I finally broke down and fixed a seafood platter. I wanted catfish and scallops too, but I really did not need them!
Hello from North Florida on this muggy, muggy day. My wish is for everyone to stay safe from the storms that are approaching.
I do not know about you but I love seafood! And I had been wanting this for a while now. I chose for my seafood platter, shrimp. deviled clams on the shell and last but not least some hushpuppies with lots of onion and corn, inside them.
The clamshells were cooked in the hot air-fryer with a spray of olive oil, over the tops. The shrimp was deveined and peeled and rinsed well for shells. Then I used a fish batter to bread them and fried them in oil (lard).
The hushpuppies were made with my old standby recipe. 1 cup of self-rising flour and 1 cup of white cornmeal.
1 egg
1 small can of corn (drained).
1 chopped onion
Add enough water to make this a thick batter that will drop off a spoon and into a frying pan that is half-filled with hot oil (lard).
As these get done, they will flip over to the other side to cook to a golden brown beautiful color. And then they are done.
It’s a beautiful blue sky day in North Florida, as I sit looking out my window at the cherry blossoms on the tree. It’s an image that I would love to have forever on my mind.
On to the recipe for today, it is a short little one but a mighty powerful tasting one.
You will need 1/2 cup of ketchup and 1 tsp. of horseradish sauce.
Start this mixture in a small way and then add more horseradish if you want it hotter. Or more ketchup if you need it milder.
Last week I found a shrimp sale at Publix and I got two-pounds of medium-sized shrimp at $6.00 a pound. I took these home and bagged up about 17 shrimp per baggie for 5 bags of shrimp.
This does not sound like much of a meal, does it? But while I was at Publix they also had the stuffed clam-shells for $1.00 each so I got 6 and bagged those up separately in baggies.
So when I am ready for a seafood dinner, I have shrimp clams and also scallops in the freezer. I just fry up a few fish and hushpuppies to go with it.
So small things in small packages can be really nice.
Good morning everybody. I hope that you are warm and well on this Thursday morning. I have a new recipe for you, and it just might, keep you warm.
As you can see in the photo, it is a big steaming pot of clam chowder with a big side of garlic bread to cut into slices and dip into the chowder. This made so much chowder that I had to call a friend that is from Connecticut to come and get some.
Now, I did have to tell her that it won’t be like her memories of clam chowder. This is just from a southern country girl that is trying to make a good chowder. And, good it is!
Let me try to remember what I put in that pot. As you know, I like to create my own recipes and am not good about following along on a recipe.
1/2 c of ham with fat (diced) small or 6 slices of bacon chopped
1/2 big vidella onion sliced 1 TBSP of diced garlic (jar) type
3 cooked carrots ( canned) will do. 2 TBSP dried celery (fresh will do) chopped
Saute all these items in a big pot. But add the garlic in at the very last few minutes. Put all this aside until later needed.
Now for more of the recipe.
3 med red potatoes or other potatoes diced into 1/4 inch cubes (very small)
2 quarts of water 1 bottle of clam juice 3 cans of clams with the juice ( tuna sized cans)
quart of milk cup of heavy cream
1/2 c flour (mixed in cold tap water in a cup 1/2 c to a cup of corn starch (I used a full cup) blended into a dish of tap water (Start out with 1/2 c cornstarch and add more if needed, later)
1 tsp Accent 2 tsp salt ( I use pink Hymalian)
Tbsp parsley and 1 tsp black pepper.
Back to put this recipe together now.
Use the big pot with all the sauteed veggies and ham or (bacon) and put in the 2 quarts of water. Add in the red potatoes. Cook this on med-high for 15 minutes. You can add in your accent, salt, pepper also.
Open you 3 cans of clams with the juice and pour into the pot. Add the bottle of clam juice also. Add in the milk and cream and parsley.
Cook on medium heat until it gets good and hot.
