July 2020 Preppers

Make your own absorbers

This is for the preppers out there. You know who you are, the ones that believe in storing food. I believe even 10 years would do for the times that we are in today! I have decided that I am not happy with this procedure using steel wool so I am making changes to use the cat litter ,absorbent crystals, method instead.

You use the new type of unscented, mini crystals. These absorb all moisture and has no smell. I just use an envelope and put 6 tbsp. in it, Then I seal the envelope and fill a food-grade bucket with wheat berries and then place on the top of the berries and seal the bucket.

I did try an experiment that used a small amount of crystals in a cup. I then poured a small amount of water over the crystals and it dried up all the water. I did this twice and had the same result. Then I added three times the water to the same mix and it took some days, but I had the same good result. No water.

For a baggie of food just use paper to make a tiny envelope and put 1 tbsp. of the cat litter in it and staple, it shut. I learned this off of the internet as I was searching, so, no I have not lost my mind. On the steel wool idea, I felt that shaving might have worked their way into the stored food. So I changed this. I am so very sorry to have misled anyone.

And you want to make sure that it stays safe and editable after all that food prepping work that you had to go through and after spending a lot of money on your supplies, you could use a price break.

Well, here it is! You already know that you could be using mylar bags or not and then you still need the oxygen absorbers to put in each bag or bucket and they can cost a pretty penny.

On the mylar bags, the 5 -gallon ones look pretty nice for big families and the 2-gallon ones look pretty nice for only myself as I am only one to be calling myself a prepper so I will use the 2-gallon bags. I have decided not to use the mylar bags as I have waited a long time for them to come in the mail and they sent me the 4×6 sized bags instead of the 2- gallon sized ones that I ordered. I have wasted enough time waiting already.

This is what they sent me! I guess I could stock bubble gum in them. Twenty of these useless, and too tiny little bags. Ugg. I am not happy.

I can just see getting 15 lbs of wheat berries in there and 25 lbs of dried corn also. So I will use my homemade absorbers and a hand-full of bay leaves also in each 5-gallon bucket that I make up.

I am sorry if you already knew this! I am trying to help the others that do not know.

I would be thankful for small donations to my site and they are very welcomed by me, and would help me to prep more If I have helped you, please consider helping me out with small things.

Thank you for visiting my page and please come back. #absorbers #preppers #storage #food #learning

I am not a professional prepper or teacher on food storage, but I have canned-dehydrated-frozen-gardened and prepared foods from scratch, all of my life, and these things work for me. I did find the cat litter remedy on so I give this beautiful awesome lady the credit for this tip.

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