Hi there. Hope you are having a glorious day on this beautiful and rainy Saturday. As for me, I love the rainy days. Ok now on to this Saturday post for my blog.
I have a treasure of my heart that was passed down to me from a woman with the most loving heart and soul. She gave love and care to everyone she came in contact with for her entire life. She touched so many in this world and taught me how to love others also.
Anyway, the treasure that she handed down to me, is an old glass butter-churn with wooden paddles in the jar. She was my Mother-in-law and this had been passed down to her through her mom and her mom’s mom. You know, way down the line to me. I treasure this with my life!
All the generations of women in the family made butter in this churn. As I was in the family when my kids were small and all my nieces and nephews (aka all the kids). We had every one of them make butter in this churn. Now they are all grown. But this craft was passed through the generations as I adore doing.
Spin the paddle for quite a while until you have a big lump of butter appear. When finished then your pour it through a sieve(strainer) that is lined with cheese-cloth to get the buttermilk out of it. Make biscuits with this buttermilk!
Next, you continue to keep rinsing the butter in the sieve with (cold) water only, until the water runs clear. If you don’t do this washing then your butter will not keep it will go sour.
Wrap in syran wrap or put in covered bowl and keep in fridge.
This little recipe is not editable. It is a soothing and calming lotion for your aching back, neck, shoulders, etc. Most of your body parts but not all. It is not for your under carriage. If you know what I mean.
Let me say as always, that I am not a Dr. and am not prescribing anything for anyone. I just know that I made this up around 20 years ago and to this very day, I still use this.
This is very close to Ben Gay and that is the exact reason, that I named it Back Heaven.
The oils that you have to buy can be found at Health Stores or Drug Stores. It is a little expensive, like possibly $13.00 a bottle. But this stuff last for 10 years or even more for me.
Purchase wintergreen oil and cinnamon oil. If there is not an eyedropper in the bottle, get yourself one, at the store. Also a bottle of body lotion. I just use a cheap lotion named Suave.
The Recipe is: 1/2 cup of lotion
4 drops of cinnamon oil and 4 drops of wintergreen oil
Put this into a cup and stir together and then keep it in a little covered container in the medicine cabinet. Do not let a child get into this! It is hot stuff for your back and not for kids at all.
Mine lasts me forever and when it does run out, I just make up some more. Again this is my homemade recipe that has worked for over 20 years, but I am no Dr. I am just a Southern Woman that is forever learning. Please use only a small amount of rub on your fingertip as this is powerful and hot.
Thank you for visiting my blog and please share it and do come back for more stuff. And again if I have helped you in any small way, then please consider helping me out, with a small donation. I would appreciate it so very much.
I wanted to see how this worked so I did it and I love it! It is crunchy and salty, nothing like the sour stuff in a can that has a tinny taste to me.
Sauerkraut fermenting.A large jar of jelly is sitting on top of a large lid, acting as a weight. It worked rather well.
I used two large heads of cabbage and rinsed them well. You can shred these by many different ways, but I used a large knife. After cutting the cabbages thinly. I put them into a large bowl.
Then I added three tbsp. of kosher salt ( sea salt or canning salt) would also work. I mixed well with my hands and then I used a potato masher to bruise the cabbage by mashing down pretty hard for a while. This starts the juices flowing.
Next I put this in my crock and made my weight with the lid and jelly jar on top of it. Then I covered it with a clean dish towel and put a rubber band on it. For three days I let this sit out on my counter and mashed it down for three times each day. If the juice does not cover the top of the cabbage, then just add some water with a tbsp of salt in it and pour over the top. Just to cover it.
You would think that this would stink to high heaven, but it does not. I was amazed.
The finished product.
I used the water bath canning method with the cabbage at room temperature and the water in the canning pot also at room temperature. I processed this for 20 minutes.
If you need canning instructions, just find the water bath canning page on my blog. Thank you for visiting my blog and please do come back soon. I post on Tue-Thur-Sat.
Today will be a short post about an old remedy from the past.
Have you ever had a painful sty on your eyelid? When I was younger, I used to get one of those from time to time. A wise older granny, told me how to fix that problem and I have always used it since way back then.
If you have a gold ring and I,m sure that most of you do. This is how you do it! (Remember that song?) It just came to my mind. But anyway, back to the remedy now.
You just wear the ring and rub it across your jeans really fast. It does get hot. Just put the edge of that ring on the sty on your eyelid. You can do this once or you can do this twice. But this has always made the sty go away for me.
As usual, I am not a Dr. and I make no claims for this to heal you. But as for myself, you know that I believe in the old ways, if you have been visiting my website.
Sorry I said this would be a short post, I guess I do not know that word! Thank you for visiting and do please share this site with your friends and please do come back again, on Tue-Thur-Sat I post new things.