Time to add the flour and water. Have a whisk nearby to beat out any lumps.
Now you can start with 1/2 cup of corn starch stirred into a little water in a bowl to make a slurry of this mixture. Add to the pot and be stirring well. Stay with this pot of chowder from now on and keep stirring. Or it will burn.
You are working on making this clam chowder thick and not be runny. At this point, mine was not thick enough for me so I had to add the other 1/2 cup of corn starch slurry and it was thick enough in minutes and ready to eat.
As for my garlic bread, I like to have soft, room temperature butter with a TBSP of jarred garlic, spread over the bread, and broiled just until lightly browned, mine was getting dark on the edges so I had to do with what I had. But this makes awesome garlic bread which I sliced into breadsticks and dipped into my soup mug of steaming hot clam chowder.
To all the Northerners, I am sorry if I have butchered your clam chowder recipe. I am just a Southern girl and I try to make everything that I cook the very best dish.
Thanks for visiting me today and check out some recipes if you have the time. I will post again on Sat-Tue and Thursday. Thank you again. ConnieB.
Hello, hello, hello on this foggy Florida morning. You could almost slice it with a knife. Makes me think of that song that has (cuts like a knife). Now that song is stuck in my head for the rest of the day!
This post is for the fish sandwich lovers, all over the world. I would normally go for the burger, but not with this fish sandwich on the menu as a choice. I absolutely love this sandwich.
My last post had the recipe for the fish. So this is what I did with the leftovers. All I had to do was heat it up very slightly and slap a piece of cheddar cheese on it. I toasted a hamburger bun and made up some homemade tartar sauce with some of my canned bread and butter pickles. (PS if you can some of these, use medium to small cukes). As the large pickles that I used for canning bread and butter pickles, ended up with tough rinds so I just cut off the rinds and made up my tartar sauce.
As you have, by now guessed. This recipe is for the tartar sauce. Bread and butter pickles with mayo and a dash of lemon juice is all that you will need to make up this fresh and yummy tartar sauce for a very nice fish sandwich. You could change up the pickle type if you don’t like the bread and butter pickles. But to me, this makes the sandwich!
Thank you for your visit to my blog today and I do hope that you will try this recipe and share it around with good people. I will post again on Sat-Tue- and Thursday. So feel free to browse and come back often. Connie B. #CONNIEBRECIPESWISDOMFORPENNIES
Hello, to all, from a rainy North Florida day. I hope that all is well with you and your families. Here’s a recipe to help, cheer you up.
This is a fish and chips recipe that I found on-line. It comes from a cowboy by the name of Kent Rollins so the credit for this awesome recipe goes all to him.
As you can plainly see, I had coleslaw instead of the chips that would have also been really good, I imagine. For the ingredients, I used codfish
1 package of Cod
1 tall beer (the beer is for the recipe).
1 c flour (self-rising). 4 tsp baking powder
1/2 c cornstarch 1 tsp Greek Seasoning and 1/2 tsp salt
1/8th c cornstarch
Oil for frying in a cast iron pan (or other pan).
Cut the fish in half, into strips.
I rinse all my meats and fish before I prepare them. So lightly rinse the fish and then use lots of paper towels to blot the fish completely dry.
The next step is to have the oil heating up in the frying pan to a medium- high.
Have a plate with 1/8th cup of cornstarch on it. Use a medium bowl to mix everything else in. Have the oil at 350 degrees.
Batter the fish with the cornstarch and then batter with the wet batter and slowly add to the hot frying pan. Cook until brown on one side and then flip the fish and fry the other side.
This plate of fish was so good that I enjoyed it with no sauces on it. Just fish and coleslaw!
I do hope that if you have never tried fish fried this way, that You will try this recipe out. It favors Long John Silver’s fish recipe.
Thank you for visiting me today and do browse around to see more of my recipes while you are here.
Feel free to share my recipes with your friends and families if you wish. Thank you again. Connie B