder as a terrific jar sealer for dried goods. But I have tried these eggs and they are rubbery tasting. The yolks just do not reconstitute back to a creamy texture. I do not even think it will work in baked goods.
First photo has the canning lid attachment for the regular mouth canning jars. The scrambled eggs were dehydrated and went through my coffee grinder. The brake bleeder is also shown.
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and sassy. Today has been an under the weather day for me so I am posting tonight instead of in the morning.
My second photo is of the quart jar with the canning lid sealer removed from it after using the brake bleeder to take all the air out of the jar. Yes, there is a bubble on top of the lid, but when I pushed it down with my thumb, it stayed down.
I paid about $25 for the brake bleeder online through Amazon and $13 for the regular cap to seal regular mouth jars. Later I will order the wide mouth cap sealer on back order as I did this one for both products.
I do have a moisture remover packet in the top of the jar and the brake bleeder removed all the oxygen from the jar so this should last for years to come as long as I re-seal the jar after opening it.
The brake bleeder comes in a kit with all different hoses and attachments, but all you need is what you see here in the photo. And there is no need to order an extra hose with the cap sealer as the brake bleeder comes with two. All the assembly it took me, was to really use a lot of force to put the hose on the bleeder gold nozzle and force the rubber nozzle into the other end of the hose. I did not need any other parts.
To use this cap sealer and brake bleeder, all you do is put you dehydrated very well and totally dry food in the jar. Wipe the jar rim well. Put the cap over the regular mouth canning seal and push down gently. You do have to hold the hose with the nozzle end firmly and vertical into the hole on the top of the white cap sealer and hand pump the brake until it stops moving. My gauge number was 14 to 20 for my numbers on all the jars I sealed with it.
Once up to the stopping point, there is a tiny little pin lever under the tip of the handle of the brake bleeder that you push. And then you remove it and white cap gently. Now test the seal by picking up the jar by the seal on the jar. If it holds you have done well. If not, do it again!
Please check out my archives for more info. on dehydrating the eggs and many more things if you wish to know.Thanks for stopping by and please share this blog for me so it will grow all over this world. I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays so do please visit me again! Thanks from Connie B.
This is a great old recipe that I cooked in an old steel pot. I cook a whole lot of things in that pot.
I have been wanting peas for quite a long time now. I used to go to the fields and pick all types of them and bring back home to sit on the porch and shell. Those were the day’s. But as they is only myself now, I have not wanted to make them for just me for quite a few years now.
I decided what the heck, I want some peas. So I bought the hamhocks and peas at the store and came home and put this pot of peas together. I am glad that I did. They lasted me for many days.
The recipe is: A frozen bag of peas–zipper-white acre-pink eye etc. etc.
A package of ham hocks.
Cover the ham hocks with water after you wash them off. Boil on high heat for one hour. Then add in the peas and cook on medium for one hour. Make sure the water covers the ham hocks. About thirty minutes before done add in four tablespoons of bacon grease and maybe a teaspoon of salt or less. Enjoy over rice.
This is the old country ways of cooking and eating. Add this to meat and bread and you have a fine meal. I only cook in small amounts so I am sorry that the whole dinner is not there.
I hope you come back again as I post on Thur-Sat and Tuesdays.
Ingredients are 4 cups of black eyed peas (cooked or canned).
1 can of rinsed and drained kidney beans and also green beans.
2 cloves of minced garlic-1/4 cup diced onion-1/2 cup apple cider vinegar.
4 Tablespoons of honey-1/4 cup of olive oil-1 tsp. of salt and also pepper. 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes. You could add red and green bell pepper but as I can’t eat them raw’ she left those out for me.
In a medium bowl combine all spices and honey and vinegar. Combine all three beans with olive oil and onion and then add all together in one bowl. Refridgerate for 4 hours before serving. This is a great salad to take along to an event!