You start out with a pint mason jar and fill it half full with whiskey or vodka or maybe even brandy. Next you fill it to within one inch from the top of the jar with molasses.
Add in 5 tsp. of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Take 5 peppermint candies and crush them. You could put in a bag and whack them with a rolling-pin. Put those in the jar.
Now you start a medium pot of water boiling on the stove. Then turn it off. Then you shake-shake-shake the mason jar, with the lid on. Now just sit the jar down in the water for an hour or two and then shake it some more and it will mix up better now.
Adults take 2 tbsp. and maybe big kids a tsp. I am not a Dr. so I am not claiming that this will cure you. But as for me, I believe in the old ways/
Thank you for visiting my site and please do share it with others. Come back soon. I put up new posts on Tue-Thur-Sat.
This is an awesome recipe and so easy to make, with such few ingredients.
Recipe is: A bag a frozen mixed vegetables ( not the small size).
Two cans of cream of chicken soup — two well seasoned cooked chicken breast, cubed in one- inch cubes. one egg yolk with a little milk with it.
Two cans of crescent rolls. A half-cup of butter.
After is the first photo.
Use a 13×9 pan and spray it down. Put the oven on 350 degrees.
First, empty the bag of frozen vegetables into a baking dish. Then pour cream of chicken soup over the vegetables. Then put cubed well -seasoned chicken on top of the soup.
Open the two cans of crescent rolls and put strips of it on the top layer, you use it all. Last pour 1/2 cup of melted butter on top. Whisk together the egg yolk and milk (1/8 of a cup) or less milk. Paintbrush this all over the top of the casserole.
Bake for 40 minutes until nicely browned.
I found this recipe on the Stivers Family Homestead, a YouTube channel that I dearly love to watch as they are such an adorable little family. I will add a link on my page Links I follow if you wish to check it out.
Thank you for visiting and please share-share-share my page to help me get it out there on the web. Please do come back.
https://www.wisdomforpennies.com I found this recipe on one of my favorite YouTube channels. The name of it is called Stivers Homestead.
This is a story of long ago. It is a little embarrassing for me to tell. But it is true.
Back in the 90’s we had a construction job that we were doing in Montgomery Alabama. It was all doors and crown molding for each of many apartments.
My Mother-in-law missed us so badly, and we missed her too. So she wanted us to come to Florida to get her and move her up to Alabama with us. We loved her dearly and so off we went to get her and her stuff.
We made a fast turn around trip and headed back to Alabama. Once we hit town, she wanted to go to the grocery store to get items for a really good supper. The store was on the Causeway right across from where we lived.
Her and I got out to run into the store, but as we were getting out of the truck to go in, I spotted a homeless person looking at us. So I told her that let’s go this way to avoid him. Because we were almost broke and did not have money to give him.
So we avoided him and walked another way to the store. Well we finished getting our groceries and came back to the truck. But the truck would not start for anything. My husband kept trying and raising the hood, as he had been a pretty good mechanic his entire life. But not this time,no way no how.
We sat there wondering how we were going to get home with everyone and the groceries and all my Mother-in-law’s stuff. It was just right across a huge Causeway and down the street a little bit to get there.
Well, no one stopped by to help us, absolutely no one!
We looked up from our thoughts and there was the hobo, you see, he was the one that did come to help. You talk about shame, you have no idea of how bad that I felt about what I said and how I avoided him on the way in to the store. I had to keep asking God to forgive me and so did everyone in that truck, feel the same way as I did.
Well that guy found and fixed the problem in a few minutes flat. We were so tired from the long day we had been through. I looked in my purse and found the last of the money that we had and I had my hand around those two twenty dollar bills, getting ready to give them to him for his helping us, when my Husband said Connie, give him some money. I said, I’m way ahead of you and passed it to my Husband to give to him.
So you never know just who you might be avoiding! I have never forgot this lesson, in my lifetime.
Yesterday I made some barbecue ribs in the crockpot. I figured that I would give out my recipe to you. They were so tender that I almost could not get them out of the crockpot, but I did manage to get them out in pieces so you will not be able to see the whole slab of ribs.
Does this make you hungry?
I also made some zipper peas with ham-hocks in them. It’s been a long time since I cooked zipper peas, for just myself. But they were so very good that I will be doing it more often now.
Here’s the rib recipe: 1 slab of ribs
1 1/2 c brown sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp onion powder
Put sugar and spices in a bowl and whisk together well.
2 c of your favorite barbecue sauce 1/4 c honey Mix well in a small bowl.
Put wax paper on the counter so that you can put this dry rub on both sides of the meat, use it all.
Now transfer the ribs to your crock-pot with the bone part facing inside the crock-pot. Next you use your hand and rub all of the barbecue sauce all over both sides of the meat, use it all.
Set the dial on low and cook for 4 hours. Maybe less if you want to try to get them out of the crock-pot in the whole slab that went in there!
But these are the bomb! I hope you try this recipe and share my site with many friends. Thank you for visiting! #barbecue #ribs
I think that this one is my favorite time saver for fixing any meal that has crumbled hamburger meat in it.
I have tried this two ways and the first way I did not care for at all. That was when I raw packed the raw meat and then canned it. It was well cooked but the meat texture was mushy.
So I will tell about the second method that I used and always will can it this way from then on. First you have everything ready and laid out on the counter, waiting to be used. If you don,t know all these items, go back and look at my pressure canning recipes on this blog. I will describe everything you will need in detail.
I pressure can mine in pint jars as, there is only myself to can for. If you have more than one then you will need to use the quart canning jars which is roughly 2 lbs of meat for each jar. The pints are roughly 1 lb of meat each jar. (This is the poundage that you buy in the store). I do get mine at Save-A-Lot, when they have it on sale at $1.99 a lb. It beats paying $5 a lb.
The Technique: Brown all your hamburger meat until almost done. It will finish cooking in the canner. I do drain the meat. Put your pressure canner on the stove and have it filled to the lowest fill line mark that is inside the pot, with cold water from the tap. Add a dash of vinegar to the water to help with the lime in the water. (It helps the jars look prettier). Set the temperature on #5, which is low heat. You are getting the jars and meat, both around the same temp.(There is hot-warm or cold water and jar temps.) We are doing warm temp.
Use a funnel to fill your jars with the meat and press it down with your hand in each jar, until they are packed down well and filled to within 1 inch from the top of the jar. I do not use water or anything else in the jars. Use paper napkins that are dipped in vinegar to wipe tops of jars off well. Then put the seal and lid on each jar.
Just finger tight on those bands on the jars. Air must be able to escape from the jars. Put the jars in the canner now. Place canning lid on the pot now, with the jiggy pressure valve removed for later. Set your stove knob up to number 7 now. Please Google your altitude for pressure canning if you do not live in Florida as I do. For mine in Florida, the pints go for 10 lbs pressure for 75 minutes and the quarts for 90 minutes, but your altitude may be different for you so please check if you need to.
Ok now for the hard part, the waiting, when you have steam spouting out the pressure valve for 10 minutes. (I do 5 myself). Then you can put the pressure valve on the pot and watch for the number dial to climb up to 10 lbs of pressure.(Mine is the 23 quart Prestige Pressure Canner). When it reaches 10 lbs pressure, then I turn my stove burner dial down to number 4. Now set your timer for the 75 or 90 minutes, depending on the pint or quart jar ,used. Now you will really be keeping an eye on the number dial!
If it goes over the number 10 lb pressure, turn knob down to 3 and vice versa. The goal is to keep it around the number 10 for the whole canning time.You can check every 10 to 15 minutes until you reach your goal. When timer goes off, just turn off the stove and go into the cooldown phase, for an hour. Just walk away for the hour. Only then can you take the lid off! Pull each jar out with a jar lifter as they are still boiling hot. Place on a kitchen towel on the counter, right next to the stove.
This is not too pretty, but consider that it,s cooked and ready to use. And will store for at least 3 years. And is 1 lb of meat.My burrito from canned meat.Building a burrito.Last but not least the tacos. It needed a pretty napkin in the basket.
So all this meal needed to be complete,was for the meat to be heated with some taco seasoning and a dash of water.
I opened a can of chili beans and heated those with garlic,accent and dried onions and mashed them up a little. And prep your cheese and veggies. Now get out your sour-cream and Taco Bell fire hot sauce.
My kitchen was only hot for about 12 minutes, while cooking this delicious meal with lots of leftovers.
This has always been one of my favorites. Hot nacho’s smothered in hot and gooey melted cheese with lots of jalapeno peppers.
Back in the year of 1984 when I was pregnant with my Son, I craved these things and they were cheap at the Indian Store that was in the neighborhood, so that was my wish from the store. It’s kinda funny because when my Son was a wee little one, he loved these also. The peppers and all.
Now days I keep tortilla chips and jalapenos in the house. I also keep boxed cheese in the house.
My recipe: Cut off a 1 inch thickness slice of the cheese
Put tortilla chips on a plate Have 1/4 c milk or even less nearby
Chop up jalapeno peppers first- have tortilla chips on a plate to warm in microwave.
Put cheese in a melting bowl for the microwave and add the milk by the Tablespoons only. Maybe start with 2. Stay beside the microwave as you are melting this, to keep checking to see if you need more milk or so that it will not burn the cheese. If you happen to use too much milk, then you can add a little more cheese to get it to thicken into a nice cheese sauce.
Take out of microwave and put in chips to heat for a very short while as they will catch on fire, ask me how I know. Then you stir the peppers into the cheese sauce and spoon all over the tortilla chips.
Now sit right down and enjoy these while they are hot!